Piney Bob called you out and I am going to echo his challenge.
Come back and show us the walk up fares in markets where WN is the dominant carrier and tell us that they are taking advantage of folks.
Talk is cheap. We want some facts and figures from you to support your claim.
Unless, of course, you are just making stuff up as you go along.
Ok, first of all, my apologies for being too emotional...forgot to take the meds.
Secondly, I will never pretend that the new US Airways will EVER be able to have the cost of a SWA, so the company will attempt to screw the last minute passenger for all they can. I do NOT agree with this and even stated that in my attempt to see F/C remarketed as Enhanced Economy. In that I stated that no ticket should be over $750 unless transatlantic or S. America if he time should come.
Having said that, the PHL paper is deceptive. I have a VERY hard time believing that Orbitz or any other internet discount site has nothing cheap to offer. If they were looking at last minute, then that gets a big DUH!!
So I wanted to make sure I was not all smoke, so I decided to get on my new MAC and go to SWA and just check around. Granted no SWA ticket was the crazy over $1000 that was found on US, however I must say that for the premier low cost carrier, I was surprised at how high some of the fares were. Now I can tell you that the northeastern flights within that region were pretty cheap. MY own opinion is that..yes, there is competition, and this area seems to be a hotbed of press from years of overpricing. In otherwords, I do believe the press keeps on the pressure. Yes, I do believe they have influence. Nobody likes bad press.
Now when I left the northeast and ventured west and thru traditional SW territory, things changed. Let me go on record in saying that SW has a wonderful system of not screwing the passenger for ticket changing that I feel ALL airlnes should look at. I don't think there IS anything such as a restricted ticket...or at least I didn't come across one.
Ticket prices, whether they seem high or low, will always be subjective, so I would like to say that this is MY opinion only. I felt that many of these prices were VERY high considering this is SWA. I checked flights from BWI as they basically rule there yet there IS some competition. Also, I pulled up some fares from ELP, since there is a connection there for you or you wouldn't have it in your screen name. I will let all of you form your own opinions for flights reviewed for tomorrow, returning Fri.
BWI-FLL $458.60
BWI-DFW $572 (ATA partner)
BWI-Ft Meyers $411
BWI- MCI $452
BWI-LAS $598
BWI-JAX $400
BWI-Little Rock $516
BWI-Lubbock $598 Poor Lubbock
BWI-LAX $598
BWI-MSY $574
BWI-OAK $598
BWI-MCO $374
BWI-PHX $598
and ......
I had to leave the best for last...poor old Harlingen, Texas...wherever THAT is. They pay $598
Also, from El Paso
to BWI $598
to AUS $344
to DAL $316
to Harlingen, TX $540 How do you justify THAT ELP_WN_Psgr?
Oh no, SWA NEVER screws in shorthauls.
Poor Harlingen, Texas...but it's refundable, grandma.
Now I will hear all the "well still not as high as US", but proportionately I dare to differ. I get angry because of all the advertised low fares of $99-$130 coast to coast yet NOBODY BOTHERS to look at how screwed the Harlingen, Texans of the country are.
I have developed my opinion and that is that SWA is a saavy airline that could market a fart. They have the entire industry thinking all their fares are under $400 if not even lower. I appreciate that they run an excellent system. If they are smart, they will stay the course and keep running things as they are.
BUT, if US HAD the SWA model, I do believe they would kick ass. I will not get in a pissing match but offering services like an EXTENSIVE FF program, Clubs, a/c variety still puts US in a completely different category costwise and that has nothing to do with our labor cost. Remember, our management of old didn't want the SWA contracts cause they were actually higher in cost than ours. So they shot for JBlu and settled for AWA...ironically.
We merged in as companies in November. That has been 3 months. In our last merger with Piedmont, the names and of course certificates stayed seperate and a merger DATE was selected. That process was over a two year period. AWA decided to do things differently as they were the airline changing names. In some respects that is good. Changing things quickly as far as certain things is good, but other things take time and changing the old US structure just may take some time.
I find it amazing how utterly impatient most are with this merger. 3 MONTHS people. I know that many think you can click your heals and all will be better, but it will take time. Mr. Parker stated that 2006 will see the transition of US Airways to a low cost carrier and yes that means lower fares. BUT...BUT..BUT...I do believe the word was transition, not THIS VERY MOMENT.
I have faith that Mr. Parker will do as he has said and transition US Airways in such a way as to bring those ridiculous $1000 fares down and out. It is happening in some markets already.
Meanwhile, perhaps you should complain to your own carrier of choice about how badly the citizens of poor ol Harlingen, Texas are taking it up the rear.