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New Paint Scheme?


Thanks. Do you know how many of our 737's are affected - the AD just listed "line numbers".

delldude said:
linemech said:
This is definetly not a new paint scheme, recent repairs to the lap joint areas will reqiure frequent reinspections along the top of the fuselage.

Same paint scheme minus blue on top. The stripes and tail remain the same.
Other aircraft continue to be rotated thru the paint facilty, coming out with original paint scheme.

any idea if thats 573 the hangar pig?
Yes it is !

AKA_trvlr64 said:
Here's your new color scheme..............beating a certain captain to the punch!!

😀 😀 😀 😀 😀



and one more

In addition to a new livery, our esteemed code share partners announced their first new advertising campaign in 4 years.

hmm....an advertising campaign....there's a thought........

Evening folks....look for the return of flying billboards as USAIRWAYS. Someone in Upper management thinks we can increase revenue by stripping paint livery from aircraft and return planes to silver (fuel savings)and have lined up some large companies to pay to put company names and web addresses on the side of aircraft. This isnt the first Airline to try this. Why cant we be the Leader instead of a follower?


  • thrifty.webp
    56.7 KB · Views: 196
I cant't wait to hear the debate on this one. American was (maybe still is) taking their aircraft to Mexico for the polish job. Who do you think will get the contract for "polish"?
I cant't wait to hear the debate on this one. American was (maybe still is) taking their aircraft to Mexico for the polish job. Who do you think will get the contract for "polish"?
First of all it is not a new paint job, it is temporary due to the lap joint repairs, it is scheduled to be painted in the future.

And as far as the plane being polished it is IAM covered work accomplished by US Airways Utility workers.

The plane was polished in PIT heavy maintenance before going back into service.
The plane in question was the one the FAA caught the billy bobs scraping the lap joint with a razor knife. A section of the lap joint was cut out and sent to a lab. Some of the razor cuts in the metal went back about 12 yrs. A full front to back lap joint repair was done, and needs reinspected every 250 hrs. That is why it is polished from the stripe up.
All this came about because one of our mechanics found a lap joint crack last year about a foot long. They think it developed from a razor blade gouge, a lab dated that one about 12 yrs ago also.


  • third_party_01.webp
    57.5 KB · Views: 236
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO to changing the paint job... its the best in the industry! 🙂 🙂 🙂

I personally think the whole thing of "large web address on the side" is incredibly tacky/cheesy... Its so late nineties ("look how cool we are, we're on the 'net, the 'information superhighway', come 'surf' with us at our 'web site'...") Its like when your granny discovers email.

First of all, its pretty darn obvious that the site would be usairways.com. Even usair.com will take you there. I could see if the US Airways website bizzarely happened to be www.sleepingpill.com or www.chickenpotpie.com, but its not, its the name of the airline- simple.

Secondly, if it's an attempt to look hip it actually accomplishes just the opposite. It also cheapens the product and presents an inconsistent look, just as the fleet had finally standardized.

And for an airline that doesnt advertise itself to put an ad for someone else on the side of thier plane is completely moronic.

The only thing I would change is put the Express planes in the red Metrojet type livery, and the Shuttles in a white-top livery... the red white and blue, get it?

US Airways has a snazzy, sharp livery that looks great, particularly on the Airbus fleet, and most importantly is unique. They need to let it become a trusted classic.
Dont mess with the Blue Shamu look!
Every other airline has pretty, bright colors that attract the eye. People are drawn to "bright, shiny objects" Yet we paint our airplanes effectively black. Might as well change the name to "GO AWAY." The closest competitor is United, but even they have pretty pinstripes on the tail. And even they are changing their livery to white and a brighter shade of blue. I don't think that we need to put the web site on the side of the plane, like who surfs onboard an airplane anyway, but we need somthing to get rid of the oversized herse look.
Dragonbravo ....... I think the US livery is one of the classiest in the skies. It took me a while to accept the stylized flag when Wolf first unveiled it but now I think the new flag and colors look great.

US was headed to being a world class carrier of choice. That is no longer true. And that's a shame. But everyone has their opinion and is entitled to it.
People, it is not a new paint job, it is left bare because of the lap joint repairs.
I for one never suggested that 573's hybrid scheme was "New Paint Scheme".

I clearly undertood why this Acft is sporting around as it is.

My only view regarding this entire mess was costs and tangible function concerns Vs. "Fluff and meager perception issues.

At the end of the day...U's " Darth Vader Blue" costs us plenty in regards to fuel burn...which should be a major concern with rising fuel costs..and our inability to hedge fuel when the market favors doing so.

U also losses valuable Acft availabilty when the planes have to be returned for touch-ups or warranty re-does when applicable.

Maybe when your job is lost for good..or your salary is slashed to bare minimums for U to operate in an "As Is" fashion..you just might be able to grasp that Fluff has to take a backseat to optimum Function.

The new (current livery) has not provided any degree of lasting durability in regards to our Boeings. This is directly attributed to the quality of work performed..or rather not performed as the case indicates withg a 3rd party vendor involved.

The issue is getting the most bang for the buck when you are in the shape we are in as a company....and added fuel consumption and lost availablity of a given Acft does not contribute in a positive way at all. again...maybe when more become outsiders looking in , they just might be able to grasp the logic when I draw the comparison of Function Vs. Fluff. Regarding a number of you shallow "eye-wash" fans...I'm sure it will take the absolute extreme measures to make believers out of you.

Remember....everything is on the table sorta speak....and with that said , We need to being making moves to insure that we are wringing the max out of every dollar we spend in all aspects of this business...to do otherwise is foolish , and employee numbers , wages and benefits will continue to be the only immediate means in their eyes to off-set their own continued stupidity. Many will be saying how pretty the new (current) scheme is...and I have to agree , yet to continue the revolving door program of maintaing it..will come at the cost of jobs in light of our current condition...Just how pretty or regal will it be then?
Due to lap joint repairs and the reoccuring inspections, some 737's must be stripped and for ease of the inspections will remain that way. usairways.com logo will be added in a couple of weeks.
This per CLT chief pilot office.

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