Here you go. I've included the line items you discussed, and you can fill in the blanks. Use yourself or another particular FA as an example, since averages seem to so offend you. Feel free to change the before and after wage rates or any other input; this is just a template for you. If it’s easier, just pick a typical month in 2005 and extrapolate to the full year, and do the same for a typical month since the TA was implemented.
Baseline (2005) Total Pay:
Pay Hours: 900 (75 hours per month)
Wage Rate: $45/hr (Avg. for 2005)
Base Wages: $40,500
Short Crew Comp: $$$
Ground Time: $$$
Other (purser, lead, quarterly OT, etc): $$$
Total Wages: $$
Wages Under Imposed TA:
Pay Hours: 1,020 (85 hours per month)
Wage Rate: $36/hr (20% reduction)
Base Wages: $36,720
Short Crew Comp: $$$
Ground Time: $$$
Other (purser, lead, quarterly OT, etc): $$$
Total Wages: $$
Net Reduction in Wages = XX% ((TA Total – 2005 total) / 2005 total)
Since I am not a crew member I have the following
question. How do you interpret the Pay Hours shown.
2005 shows 900 hours versus the 2006 pay hours of 1020.
Does it mean one hay to put in 120 hours per month extra
to earn less money.