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New Arizona Livery

barbeetantrums, you are 100 pct right on however if they are going to take the time to design and then paint these schemes at least try to do justice to what they represent. When people see this aircraft many may not even see the word Arizona due to its small size and placement. It's all about choices and how even with something as insignificant at this they could have made a much better choice.

If you read some of my posts many include positive idea's how to make the more important problems better. Sorry if the airline enthusiast and photographer geek side of me that is still trying to find a reason to have pride in this company ruffled your feathers, it wasn't ment to.

Yeah LGA777! 😉 How dare you bring anything else to these boards other than bitching about how horrible ALPA is, East pilots vs. West pilots, wretched airplane reconfigs, lack of service, stagnation and zero growth in the airline, aircraft being returned, the deplorable aircraft interiors, horrendous management, crappy Shares...

I agree there's plenty to be unhappy about, but don't find fault with someone who is trying to salvage just a small bit of joy out of SOMETHING from this god-forsaken airline.
View attachment 6001I think this would like nice on the side of a plane...
Have ANY of you viewed your company "Town Hall" meetings?
Judging a paint job is really rediculous. IF....you would TAKE THE TIME AND INTEREST to watch those videos you would see just how HURT, FRUSTRATED AND TICKED OFF the MAJORITY of your FELLOW EMPLOYEES are. People don't have gas money and you Bozos are critiquing a freaking paint job that looks down market AND SAY'S ...YEA...WERE' THE PARTY BARGE.

Do any of you understand less is more? Nah...You'll never get it.
Have ANY of you viewed your company "Town Hall" meetings?
Judging a paint job is really rediculous. IF....you would TAKE THE TIME AND INTEREST to watch those videos you would see just how HURT, FRUSTRATED AND TICKED OFF the MAJORITY of your FELLOW EMPLOYEES are. People don't have gas money and you Bozos are critiquing a freaking paint job that looks down market AND SAY'S ...YEA...WERE' THE PARTY BARGE.

Do any of you understand less is more? Nah...You'll never get it.
If you would have looked at the bmp, you would have noticed the intent, but no, you blow your stack and insult everyone by calling us Bozo's....