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New Fall Fashion At Mcie!

MCI transplant

Jun 4, 2003
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<_< It seems the latest in casual wear here at MCIE are red "T" shirts with the letters place vertacally:"T"emporary "W"orkers @ "A"merican , on the front, with "T"rans "W"orld "U"nemployeed!, on the back! 😀 Don't you just love it ???? :down:
MCI transplant said:
<_< It seems the latest in casual wear here at MCIE are red "T" shirts with the letters place vertacally:"T"emporary "W"orkers @ "A"merican , on the front, with "T"rans "W"orld "U"nemployeed!, on the back! 😀 Don't you just love it ???? :down:

Did your union dues pay for these T-Shirts?
MCI transplant said:
😉 No Buck. Our Local has nothing to do with it!

Thats odd, it is something that the past leadership of the TWU Local 514 would participate in.....
Buck said:
Thats odd, it is something that the past leadership of the TWU Local 514 would participate in.....
<_< I wouldn't know Buck! I've never been in local 514!!!
MCI transplant said:
<_< I wouldn't know Buck! I've never been in local 514!!!

That is the main reason the former TWA employees have been taken advantage of.

Historically, the leadership of Local 514 has propagated fear to the membership instead of unionism.
<_< Buck----- I really don't want to get into a debate about Unions, but frankly , the a.a. AMTs don't have one! And the problem with the AMFA, is your dealing with the same mindset! When you have one local trying to undermine another, that's not what Union should be all about!!!!It's that simple!!! Union people have one Hell'vea problem with whats going on in our Industry right now, and should be thinking of whys to work with each other, and yes, with other company Unions, to turn this race to the bottom arround insted of one local trying to screw another!!! O.K. I'll get off my soap box!!! Where I put that red "T" shirt????
MCI transplant said:
<_< Buck----- I really don't want to get into a debate about Unions, but frankly , the a.a. AMTs don't have one! And the problem with the AMFA, is your dealing with the same mindset! When you have one local trying to undermine another, that's not what Union should be all about!!!!It's that simple!!! Union people have one Hell'vea problem with whats going on in our Industry right now, and should be thinking of whys to work with each other, and yes, with other company Unions, to turn this race to the bottom arround insted of one local trying to screw another!!! O.K. I'll get off my soap box!!! Where I put that red "T" shirt????

Who said anything about another union?

Lets leave AMFA out of the picture for this issue.

I agree the AA AMT's do not have a union. Those in the position of TWU leadership do not even adhere to the constitutional properties of the AFL-CIO. You are correct the one local dictating to the others without the hint of democracy is wrong.

Why is it that the TWU and the AFL-CIO won't stand up to these companies?
Buck said:
Who said anything about another union?

Lets leave AMFA out of the picture for this issue.

I agree the AA AMT's do not have a union. Those in the position of TWU leadership do not even adhere to the constitutional properties of the AFL-CIO. You are correct the one local dictating to the others without the hint of democracy is wrong.

Why is it that the TWU and the AFL-CIO won't stand up to these companies?
<_< Sorry Buck! I'm not going to argue with you! You'll have to find another pulpit to preach from!!!!!
MCI transplant said:
<_< Sorry Buck! I'm not going to argue with you! You'll have to find another pulpit to preach from!!!!!

So you have no position on why the AFL-CIO won't stand up for labor in the airline industry?

No preaching, just want to understand why you and many others pay dues to an organization who does nothing for them or in the case of the TWA employee, stabs them in the collective back?

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