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New Arizona Livery

Marketing could easily use the Theme planes constructively and get some good publicity for A CHANGE. If the State Theme planes were rolled out to say all 50 states, a model or postcard could be made to depict the aircraft. People like to collect all sorts of things (what brings joy to one person may not have any value to another). There are aviation collectors around the world who would probably jump to get a miniature fleet of 50 US State theme planes not to mention employees (who still have some sense of pride in the Company) or passengers (who want to remember special occasions and/or horrible flights). It has never been done before, is creative and really shows off a very diverse Nation the USA is in people, region and flags.
Georgia would have to be eliminated, the have the Confederate Flag in their flag. Bad enough what Tempe is doing for the airline, just look at all the protesters that will be lining up for this debackle. Then again, didn't Arizona refuse to Honor Martin Luther King's birthday? And Tempe would get Imus to be the spokesperson for their ads. :shock:
Here is another photo with a little more detail


Personally the back 25 pct looks great but just way to much white, actually has more white than the normal US livery. Many like the new Nevada and Arizona more than the 757's schemes they replace as many thought they where gaudy or tacky but I would have much prefered something more of a happy medium between the old and the newest ones.



Its not dedicated to the city of Tucson anymore?
Georgia would have to be eliminated, the have the Confederate Flag in their flag. Bad enough what Tempe is doing for the airline, just look at all the protesters that will be lining up for this debackle. Then again, didn't Arizona refuse to Honor Martin Luther King's birthday? And Tempe would get Imus to be the spokesperson for their ads. :shock:

Actually, "Arizona" did not refuse to honor MLK. Our governor at the time rescinded the holiday because it had been passed in an illegal way by the previous governor. While technically he was right, he never should have done that.

But, before you try to stamp AZ as a racist state, the people of Arizona voted OVERWHELMINGLY to adopt the MLK holiday. And, we are the only state that allowed its voters to decide on this. I'm sure that if all 50 states would have put it up to a vote back in the 80's, there would be a few that wouldn't have passed it. And, America West observed MLK from day one, even when the state didn't.

Don't fall into the old "Arizona is racist because of MLK" baloney unless you know the facts.
Actually, "Arizona" did not refuse to honor MLK. Our governor at the time rescinded the holiday because it had been passed in an illegal way by the previous governor. While technically he was right, he never should have done that.

But, before you try to stamp AZ as a racist state, the people of Arizona voted OVERWHELMINGLY to adopt the MLK holiday. And, we are the only state that allowed its voters to decide on this. I'm sure that if all 50 states would have put it up to a vote back in the 80's, there would be a few that wouldn't have passed it. And, America West observed MLK from day one, even when the state didn't.

Don't fall into the old "Arizona is racist because of MLK" baloney unless you know the facts.
Wasn't intended to calling AZ racist state, just remember the debacle about it. There are still racist areas in the U.S. of A., but I wouldn't classify AZ as one. 🙂
Georgia would have to be eliminated, the have the Confederate Flag in their flag. Bad enough what Tempe is doing for the airline, just look at all the protesters that will be lining up for this debackle. Then again, didn't Arizona refuse to Honor Martin Luther King's birthday? And Tempe would get Imus to be the spokesperson for their ads. :shock:
Please, get your facts right about my home state of Georgia.


The Confederate Flag is not our STATE FLAG... Its this:

http://www.netstate.com/states/symb/flags/..._flag_2003p.gif 😛

Yes, The design is reminiscent of the First National Flag of the Confederacy, the Stars and Bars. It is not the "Confederate Flag" that comes to mind to most people in the United States of America at this time.
Please, get your facts right about my home state of Georgia.

The Confederate Flag is not our STATE FLAG... Its this:

http://www.netstate.com/states/symb/flags/..._flag_2003p.gif 😛

Yes, The design is reminiscent of the First National Flag of the Confederacy, the Stars and Bars. It is not the "Confederate Flag" that comes to mind to most people in the United States of America at this time.
OK, But prior to 2003, what was in the Georgia Flag? I remember the debates that went on about the flag, I didn't realize 4 years went by that fast already. The Peach State, my favorite fruit. OK, I stand corrected on that!
Looking at the latest photo again I realized the word Arizona is the same size as the letters/numbers in the registration. Nice going on that Tempe !


Looking at the latest photo again I realized the word Arizona is the same size as the letters/numbers in the registration. Nice going on that Tempe !


With this airline in a tailspin, all you can do is nitpick about the size of the lettering in "Arizona". Good grief. We have much bigger things to go on about. Now you are just being silly.
With this airline in a tailspin, all you can do is nitpick about the size of the lettering in "Arizona". Good grief. We have much bigger things to go on about. Now you are just being silly.

barbeetantrums, you are 100 pct right on however if they are going to take the time to design and then paint these schemes at least try to do justice to what they represent. When people see this aircraft many may not even see the word Arizona due to its small size and placement. It's all about choices and how even with something as insignificant at this they could have made a much better choice.

If you read some of my posts many include positive idea's how to make the more important problems better. Sorry if the airline enthusiast and photographer geek side of me that is still trying to find a reason to have pride in this company ruffled your feathers, it wasn't ment to.


Sorry if the airline enthusiast and photographer geek side of me that is still trying to find a reason to have pride in this company ruffled your feathers, it wasn't ment to.



It didn't ruffle my feathers. I just feel there are bigger fish to fry. My feeling is now that these theme planes will look really pretty sitting in a boneyard or the Mojave Desert.
With this airline in a tailspin, all you can do is nitpick about the size of the lettering in "Arizona". Good grief. We have much bigger things to go on about. Now you are just being silly.

Actually...if I were to nitpick...I'd point out the fact that it looks like the star is sitting down. Notice how its just kinda chillin half on the fuselage, half on the vertical stab? Kinda reminds me of some of the guys I work with, lets go PHX!