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WN investigated HPN before they set up shop in ISP. As NHBB noted, it's severely slot limited and won't allow WN to operate the number of flights they want. It's certainly not a place where they could grow. WN also investigated Republic Airport (FRG) in Farmingdale. FRG is on the Nassau-Suffolk border on Long Island and a good 10 miles closer to NYC than ISP. However, FRG has no scheduled service and they don't want any so WN again looked further out and was able to make a deal with the Town of Islip.

In the short term, I don't see WN doing anything except trying to make ISP work better. That doesn't mean trying to draw pax from NYC, but just drawing more pax from Long Island. WN has recently started running ads in Newday, the local Long Island daily newspaper, just reminding people that they're at ISP. An ad that ran yesterday said, "You don't have to leave Long Island to leave Long Island." Another ran last week with a map showing where ISP is.

WN could wait for the rail spur to SWF to get built, land there and nibble some more at the NYC market from the periphery.

To actually serve NYC proper, WN is going to have to bite the bullet and setup an un-WN-like operation at one of the major NYC airports, probably LGA, starting off with just 3 or 4 flights and eventually building up if they can acquire more slots. But ATA was doing something like that and, apparently, losing money at it. Then, there have been discussions of implementing congestion pricing at JFK and possibly the other NYC airports as well, making it more expensive to operate, and that is anathema to WN. Maybe WN's best bet is another code-share with somebody.
"Stop the Press's" !!!!!!!!!!

The PANYNJ(Port Authority) just took over operations of Stewart/Newburgh..SWF.

Located 60 miles North of Manhatten(equal distance as NYC/ISP), WN would do VERY WELL(IMHO) there.

This can't be great news. Prepare for terminal not to be maintained, bad airport experience, bad retail, bad TSA setup. Newark,JFK and LGA are not exactly great examples on how to run airports
To actually serve NYC proper, WN is going to have to bite the bullet and setup an un-WN-like operation at one of the major NYC airports, probably LGA, starting off with just 3 or 4 flights and eventually building up if they can acquire more slots. But ATA was doing something like that and, apparently, losing money at it. Then, there have been discussions of implementing congestion pricing at JFK and possibly the other NYC airports as well, making it more expensive to operate, and that is anathema to WN. Maybe WN's best bet is another code-share with somebody.

Teterboro! :up:

(Just kidding--The NIMBYs would be screaming so loudly I'd hear them out here in AZ...)
Teterboro! :up:

(Just kidding--The NIMBYs would be screaming so loudly I'd hear them out here in AZ...)
If I may chime in... both HPN & SWF are tiny airports to begin with. IIRC, HPN has 4 gates with 2 having Jet Bridges.... and maybe a commuter area for the extra flow..... SWF had 4 Jet Bridges and it was like waiting in the School Cafeteria to park. Now the almighty NY Port Authority will control all of this and perhaps expansion will follow..... but I doubt that would fall into WN's timetable of expansion. It would be interesting though, since B6 & FL are already there. Now, if the kids play nicely and don't over run each others routes, it could be a plus for all, except for the fact, you'd be parking airplanes in the Economy Lot at night. B)
Given the limited number of slots involved, it's pretty obvious that it wouldn't allow WN to run an efficient operation even if they were desperate to serve LGA/DCA. Operating a station with only 2 arrivals/departures a day plus 1 arrival or departure, which 5 LGA slots would allow, just isn't WN's style. Nevermind DCA with 1 slot allowing only 1 arrival or departure a day.

Plus, the slots apparently still belong to ATA. AirTran is just leasing them.


Sub-lease Jim. Dont forget the Port always has a piece of the action.
Sub-lease Jim. Dont forget the Port always has a piece of the action.
So does that mean ALL Gates/Slots are Sub-leased since the Port Authority runs everything or are you just throwing out something you heard at the Cafeteria? ATA pulled out and FL got some slots.... call it whatever you want, but FL gained ground there. B)