Tempe's Intelligence prohibits making any Customer Valued decisions. What have they done to keep customers from leaving? NOTHING! What have they done to get rid of customers? EVERYTHING.this place never ceases to amaze me, you find ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to #### about here.
Tempe's Intelligence prohibits making any Customer Valued decisions. What have they done to keep customers from leaving? NOTHING! What have they done to get rid of customers? EVERYTHING.
Tempe is going to run a Major Ad Campaign, they will be advertising on the Jerry Springer Show and Judge Judy! If you appear on either show, you will be entitled to "Double Mileage". :down:
What about the Geraldo Rivera crowd? 😱Does it count if you are in the audience?
I know they got standards on Springer.
Well me for one would love to have a nice Pinot Grigio instead of Chardonnay. I love Pinot Grigio. You're going to laugh at me when I tell you this. I was drinking about 3 glasses of Pinot Grigio a night for about a year, and after drinking that unreal Chardonnay in FC for awhile, I stopped drinking wine completely. All I could do is think about that taste, and I stopped. Almost subliminally. Do you know what brand of wine that is/was? I need to know so I never drink it again.Well, first you need to get out of the Tempe mindset.
Honestly, what kind of variety do you need in wine? Good, bad, ugly?