"All I have to do is fire everybody every five years" to compete with low-cost carriers, Bethune quipped.
"Your post is so full of holes I don't know where to start"
OK, lets see
"As far as maintenance costs, yes they have gone up but CASM has gone DOWN!"
Lets see, hmmm, how could that be. Oh yeah, lower fuel costs (not very hedged for next year...) and a 11% LONGER STAGE LENGTH. Oh and one more item....
"Sub pay rates? Well your UAL rates have taken quite a hit haven't they?"
From your 10K (maybe you should try reading one...)
"Salaries, wages and benefits increased 36.3%, or $20.7 million, due to an increase in average full-time equivalent employees of 36.7% in 2004 compared to 2003. Cost per available seat mile decreased 5.7% as a result of lower profit sharing expense."
Oh yipee, you must be so excited, you lowered your CASM..... Partly by LOWERING YOU PAY
🙄 Dave RULES!!! He LOVES YOU!!
"As far as BOS goes the flights are full,full,full. Bring it on Branson, Dick is the on that is going to get stuffed."
Actually, as a compnay gets older, I'd expect it's RASM's to go UP, Blues went DOWN SUBSTANTIALLY (7.9%) while they went UP for the rest of the industry, and while the rest of the economy improved. Nice trend line

. But silly me, I said that would happen over a year ago. It's part of the business model. No connecting traffic equals DIMINISHING RETURNS. But I know!! Add more capacity, that'll drive up RASM's!!! And do it with smaller, unproven, more expensive jets!!! Then you can create all the hassles of a sub fleet and all the jealousies Dave's "fence" will create. Why was it SWA fired him?
Back to pay. A contract is like a Ala Carte meal. Yup Dave got you the 8 ounce sirloin. Yippee. Meanwhile at the next table they got a 10 ounce Ribeye. Yeah, dave gave you a steak almost as big!!! but wait They got a potato to (B-fund)? Salad (work rules)? And what's with the big piece of pie (retirement, retiree medical)? :angry: Surely this Dave will bring out the rest later right? We just got here right? How come we don't even have salt (Airport parking)? I'm sure that pie on the next table will go bad before he can eat it.... Oh well, I wasn't that hungry after all.......