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Non Revs Get Out Of Line

tadjr said:
Actually companion passes are, to my knowledge, supposed to be paid for at the counter by the employee so the agent issuing the ticket can verify id and eligibility. Otherwise, I can call in and say I'm someone else and want to give so and so a buddy pass and the agent on the phone has no way to verify I am who I say I am.
You are correct though, that they are issued as etickets now and can be picked up at the airport by the person traveling instead of having to mail them to the traveler.
You can purchase companion passes with credit card by calling travel line and using companion option 2. Keep good records as far as how many you have used if you go over they will deduct full cost out of paycheck.
BoeingBoy said:
A retiree who had less than 20 years (I think that's the right amount of time) has to get a non-rev ticket that's iternerary specific - say GSO-PIT-DEN or GSO-CLT-DEN. Since they pay a fee per non-rev pass which the kiosk won't take, they have to go thru the live agent.
This is the biggest bunch of garbage I've seen yet. What a slap in the face of our retirees. For some, this rule changed after they retired. I suppose the company sees this as a major revenue raiser.

No disagreement from me. And the reason they have to go back to the ticket counter for the reissue if the iternerary changes is because they have to pay the extra fees (PFC's, security, etc) on top of the per pass charge. Since some of these fees can be different at different airports, they cannot get an open routing.

A slap in the face of the retirees and a potential large workload for fewer and fewer ticket counter agents.

Thanks for the heads up on the call for companions. Since I work at the ATO I dont have a problem getting by the counter to get one issued and wasnt aware of this option. 😀
Since its done via the list line, then (hopefully) only you would have the info required to get into the system with your pass info.

Also something that would seem easy enough to do... since revenue customers can check in online and get a bp to get to the gate via usairways.com, shouldnt a nonrev who is listed for the flight be able to do the same? The computer would have the info as to what category you should go on the list from your term pass info. This would help take a lot of the lines out of nonreving.
tadjr said:
Thanks for the heads up on the call for companions. Since I work at the ATO I dont have a problem getting by the counter to get one issued and wasnt aware of this option. 😀
Since its done via the list line, then (hopefully) only you would have the info required to get into the system with your pass info.
Actually you use option 2 and do not enter any information but eventually get transferred to agent for the purchase.

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