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Unions love playing Ned Beatty, circa Deliverence to the politicians, it will never end, because they can keep their high and mighty jobs, all the while reminding everyone " how hard they're fighting" , it's a circle jerk.
Traymark said:
Obama had no problem getting everything he wanted in the most recent budget.
Are you for real?
Congress has barely done anything that Obama has wanted, since the Republicans have taken control, are you living on a deserted Island?
Traymark said:

Why did they stop trying?
Why hasn't this been re introduced on Obamas FIRST DAY IN OFFICE?
Here's an answer and an honest answer:
Answer:  you need to donate more $$$ to the union-endorsed candidates to get things done.
Honest answer:  you (and unions) aren't that important to the Dems.  Your vote, is, but you and the issues affecting yoru, aren't.
Ok the China hanger is BS they already have a MRO to cover the 777 work, if they hire AA INT workers in Mexico is it adding a  new AMTs, if so does it require a SEC or 10K filing , I know the FLT ATT based down south are AA employees working non union, when they got hired no SEC filing , also what if the title for the hangar is not in AAs name yet would that not show in the sec or 10k filing,  I seen the pictures talked to the MEXICAN guy I smell a  :rat
Prove it with facts.

Those FAs were part of the bilateral agreements for AA to serve those countries.

You have provided not one fact, just hearsay.

And you have been told twice your link you provided doesn't work.
700UW said:
Explain to me how would you get this passed in a Republican controlled Congress? 
The one thing terrorists are very good at is making bombs that look like things that
look like they belong in their setting (Pan Am flight 103 was brought down by a transistor radio bomb).
Give an above average terrorist access to a de-paneled aircraft for 10 days or so, who knows the
maintenance schedule because he is also an AMT at a foreign repair station in a country that is not
on friendly terms with the USA (pretty much everyone).
Using that scenario is a way to get republicans attention, but unfortunately governments tend to be 
reactionary not proactive so an above mentioned terrorist attack would have to occur to get many of
them to open their eyes.
Tell your what my son's mother is a lead stock clerk, where is this hangar?

As she can tell what parts are there and what's the allocation.
Runwaysticker said:
Ok the China hanger is BS they already have a MRO to cover the 777 work, if they hire AA INT workers in Mexico is it adding a  new AMTs, if so does it require a SEC or 10K filing , I know the FLT ATT based down south are AA employees working non union, when they got hired no SEC filing , also what if the title for the hangar is not in AAs name yet would that not show in the sec or 10k filing,  I seen the pictures talked to the MEXICAN guy I smell a  :rat
Can you describe the pictures you saw?
Did you see the the AA metal, did you see the international and south America links, wow I see now the link does not work,   Hum ok lets see if it comes back up' 
Once again where is this hangar?

As I can get the parts allocation.

And any current AA mechanic can check the OTS aircraft to see if it's true.

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