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New Logo Backdrops for PHL

Hmm, I do see your point. I felt attacked early in the thread and went off. Please understand it is just frustrating as heck to see constant bi*ching, I mean constant about anything that anyone tries to change. Change is the only constant. And, I get frustrated at times. I happen to love my job and love being based in PHX and doing my job. All this negativity makes me scared for the future of a company that I actually enjoy working for. So, I get defensive quickly.


You really need to get real. Just because a person disagrees or forms an opinion doesn't mean they are entitled and negative. This is long, but I must get it off my chest.

There isn't a roll of toliet paper long enough for me to write down all the screw ups the old US Airways management team made...So you will NEVER here me sing their praises.

I know you don't care about what we on the East have gone through but you should. Because we old coots back east have been in this industry long enough to see mistakes made over and over time and time again with new faces and a different airline name. Just look at all the airlines...past and present. I can't tell you how peed off I would get at the arrogance at the DAL f/a's. Now look....BANKRUPT!! Who knew? They were the bell of the ball for years....BUT....so was Pan Am...so was Eastern....so was TWA....ALL GONE!! UAL, NWA, DAL were ALL well respected airlines and now look. Two are in Ch 11 and the other is warning of more cuts. ALONG with AMR.

The day you think too highly of the place you work is when the cards will crash. It's been seen from us all for years.

I find it laughable to go off on opinions...I know, I do it to. Hey, you taught me something.lol

JMM, the white paint and blue wording/logo are CLEARY either cheap or temporary until something more permanent is in place. While it is fresh, I can tell you PHL is VERRRRRY well traveled. The B6 gate area that was the prototype already has worn carpet. And the airport MUST keep the gate areas clean or a dirty new gate is...well, just dirty!!

Does this make me negative? Entitled? I would think you would praise our criticism as a way of showing we expect..no, DEMAND the BEST from our leaders..whether that is in nice gate areas, uniforms, websites, or ff concerns.

I can think of dozens of positive things the folks out west have done in a very short while, but one thing we in the East HAVE learned. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! If I had a dollar for every stupid "concerned" speach of half hearted encouragement...just to drop a bomb on our heads by the bozos of CCY...I could retire.

Tempe HAS accomplished their goals, but they HAVE stumbled at times and THAT"S OK, but I DO care about the new US Airways and REFUSE to sit back with my mouth shut like the Jews in WWII , just to be carried away to the concentration camps. When you silence a group of people, this becomes a dangerous tool for man to use. If you don't believe that, do you realize that for ONE FULL YEAR, we at East had the AWA f/a contract forced down our throats WELL before an announced merger? It was the contract US could survive on. One problem..our contract cost- wise is lower than yours. Are you prepared to drop to our level? Are my fellow 19 year West f/a's ready to give up 10 days vacation to go down to our level on the East? If the West contract is good enough for the West, why can't it work for East? Sounds to me like despite a merger, "awe shukes" face was going to come at you for cut backs or threaten Chapter 11. Sounds crazy? Why do you think DP is in NO hurry to merge contracts? Hum!! 2/3's of the airline makes less than the other 1/3(overall contract cost) and now the new US Airways expects to make big profits despite merger cost. East cuts WERE DEEP!!! AND we are now reaping the benefits, but plain and simple it was the EMPLOYEES that saved this airline's butt.

So as you can see, there are ALOT of reasons to listen to the East and even MORE reasons to point these things out so that management can read...yes they read this board..that we are not stupid, nieve new hires that just wanna travel and love people. When we are all at one contract and one that does NOT take a PENNY from one group, I will shut up...but actions speak louder than words and even the words of keeping us seperate are not only threatening, but devisive. Hum, Easties...sound familiar????

Those that ignore the past stand to repeat those mistakes in the future. We are not your enemy, JMM!! Infact, by staying on the company, we've got your back.

You really need to get real. Just because a person disagrees or forms an opinion doesn't mean they are entitled and negative. This is long, but I must get it off my chest.

There isn't a roll of toliet paper long enough for me to write down all the screw ups the old US Airways management team made...So you will NEVER here me sing their praises.

I know you don't care about what we on the East have gone through but you should. Because we old coots back east have been in this industry long enough to see mistakes made over and over time and time again with new faces and a different airline name. Just look at all the airlines...past and present. I can't tell you how peed off I would get at the arrogance at the DAL f/a's. Now look....BANKRUPT!! Who knew? They were the bell of the ball for years....BUT....so was Pan Am...so was Eastern....so was TWA....ALL GONE!! UAL, NWA, DAL were ALL well respected airlines and now look. Two are in Ch 11 and the other is warning of more cuts. ALONG with AMR.

The day you think too highly of the place you work is when the cards will crash. It's been seen from us all for years.

I find it laughable to go off on opinions...I know, I do it to. Hey, you taught me something.lol

JMM, the white paint and blue wording/logo are CLEARY either cheap or temporary until something more permanent is in place. While it is fresh, I can tell you PHL is VERRRRRY well traveled. The B6 gate area that was the prototype already has worn carpet. And the airport MUST keep the gate areas clean or a dirty new gate is...well, just dirty!!

Does this make me negative? Entitled? I would think you would praise our criticism as a way of showing we expect..no, DEMAND the BEST from our leaders..whether that is in nice gate areas, uniforms, websites, or ff concerns.

