Is this true? BK?

On 4/25/2003 1:34:39 PM eolesen wrote:

On 4/24/2003 8:21:06 PM NewHampshire Black Bears wrote:

Save you breath. Half of these clowns, on this board, HAVE NEVER, DON''T NOW, and WILL NEVER(AND DON"T EVER WANT TO KNOW) what it is to be a UNION member, especially a member of one of the last remaining REAL unions in this country,of which the MAJORITY know what it''s like to stand on PRINCIPLE.


Most people don''t need, and more importantly, don''t want someone to tell them what principles they should be standing up for, Bears.

A lot of us can and do figure that out for ourself on a daily basis, and don''t want to pay someone else to do our thinking for us.

Stat for the APFA crowd to consider. I''m told that if you take STL and furloughed members out of the mix, the vote starts to become a lot more like the pilots, i.e. 65/35. Anyone able to dispute/confirm that?

I would place all sorts of money on that, the TWA''rs have much more too lose they will all aautomatically be furloughed as they are at the bottom. Most F/A''s I have spoken to, (none from the TWA side) voted yes. So if and when they publish the voting results, I guarantee you will see 99_100% of TWA voted no.
So, its near 5 pm East and DFW is only an hour behind...Reuters said Friday morning I believe...I know it can be done anytime but I love these "statements of facts" which are just plain and simple conjecture! Anyone remember Dan Rather at the 1980 GOP convention: "The deal is cut"...about Gerald Ford being offered the VP slot in a co-presidency deal with Reagan?
On 4/25/2003 1:34:39 PM eolesen wrote:

I''m told that if you take STL and furloughed members out of the mix, the vote starts to become a lot more like the pilots, i.e. 65/35. Anyone able to dispute/confirm that?


I haven''t seen the vote broken down by base and doubt I ever will, but it''s obvious STL was heavy on the "no" side. I can also say the single issue mentioned most often was the waiving of furlough pay. Second to that was the fact that nothing was gained in exchange for the concessions. We at TWA gained our beloved trading flexibiliy in exchange for our ''92 concessions. The least AA could have offered was raising recall from 5 to at least 7 years and maybe extending passes to furloughees.

If I were a union or company biggie looking for an unpalatable contract to pass I would have looked at these things.


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