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Hate to tell you this but Jerry Glass is still on the payroll, as is Al Crellin and Everett Al Hemenway, the three main culprits of the hatred and dismal performance of US Airways.
Actually, MMW, I think you'll find that we have more planes and fly more ASM's than the two individual airlines collectively did 4 years ago. Of course, the 3rd quarter of 2001 included the 9-11 shutdown so the ASM's may be dloser to equal if the effects of that are factored out (23+ billion ASM's now vs 21+ billion then).

The difference is the mix - 50% of the today's 700+ fleet is express/170 while it was much less 4 years ago. Likewise, a much greater percentage of ASM's is flown by express/170's than then.

I was hoping Tempe would finally show us some marketing agression.

Same s***, different day.

Get off your a**, Dougie.
I agree totally. As happy as I am am to see the former Band of Bumbling Idiots leave I am not overly impressed with WHAT has materialized in the last 5 1/2 weeks.....do we have a marketing department or what? And if THEY can't even decide between Coke or Pepsi, I say the Light at the end of the tunnel is a flicker at best!
I could not agree more... Hawaii??? four to six flights a day, c'mon stick those 757's to
Europe, SNN and GLA will have them next year but they can reach into mainland
europe too... I hope they do expand Europe shortly.. Are we an INTERNATIONAL airline
or just a Southwest.....????
I agree ther is no money in Hawaii very low yield, but good for non reving. Eurpoe there's money!!!!
Then the only way that US expanded was to merge and even with the merger, ASM's were flat compared to pre 9-11 ASM's.
I agree that the co. needs to be find more ways to cut but shall we just sit back while jebBlue and Delta increase competition on the shuttle? Should we not expand as well? How about some advertising on top of taxi cabs all over cities like you see other so called LCC's along with on the sides of buses and billboards? How about since the busiest travel day of the year is approaching, place some advertisements about the NEW US and how were working for them? A lot of common folks that dont travel have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA about this merger. Get it out there. OK, we can't buy new a/c or what have you but I think that while integrating, it doesn't mean we have to let the other airlines get the advantage. Sounds like an excuse for "hmmmm what do you think we should do now?"
The changes that have all occurred that you're talking about all occured under the Old Us Airways management...the ones you hated, the people you wanted out of there, the people you all thought couldn't run an airline...now you new people in charge and you want them to make some of the same moves, or blame them for the RJ's, etc. Give it some time guys...remember..5 1/2 weeks into this.....When you bought your first house, did you have it exactly as you wanted it 5 weeks later? Doubtful.

Agreed!! If we don't learn the lessons of the past, we will more than likely make them again. Any decisions should be approached cautiously, but if need be, aggressively. 😉
I'm not too sure about the "lets fix the domestic before we expand international", Its a money maker but obviously multitasking is not an option!.. Well at least we have a shuttle to Hawaii :lol:
Speaking of new service, I wonder how we will defend our turf against jetBlue on their latest announcement of boston-washington service and Delta adding flights. The shuttle is based on reliable service and high frequency. Hopefully we don't fall third. Dedicate some a/c to the shuttle like it had been done in the past.


As someone who lived in Manhattan for 12 yrs, there is a vast difference in flying from LGA and JFK as JB will be doing. From Queens into Manhattan, the loyalty will more than likely be LGA as the high end biz travelers can take cheap cabs to the airport AND besides rush hour, you get there pretty fast. Kennedy is a pain. If the Sh** hits the fan in any capacity you're practically in the Hamptons. It's like IAD and DCA...well mostly like.

Yes, many will pay the extra cab fare to go to Kennedy, but for biz travelers, it's about time AND frequency. To me, DAL adding frequency ontop of every hour is stupid. Many a biz traveler use both and are ok with that. I would say US should go EWR-BOS and EWR- DCA as EWR has become the easiet NY airport to fly in and out of. We have given the West Manhattan and Manhattan, NJ business to CAL. I wouldn't get too wigged out over this decision.
I agree totally. As happy as I am am to see the former Band of Bumbling Idiots leave I am not overly impressed with WHAT has materialized in the last 5 1/2 weeks.....do we have a marketing department or what? And if THEY can't even decide between Coke or Pepsi, I say the Light at the end of the tunnel is a flicker at best!

It's the media that has driven the coke or pepsi debate, not America West. Its pretty clear to America West that the company that provides the most variety, best price and services will probably the company that we go with. This stuff always goes out to bid, as the wine, water, etc...
I'm not sure you all understand whats happening right now. If US Airways was to "grow" right now and then run into problems, Parker would be criticized for "growing too fast". All of these marketing ideas all sound great, but the big picture is much different than just dreaming up places to put 737's, 757s, etc. This merger is roughly 5 1/2 weeks old, I think the bleeding from the old US Airways has to be stopped before they jump into money sucking route restructures without enough knowledge, history and experience.

No, I'm not sure you understand what's happening right now. US is ADDING NEW ROUTES. It's already in progress, and some of them have already started. Sure, there's just a handful of them, probably won't make a huge difference in the long run. I'm not talking about a huge expansion. I'm talking about *promoting what they're doing*, issuing one lousy press release. How can you possibly justify being asleep at the wheel like this?
While I do agree that we needed to be "rightsized" (such a popular word now)and flights trimmed in certain markets, I do hope that this "New" management realizes that comeptition STILL exists. How about using the 757 to some of the busier markets and take them off of such flights as PHL BDL and PVD. I know they are busy pairs but when you have almost hourly svc competing with southwest, use what they use. Seems like we still have our heads halfway in the sand.

PVD-PHL hasn't seen a 757 in a few months now...

I question why there is a US 320 and HP 319 PHL-PHX 5 minutes a part in the mid-morning. I think there might be a few more examples like this...

The FLL-MBJ is the result of FLL-CUN being discontinued until CUN is back up to the demand it should be. The CLT-GUA is a change out from FLL-GUA. I suspect that the BOS_PUJ replaces the BOS-CUN flight like the FLL run.
How can you have new service if A/C are leaving the property every day? We have no A/C due to arrive any time soon. I guess you cut and add. Where is the Hawaii service A/C coming from? US/EAST has seen this type of marketing for a long time.
Seasonal this. FLL that. Roll PHL HUB. Add stage length to A/C….And lets not forget all of our new service with non own out source express carriers ..I was hoping to see some warm and fuzz marketing

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