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Nyc-bos Shuttle


Aug 21, 2002
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South Norwalk, CT
Buried in a NY Times article last week, regarding DL dropping its food purchase-on-board program, the reporter said that DL will be experiencing more pressure in the near future in that David Neeleman was quoted as saying B6 intends to use the 190s for a NYC-BOS shuttle. I don't think they specified which NY airport, however.
I saw a similiar article that mentioned JFK, which probably makes sense (unless more slots become available @ LGA).

If those flights come in at under $200 for a r/t - THEY WILL BE FULL!!!! Just my thoughts........
Lets assume that the US and Delta Shuttles AA Eagle, and CO via EWR match the jetBlue fare, will jetBlue be able to get a decent share of the NYC-BOS market via JFK as compared to LGA and EWR. I don't think it will be a slam dunk for jetBlue.
jimmyd said:
Lets assume that the US and Delta Shuttles AA Eagle, and CO via EWR match the jetBlue fare, will jetBlue be able to get a decent share of the NYC-BOS market via JFK as compared to LGA and EWR. I don't think it will be a slam dunk for jetBlue.

That's a good point. The one thing I can say is that customer service will be much better than the above mentioned carriers. I take the shuttles and the customer service has been lacking since 9/11. God help you if you take the express carriers, they are truly a three ring circus. I can not believe what a lousy product US Airways Express has become. Sad.
I think Blue can make it work and bleed the others at the same time. I hate how US and UA get to hide in BK and B6 and WN have to face them on an unlevel playing surface. Go Blue!! Just my thoughts......
coolflyingfool said:
I hate how US and UA get to hide in BK...
No matter how many people say it, no matter how many times they say it, bankruptcy is still not a competitive advantage.