NOW the truth comes out. And, N O W it all makes sense !!!!!

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  • #16
Desperate Times (Pandemic) demand strong Measures.
Any IDIOT understands that.

Then again, if some FOOL wants to play Russian Roulette, Have at it, BUT, Don't think of being around ME, when you opted-out of a proven vaccine !
Don't think of being around ME, when you opted-out of a proven vaccine !

You're always free to shelter in place and give up your freedoms if you're still afraid of the virus.

As for the "proven vaccine".... the only thing it's proven to be is pretty much ineffective at preventing spread or infection.

I'm not buying the hype that it prevented more serious complications. If you look at the effects Omicron had in countries with very low vaccination rates, it's not that different from the US. Even the New York Times has started to question the data.

It's too bad the Democrats went all-in on the vaccine and science bandwagon. Had they kept their pre-election posture about the Trump vaccine being dangerous, they could be blaming him for its ineffectiveness.

But..... they can't. Instead, they and the CDC held back data that might have let people make decisions based on..... science.

The C.D.C. has been routinely collecting information since the Covid vaccines were first rolled out last year, according to a federal official familiar with the effort. The agency has been reluctant to make those figures public, the official said, because they might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective.
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  • #18
You're always free to shelter in place and give up your freedoms if you're still afraid of the virus.

As for the "proven vaccine".... the only thing it's proven to be is pretty much ineffective at preventing spread or infection.

I'm not buying the hype that it prevented more serious complications. If you look at the effects Omicron had in countries with very low vaccination rates, it's not that different from the US. Even the New York Times has started to question the data.

It's too bad the Democrats went all-in on the vaccine and science bandwagon. Had they kept their pre-election posture about the Trump vaccine being dangerous, they could be blaming him for its ineffectiveness. was unable to attack my LUNGS

But..... they can't. Instead, they and the CDC held back data that might have let people make decisions based on..... science.

Beautiful. NOW YOU'RE a F Physician.

After 2 Pfizer shots, 6 months later after the Effectiveness started to wane, I got a NASTY "DELTA" (the WORST of ALL) breakthrough infection. (4 days in ICU, B U T 'it' was Unable to attack my L U N G S . Down the hall 'they' were dropping like flies ) !!!!!

The nurses told me, that those who DID'NT MAKE IT, were vastly unvaccinated !!

Upon discharge, several doc's' told me, " You had a serious "DELTA" case, BUT the reason you're going home today is because you had the 2 initial Pfizer shots. (hence NO LUNG Trouble) !!

Then a BOOSTER, and ZERO problems since

Did the vaccine work ? You're G-D right it does/did !!!

Soooo. Who to believe. Dr. Fauci /CDC, or Dr. KEVORKIAN - Eolesen ???

A NO - Brainer Answer !!!

EVEN the "ORANGE - TURD " got his " 3 " shots !

Eric. Maybe you'd be better at COLONOSCOPY !!!!!

U D S O B !
These " Christians ", are no different today, than the Religious NUT JOBS like John Calvin/Martin Luther some 5/6 hundred years ago.
Just another attack on Christianity by the left.

Shocking that you're embracing the Canadian government's tactics.

You're proving to be an absolute hypocrite when it comes to supporting the Working Man against The Man....
Party before principle.

Typical leftist.

I can't seem to get the word EVANGELIZING, out of my head !!
Sounds like a you problem.

You're the ultimate hypocrite, Bears. Typical TWU lifer. You got yours, so screw everyone else.
Why state the obvious?

Their own union Teamsters never supported their action. And the courts ruled against them.
Again, party before principle. UNIONs are not UNIONs anymore. People like Bears have not yet tumbled to that fact. UNIONs have become nothing more than money laundering schemes for the left.

You really have to ask? Wouldn’t be the first time big bosses at a union like the Teamsters chose their own interests ahead of their members.
Or the last.

That's why they have Local Union meetings, and things are put on the floor, for a VOTE.
That's how they got the Association. :rolleyes:

You're a real sellout. Supporting The Man instead of the Working Man.
He's not a sellout, just a liar. He is staying true to what he has always believed. He has ALWAYS been a card carrying member of IGM. The only difference is now he is being more open and honest about it. Bears is for whatever Bears thinks benefits Bears. Years of post history have made that abundantly clear.

You see he is not a sellout because the only thing he ever really cared about is himself, and he is sticking to that modus operandi.

He would watch this country slide right into communism and oppression as long as they keep sending that government cheese.
Bears, I wouldn't trust Fauci to load my dishwasher.

That vaccine and booster worked so well that you caught the disease you were immunized against....

In any other context, people would be calling that an abject failure.

Because the Dems have politicized this so much, they have to call failure a success. And idiots like you lap it up.

(and if it didn't attack your lungs, chances are you probably had Omicron, not Delta. Omicron doesn't go after the lungs.)
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  • #21
Bears, I wouldn't trust Fauci to load my dishwasher.

That vaccine and booster worked so well that you caught the disease you were immunized against....

In any other context, people would be calling that an abject failure.

