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New Hire Update Clt

MarkMyWords said:
How many people had made the same arguements when B scale started?

I can't talk for other work groups, but the arguments "for" the B scale among PI ALPA members who supported it (that excludes me) was "We don't negotiate for those pilots on the street" and "They know what the pay scale is when they apply". The second probably sounds familiar....

By the way, at PI the B scale for pilots was for 5 years or upgrade to Captain, whichever came first. When the B scale started Captain upgrade was taking between 4 and 4-1/2 years. By the time the buy-out occured, Captain upgrade was down to between 2 and 2-1/2 years. So a newhire had a date certain when they would get off the B scale, and assume it would probably be earlier. Can you say there is any date certain when the proposed pay will "snap back" to what it was just 1-1/2 months ago?

sfb said:
The same people that couldn't get hired on at BK. No one said you had to pay people $18/hour -- but you do need to pay more than they could make cleaning toilets.

Hey, now. Don't discount toilet cleaners, ok! Last summer when I finished the remodeling on my house in Houston, I called a cleaning service that specializes in final cleaning for newbuilds after the construction is finished and the house is ready to put on the market. I thought a more thorough cleaning than I could do would be just the ticket for getting it rented. They wanted $50/hr for one cleaner with a minimum of 4 hours! :shock: :shock: :shock:
(I cleaned it myself, thank you very much.)
jimntx said:
Hey, now. Don't discount toilet cleaners, ok! Last summer when I finished the remodeling on my house in Houston, I called a cleaning service that specializes in final cleaning for newbuilds after the construction is finished and the house is ready to put on the market. I thought a more thorough cleaning than I could do would be just the ticket for getting it rented. They wanted $50/hr for one cleaner with a minimum of 4 hours! :shock: :shock: :shock:
(I cleaned it myself, thank you very much.)
Do you think that that one cleaner would have gotten all that $50.00/ hr for 4 hours. No way! Probably some illegal making $7/hr while some Texas republican pockets $43/hr for 4 hours while doing nothing.
I never said the cleaner got the money. I said that is what the company charged for the service.
MarkMyWords said:
I started working here 18 years ago and started at 6.25 an hour. We did pushbacks, airstarts, lav and water service in addition to loading/unloading an airplanes. There was never a problem then, why would it be any different now?

Got you beat..............I started at $2.50 an hour and minimum wage was $1.50 an hour ( yeah I know, I'm a geezer). :shock: A 66% increase over minimum wage was doing real well. :up:
I haven't been around here much lately, but it boggles my mind that they're starting out at this rate now. What's the starting rate in PHL? Piedmont employees start at ...$9.36/hr, I believe? How about mainline?
MarkMyWords said:
So you are comparing a brake change to doing lav service? I need a license to dump lavs, service water, push/pull airplanes, do an airstart or deice?

And it is obvious what type of employee you are from your above statement. I wish you luck with your future endeavors.
last time i checked an auto repair person did'nt have to pass an FBI background check, be subjected to random drug testing, have access to flight safety items, nor work weekends, holidays, in inclement weather etc.... AND just what type of employee am I? since you seem to already know B) and its obvious you have NO CLUE what the frontline employees in the airline industry endure! :shock:
MarkMyWords said:
I started working here 18 years ago and started at 6.25 an hour. We did pushbacks, airstarts, lav and water service in addition to loading/unloading an airplanes. There was never a problem then, why would it be any different now?

18 years ago minimum wage was somewhere near 3.35/hour.... what is it now in relation to 7 something???
BoeingBoy said:

ps - I suspect that those ramp folks at PI were making more in constant dollars than what the company wants to pay now.


We made more in actual dollars.

What most guys are clearing now, is the same as they were clearing in 1985.
MarkMyWords said:
I started working here 18 years ago and started at 6.25 an hour. We did pushbacks, airstarts, lav and water service in addition to loading/unloading an airplanes. There was never a problem then, why would it be any different now?


I did the same thing, only a few years further back.

There was a different dynamic at work then.

You took the $6 (not a bad jump from the $3.10 I was getting) to get your foot in the door for full-time, which took about a year to achieve.

Then, you were on a ten year program to $30,000 annually (worth some $55k now), free medical and dental, good retirement, generous sick leave and vacation, treated like a king by the OA's and hotels, AND working for the finest airline going.

You had to cut the mustard at $6 to get to nirvana, and PI would weed you out if you didn't.
awayfrmitall said:
18 years ago minimum wage was somewhere near 3.35/hour.... what is it now in relation to 7 something???

18 years ago, someone making $6.25/hr made almost twice the minimum wage--86.5% over minimum. Someone making $7.17/hr today is only making 39% over minimum wage.