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New Boards

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Does anyone know if there's a way to go to the next (previous, actually) topic without going back to the top of the page, clicking "American Airlines" and then selecting the next topic from the list? With the old software you could just click the "next" or "previous" button at the top or bottom of the page.

ok, after finally realizing my log in problem was not a "cookies enabled" problem, I re-registered!

And as far as I am concerned, it is rude to ask a lady her number. .
bigger is better....[:sun:]
higher is finer....[8)]
larger is swell. . .[😛raise:]
and if it were money we are talking about, then I would REALLY care[:bigsmile:]
I had to chuckle when I received this email today:

Dear USaviation.com Message Board Member,

In an ongoing attempt to provide the absolute best online aviation community on the net, USaviation.com has released a new
aviation message board system. In just our first year of operation, the USaviation.com community has out grown the old
UBB system that we had previously been using. With over 12 million hits a months and climbing, we needed to find a
platform that would support our community for years to come. After months of research and testing, we have released a new
message board system that has been rated tops among leading webmasters and can support our demand.

If you wish to participate, you will need to RE-REGISTER as a member. It takes just a minute or two to re-register, and
there are plenty of LOW seniority numbers still available! The USaviation boards continue to be a great place for the
aviation community to keep a finger on the pulse of the industry. We sincerely hope that you'll check out our NEW look and
participate in the great aviation discussions going on right now!

Please be advised though...After your register on the new boards, you'll receive a confirmation email that is used to
activate your membership. YOU MUST ACTIVATE YOUR MEMBERSHIP via a link in this email before logging onto the NEW message
boards as a member.

Hurry! If you haven't already re-registered, you're going to miss out on a low seniority number! We look forward to
seeing you re-register today!

I guess our fixation on seniority numbers really made an impression on them! Of course the low number is only meaningful if we don't get stapled as a result of some future transaction they engage in. [:bigsmile:] [:bigsmile:] [:bigsmile:]
I think I just got stapled...[:knockout:] [:knockout:] [:knockout:]
I wondered if you started an early hibernation bear. Good to see you again.
I just "exiled" myself(for about a week) , off these boards, by FORGETTING most of my login info !!!!!!!!!

JEEZ'Talk about WITHDRAWAL !!!!!!!!!!!!

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