If I had a dollar for every "paper" airline, remember Airportland/Thecoast? Or Oneida? Or Northern? Family Air? Crystal Air? Blue something or other, Project Roam?
Stay the hell away from paper airlines, especially the sham ones like Family Air that asks you for 5K to be hired on.
Just wanted to say that I was involved in a <b>Paper Airline</b>. We received financial commitments from the State of Illinois - $25 million, Michigan coughed up $5 mil, and Indiana about $3 million... we had a private investor and was looking at a Part 121 based out West and backed off bidding on them in the BK after due diligence turned up a lot of dirt... we then went back to the drawing board before some of our guys decided to kill our project and go after TWA *koff*
So there are a few paper airlines out there that ARE legit, its just they are the ones without flashy websites.... "real" paper airlines should not even have an homepage, let alone information about what they WANT to do...
if I had my way, I'd have 15 Dash 8 Q400s flying between Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina to the Bahamas.... (( end dream sequence ))
I would hope that after the AccessAir fiasco, municipalities would be wary to give money to a paper airline or an airline that has no chance in hell of lasting.
The thing is, everyone wants to run an airline, I mean, how cool is that?
But, people don't realize the huge amount of capitol, insurance, uncertainties like fuel, and the decision to get the right equipment. And woe be to those that actually get up in the air, only to have it killed by egomaniacal leaders that surround themselves with yesmen (Western Pacific, National)