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Now that's leadership!

Ken MacTiernan

Aug 12, 2003
Reaction score
San Diego CA
August 16, 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Yesterday Judge Lane "temporarily" rejected "without prejudice" American’s motion to reject its collective bargaining agreement with the APA. The judge found that all aspects of the Company’s 1113 proposal –i.e. its term sheet-- common to all three unions were reasonable. He found that two aspects of the proposal which applied only to the pilot’s contract – the demand for the unlimited right to codeshare and furlough – was unreasonable because it went beyond what is typically imposed in bankruptcy. The Company was allowed to refile its motion after correcting these two "deficiencies". Indeed, the judge went so far as to suggest how the Company could change its codesharing proposal to get the flexibility it was entitled to.

Two points are important. First, the ruling is good for us, and we congratulate the pilots who we have worked with closely throughout this process. So long as the pilot’s contract is not abrogated no concessions can be imposed on our members unless the pilots reach a consensual arrangement for concessions.

Second, the court – as we have explained throughout—was ruling on the reasonableness of the 1113 term sheet, not the offer the pilot’s rejected last week. That offer, in fact, had less onerous provisions with respect to code sharing and furloughs. The Company may well adjust its term sheets to reflect the actual offer on these items and return to court. While we will support the pilots attempt to resist rejection, we all know the matter does not end with this ruling as the court itself made clear.

The opinion itself gives little reason to hope that we would have or will do better with the judge. The judge went out of his way to stress that AA was not only entitled to financial concessions, but also to the exact amount of economic relief it demanded from the pilots. It sided with the Company on every valuation dispute. It validated a series of

onerous concessions including major changes to the pilot scope clause allowing for increased regional flying by non APA members. It acknowledged that the term sheet would leave the pilot’s below industry standard, but noted that this was the normal result of bankruptcy proceedings.

We respect and support the APA and stand to benefit if they successfully resist abrogation. But, the judge specifically stated that American could not successfully reorganize with its present pilot contract and, given this finding, there is little reason to believe that the Company will not eventually secure the economic relief it has demanded.


Garry Drummond

Director Air Transport Division

GD:kla opeiu 153 afl-cio


ATD Staff

Wow! My unelected Director of the ATD says "we" respect and support the APA and stand to benefit if they successfully resist abrogation? Who exactly is "we"? Gary and the other unelected international union officials aren't going to "benefit" from anything because they never sacrificed anything to loose. So the twu atd is happy to let the APA stand tall and fight the company by voting no on their t/a but Gary promoted a yes vote. The APA President at least resigned his position which was honorable. Can't wait till I get a ballot to vote Gary into office.
O'h boy, MacTiernan is at it again. The mighty mouse that roared!

Are you the same MacTiernan that got elected to office and bailed out when the going got tough?
O'h boy, MacTiernan is at it again. The mighty mouse that roared!

Are you the same MacTiernan that got elected to office and bailed out when the going got tough?

I'm at what again exactly? I was ELECTED into office, yes. drummond did NOT get elected into office by the membership like I did. I did not bail out. I left willingly to promote a craft union. Is there something wrong with putting my energy into something that will better the membership in M&E? I tried the "change from within" and that is nothing but a farce wrapped in a lie. And what exactly got "tough"? Tough for you is hiding behind an alias.

As for the topic of this thread I see how you agree that the appointed, unaccountable international officers "act" as if they are part of "we". They aren't! Until they are elected by the membership and live under "our" contracts they are nothing more than appointed, unaccountable international officers who do not have the respect or trust of the membership.
I'm at what again exactly? I was ELECTED into office, yes. drummond did NOT get elected into office by the membership like I did. I did not bail out. I left willingly to promote a craft union. Is there something wrong with putting my energy into something that will better the membership in M&E? I tried the "change from within" and that is nothing but a farce wrapped in a lie. And what exactly got "tough"? Tough for you is hiding behind an alias.

As for the topic of this thread I see how you agree that the appointed, unaccountable international officers "act" as if they are part of "we". They aren't! Until they are elected by the membership and live under "our" contracts they are nothing more than appointed, unaccountable international officers who do not have the respect or trust of the membership.
There you go again, I thought we connected on our talk in another thread about alias's. You really should go and read about security online, you know the do's and don'ts. Just let google be your friend.
There you go again, I thought we connected on our talk in another thread about alias's. You really should go and read about security online, you know the do's and don'ts. Just let google be your friend.

No worries ken, just look at his avatar with a chin turd. Do you know it's actually a shock absorber.
There you go again, I thought we connected on our talk in another thread about alias's. You really should go and read about security online, you know the do's and don'ts. Just let google be your friend.


Agreeing with the title of this thread makes you comical. There is no leadership in the international because they are not part of "we". If they were part of "we" then "we" would all make what "they" make. Coming out with dribble like this only drives home the fact that there is no accountability at the top.

Agreeing with the title of this thread makes you comical. There is no leadership in the international because they are not part of "we". If they were part of "we" then "we" would all make what "they" make. Coming out with dribble like this only drives home the fact that there is no accountability at the top.

I am just trying to look out for your safety on the net.