???Oh they are probably freaking out about that dwarf star, once a part of our ancient solar system that got projected on a different orbit and supposed to come back during a fly by between Mars(probably why Mars went kaput) and Jupiter. (that causes the pole shifts, screwing up the magnetic field in the process here on our planet)..
Al says its global warming? ha, its that star beginning to pull on our planet shifting the poles slightly to a different position and warming up the glaziers?
you know. Planet X, Nibru, Wormwood.... that one. (The Bible and Mayans talked about it for like forever, that is of course people believe in that..)
Nasa found it in December 1983..
they are probably just over-reacting thinking they have to do something..probably one reason why they were doing their space program..
(The Ice Age is the first hint, something dramatically happens from time to time)
or they think they have an unique opportunity because they believe all we will do now is just talk.
maybe a little bit of both?