I can think of dozens of positive things the folks out west have done in a very short while, but one thing we in the East HAVE learned. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! If I had a dollar for every stupid "concerned" speach of half hearted encouragement...just to drop a bomb on our heads by the bozos of CCY...I could retire.

Tempe HAS accomplished their goals, but they HAVE stumbled at times and THAT"S OK, but I DO care about the new US Airways and REFUSE to sit back with my mouth shut like the Jews in WWII , just to be carried away to the concentration camps. When you silence a group of people, this becomes a dangerous tool for man to use. If you don't believe that, do you realize that for ONE FULL YEAR, we at East had the AWA f/a contract forced down our throats WELL before an announced merger? It was the contract US could survive on. One problem..our contract cost- wise is lower than yours. Are you prepared to drop to our level? Are my fellow 19 year West f/a's ready to give up 10 days vacation to go down to our level on the East? If the West contract is good enough for the West, why can't it work for East? Sounds to me like despite a merger, "awe shukes" face was going to come at you for cut backs or threaten Chapter 11. Sounds crazy? Why do you think DP is in NO hurry to merge contracts? Hum!! 2/3's of the airline makes less than the other 1/3(overall contract cost) and now the new US Airways expects to make big profits despite merger cost. East cuts WERE DEEP!!! AND we are now reaping the benefits, but plain and simple it was the EMPLOYEES that saved this airline's butt.

So as you can see, there are ALOT of reasons to listen to the East and even MORE reasons to point these things out so that management can read...yes they read this board..that we are not stupid, nieve new hires that just wanna travel and love people. When we are all at one contract and one that does NOT take a PENNY from one group, I will shut up...but actions speak louder than words and even the words of keeping us seperate are not only threatening, but devisive. Hum, Easties...sound familiar????

Those that ignore the past stand to repeat those mistakes in the future. We are not your enemy, JMM!! Infact, by staying on the company, we've got your back.

Frankly, I do not believe that I am stupid and nieve. I happen to know otherwise. I am well aware that you are not the enemy. I am also aware that management will come to us with your east contract and with any luck we will meet somewhere in the middle. It will be easier once we are one and their is a standard set of procedures to follow instead of always hearing "this is how we did it at east"

Frankly, I do not believe that I am stupid and nieve. I happen to know otherwise. I am well aware that you are not the enemy. I am also aware that management will come to us with your east contract and with any luck we will meet somewhere in the middle. It will be easier once we are one and their is a standard set of procedures to follow instead of always hearing "this is how we did it at east"


A. I never called YOU stupid and nieve.
B. I have NEVER seen anyone write "this is how we did it at east"
Since you are choosing to quote that, better be able to back it up.
C. There should be NO reason for you to take a cut in ANY way. Man, who
is feeding the "we must meet in the middle" crap?

Now is NOT the time to be snipping at one another.
I am entitled to my opinion as are you. I do know what I have experienced first hand and have read on this site. I could care less what the east has been through. The past is the past

This is one of the GREAT benefits of hiring new blood. No clue or care for things past. Persons with this sort of attitude are prime realestate for total managerial control. Least likely to speak up and buck the system. Unaware or unconcerned as to what has been lost. A very go get em attitude to see the company go forward, sometimes even if it is a plan or plans that are clearly not working or doomed to failure. Its nice to have new people on the property, but just as nice to have the old guard. If the current employees that have been there for a long time are suspect of managerial happenings, i wouldnt see it as a bad thing, i would want to know why. There has to be some very valid reasons as to why. I wouldnt be so quick to defend any managerial team that will still stand tall financially or otherwise no matter what ridiculous mistakes are made, especially when the employee groups will carry the weight of managerial mistakes on thier backs and in thier pockets....
This is one of the GREAT benefits of hiring new blood. No clue or care for things past. Persons with this sort of attitude are prime realestate for total managerial control. Least likely to speak up and buck the system. Unaware or unconcerned as to what has been lost. A very go get em attitude to see the company go forward, sometimes even if it is a plan or plans that are clearly not working or doomed to failure. Its nice to have new people on the property, but just as nice to have the old guard. If the current employees that have been there for a long time are suspect of managerial happenings, i wouldnt see it as a bad thing, i would want to know why. There has to be some very valid reasons as to why. I wouldnt be so quick to defend any managerial team that will still stand tall financially or otherwise no matter what ridiculous mistakes are made, especially when the employee groups will carry the weight of managerial mistakes on thier backs and in thier pockets....
I liked the gray stprpes with the giant flag... simple and understated. It looks really good in CLT especially with the new gates they have there, really freash and modern. The pictutes of the new gate areas in PHL look kind of bland and bus station-ish... like the new paint planes do. Oh well maybe they will brighten Philly up a bit, but it does seem silly to tear down the pleasing look in so many stations just to paint he walls dingy white with US Airways written on them.
And, why the he11 would I look for a crashpad in LGA? I am not going anywhere. I firmly beleive that the fences in PHX will be up much longer than anyone anticipates.

Sorry, there will be no fence post merger!!! 🙂
Sorry, there will be no fence post merger!!! 🙂

What does merging fence posts have to do with the gates in PHL?


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