Because the Dems have politicized this so much, they have to call failure a success. And idiots like you lap it up.

(and if it didn't attack your lungs, chances are you probably had Omicron, not Delta. Omicron doesn't go after the lungs.)

I caught " DELTA ", after the first 2 shots ! ( NOW ERIC, pay CLOSE CLOSE ATTENTION), But BEFORE my BOOSTER shot.

COMPRENDE ??????????????
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  • #22
Just another attack on Christianity by the left.

Party before principle.

Typical leftist.

Sounds like a you problem.

Why state the obvious?

Again, party before principle. UNIONs are not UNIONs anymore. People like Bears have not yet tumbled to that fact. UNIONs have become nothing more than money laundering schemes for the left.

Or the last.

That's how they got the Association. :rolleyes:

He's not a sellout, just a liar. He is staying true to what he has always believed. He has ALWAYS been a card carrying member of IGM. The only difference is now he is being more open and honest about it. Bears is for whatever Bears thinks benefits Bears. Years of post history have made that abundantly clear.

You see he is not a sellout because the only thing he ever really cared about is himself, and he is sticking to that modus operandi.

He would watch this country slide right into communism and oppression as long as they keep sending that government cheese.

You ' OKIES " are totally F UP !
Communism ? NOBODY wants Communism !!!!!!!!!!
But I'd welcome, living under govts like in NORWAY or DENMARK, ICELAND, or the Netherlands, countries where you don't see Evangelical Protestantism, INFECTING peoples MINDS !!!

If you're going to try and talk about something you don't know about, at least Google it first.

The Church of Denmark, Church of Sweden and Church of Norway are all........... wait for it...... Evangelical Lutheran.

Denmark still has a state Church. Sweden only dispensed with it about 20 years ago, and Norway has been in a hybrid state where the Church is its own legal entity as of six years ago, however they receive public funding and access/use to facilities and staff at public universities.

All three countries require that their monarchs belong to.... the respective evangelical Church of Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

We get it. You hate religion. Must be Tuesday.
I caught " DELTA ", after the first 2 shots ! ( NOW ERIC, pay CLOSE CLOSE ATTENTION), But BEFORE my BOOSTER shot.

COMPRENDE ??????????????
Guess you haven't read about CDC and their suppressing data on booster shots, and 'breakthrough' infection's, did ya?

Something about thy didn't want you and me to think the vax didn't work....I have a sneaking suspicion the same will come out about the original twosey shots.
Glad I got the J&J instead of that engineered mRNA crap.

Funny how all those places that rushed to mandate the jab have stayed mostly silent on mandated boosters... I wonder why,

Yeah, a few government agencies and uber-liberal Apple are mandating it, but let's see how long that charade lasts.
But I'd welcome, living under govts like in NORWAY or DENMARK, ICELAND, or the Netherlands, countries where you don't see Evangelical Protestantism, INFECTING peoples MINDS !!!


If you're going to try and talk about something you don't know about, at least Google it first.

The Church of Denmark, Church of Sweden and Church of Norway are all........... wait for it...... Evangelical Lutheran.

Denmark still has a state Church. Sweden only dispensed with it about 20 years ago, and Norway has been in a hybrid state where the Church is its own legal entity as of six years ago, however they receive public funding and access/use to facilities and staff at public universities.

All three countries require that their monarchs belong to.... the respective evangelical Church of Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

We get it. You hate religion. Must be Tuesday.
I mean you have to laugh.

Bears is always ready to play the part of the clown.

Communism ? NOBODY wants Communism !!!!!!!!!!
Are you even paying attention to what the hell is going on in Canada right now Bears? Justin Turdeau is cut from the same cloth as the American left. You would have to be willfully blind not to see it.
I mean you have to laugh.

Bears is always ready to play the part of the clown.
We can debate the merits of this protest and/or of groups should have the right to peaceably protest, but I think the invoking of emergency powers-and how far it reaches- is a much more concerning. The idea of the government being able to freeze the accounts of anyone even tangentially tied to this protests is dangerous.

It's easy to root against people whose ideas you disagree with, but to that I respond by asking, what if Trump had frozen the accounts of people who supported BLM and/or George Floyd protests?
Yup. Canada can get away with that because they have no absolute rights as compared to our Bill of Rights.

Instead, rights under the Canadian Charter are able to be limited at the Government's whim. And it's legal.

Our system might be flawed, but our Founders knew what they were breaking away from. Canda's apparently didn't pay close enough attention.
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  • #30

If you're going to try and talk about something you don't know about, at least Google it first.

The Church of Denmark, Church of Sweden and Church of Norway are all........... wait for it...... Evangelical Lutheran.

Denmark still has a state Church. Sweden only dispensed with it about 20 years ago, and Norway has been in a hybrid state where the Church is its own legal entity as of six years ago, however they receive public funding and access/use to facilities and staff at public universities.

All three countries require that their monarchs belong to.... the respective evangelical Church of Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

We get it. You hate religion. Must be Tuesday.

You mean,

Norway, Sweden and Denmark are 'DUNKING' folks still, in Rivers, Lakes and Ponds ??

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