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New United Commercial

I was just wondering what was the ad campain called that had the killer whales swimming in the cabin of the 74? That commercial always stuck in my head.

You have a good memory 😀

Here is a link to the commercial http://www.airodyssey.net/multimedia/tvc-united.html (it is the last one on the page)

The 747 is often lovingly referred to as "the whale", so that may have been part of the inspiration for the ad.

United Airlines was the launch customer for the B777. That ad was all about the 777. They were trying to convey how roomy this new aircraft was/is.
It is a beautiful aircraft and there is a feeling of spaciousness in the cabin as the central overhead bins are very high. So high in fact that the bins are almost impossible for an average height person to close when it is filled with luggage. Oh well. Nothings perfect.

But I loved that ad too.
Thanks for the info Laura62...I just remember thinking, How did they do that...? It was really beautiful and inovative.

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