NEWT's campaign............................

tom barry

Aug 20, 2011
Mr "Washington Insider's " campaign/polls are falling like a rock in Iowa, and less-so in NH.
Ron Paul appears to be the benefiting the most from Mr "Marrige Councilors" demise !
Adios Newt. Only WJC can get away with marital infidelity !
Our former R I N O governor is about to come out BLASTING with Both Barrel's with TV attack ads, coming to a state near you !

If MITT wins the primary(and I think he will) and goes on to win the "general", the Dems will "spin" Mitt like a childs "top".
We know, cause we did it in MA. when he was Governor.

Good time to be a Dem. Clear sailing ahead on a pretty clear horizon.
Mr "Washington Insider's " campaign/polls are falling like a rock in Iowa, and less-so in NH.
Ron Paul appears to be the benefiting the most from Mr "Marrige Councilors" demise !
Adios Newt. Only WJC can get away with marital infidelity !
Our former R I N O governor is about to come out BLASTING with Both Barrel's with TV attack ads, coming to a state near you !

If MITT wins the primary(and I think he will) and goes on to win the "general", the Dems will "spin" Mitt like a childs "top".
We know, cause we did it in MA. when he was Governor.

Good time to be a Dem. Clear sailing ahead on a pretty clear horizon.
Your punctuation keys are stuck again you tool.
Hmmm, Looks like the View attachment 9283 WILL be televised!

Gingrich Collapses in Iowa as Ron Paul Surges to the Front

A new poll from Public Policy Polling shows that Ron Paul has taken the lead in the Iowa caucus race, while Newt Gingrich's support is fading fast. A different Gallup poll shows Gringrich still holding the lead, but slipping, while The New York Times Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight has Paul in the lead as well.

Gingrich has seen his numbers in the PPP poll drop from 27 percent to 14 percent in just three weeks, while his favorability rating is now split at 46 percent for to 47 percent against, the worst of any candidate not named Jon Huntsman. That's quite a fall for someone who looked to be running away with the state and taking charge on the national level.
I'm sure with Ron Paul's Foreign Policy's beliefs , he probably spotted the name Iran in this document and proceeded to throw it in the waste bucket !

Foreign Policy will be his downfall !

If you're correct then so will our Constitution.
This Just in!!

Reason Number 367 not to vote for Newt.

Breaking News from

Rev. Wildmon Urges Christians to Back Newt Gingrich, Says Election Most Critical
The Rev. Donald E. Wildmon is making an urgent plea to Christian voters in Iowa to vote for Newt Gingrich in their caucuses on Tuesday in what he describes as the "most critical" election in American history. Wildmon also warns that voting for other "good" conservative candidates will ensure Mitt Romney's victory. Wildmon, founder of the American Family Association, is one of the nation's most respected Christian leaders and has been at the forefront for decades in fighting for traditional values against a rising tide of secularism.

I've read and heard the good Reverend Wildmon and while I do identify as a Christian, I must be working from a different Bible then he does. People who take the concept of Individual Freedom and Liberty and coat it with their particular flavor of religion and wrap it up in an American Flag annoy the snot out of me. WHY? Because they ignore the basic premise this nation was founded upon that we are individuals who are free to think, worship and live as we choose as long as we don't harm others.

The Rev. Wildmon's of the world want a Christian Theocracy, which is the antithesis of the vision of the Founding Fathers. A Christian version of Iran is NOT why my Uncle landed on Normandy in 1944. Rev. Wildmon is of course free to speak his mind, however his endorsement of Newt destroyed any chance of me ever voting for him. Rev. Wildmon's vision sounds a lot like the phrase "White Christian Nation" which of course is the goal of the various White Supremacist groups floating in the turd bowl of ideas.
Isn't his endorsement a violation of his non-profit status?

He has a way around that and I'm no lawyer so I'm guessing he's making the statement from his position as leader of The American Family Association which is likely a non profit but not filed as a church. Again just a guess.
The AFA is a 501(c)3 non-profit consisting of religious zealots.

The American Family Association acts to:

(1) restrain evil by exposing the works of darkness;
(2) promote virtue by upholding in culture that which is right, true and good according to Scripture;
(3) convince individuals of sin and challenge them to seek Christ’s grace and forgiveness;
(4) motivate people to take a stand on cultural and moral issues at the local, state and national levels; and
(5) encourage Christians to bear witness to the love of Jesus Christ as they live their lives before the world.
The AFA is a 501(c)3 non-profit consisting of religious zealots.

The American Family Association acts to:

(1) restrain evil by exposing the works of darkness;
(2) promote virtue by upholding in culture that which is right, true and good according to Scripture;
(3) convince individuals of sin and challenge them to seek Christ’s grace and forgiveness;
(4) motivate people to take a stand on cultural and moral issues at the local, state and national levels; and
(5) encourage Christians to bear witness to the love of Jesus Christ as they live their lives before the world.

Isn't there a sub chapter to the 501C-3 regulations specifically for churches?
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Back to the thread Topic. Poor ol' NEWT (x3) was BOO-HOO/ing on TV the other day.
That Phoney BAS-TARD was probably crying, because of seeing where his campaign was headed. :(