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Nationwide RENT STRIKE. 31%, Rent not paid and GROWING !

Yeah, on silly things like rent, food, and utilities. Sometimes, they even throw caution to the wind and get things like new shoes for their kids. Wild.
About the response I would expect from a doofus.

I know doctors and lawyers in the same financial boat. I also know people on the $10-15 an hour group who are fine.

The people who lose their housing after 2-3 months would most likely be in the same boat with a higher wage. Everybody wants all the high tech stuff first.

Human nature
delldude, Kev3188 rather ignore reality to push a narrative.

Like a doofus.

That is why I HATE having conversations with leftist. Dealing with their hyperbole and idiocy is an exercise in frustration.
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About the response I would expect from a doofus.

He rather ignore reality to push a narrative.

Like a doofus.

That is why I HATE having conversations with leftist. Dealing with their hyperbole and idiocy is an exercise in frustration.
About the response I would expect from a doofus.

delldude, Kev3188 rather ignore reality to push a narrative.

Like a doofus.

Ah yes, the "narrative." Okay, I'll bite.

The narrative I believe in is the one of Common Good, and how it's fundamental to what it truly means to be an American. This is the same "narrative" that made me proud to support you going back to school on the government dime even though you think I'm a doofus.

There's nothing hyperbolic about wanting to look out for one another.
Ah yes, the "narrative." Okay, I'll bite.

The narrative I believe in is the one of Common Good, and how it's fundamental to what it truly means to be an American. This is the same "narrative" that made me proud to support you going back to school on the government dime even though you think I'm a doofus.

There's nothing hyperbolic about wanting to look out for one another.
Common good is a socialist premise.
Ah yes, the "narrative." Okay, I'll bite.

The narrative I believe in is the one of Common Good, and how it's fundamental to what it truly means to be an American. This is the same "narrative" that made me proud to support you going back to school on the government dime even though you think I'm a doofus.

There's nothing hyperbolic about wanting to look out for one another.

Speaking of hollow virtue signaling....
We’ve never come together for a common cause? You sure?
Only in the movies and fairly tails. Meanwhile in the real world, people you identify with weaponize events such as this to push a statist big government agenda.

Pro tip: That’s not good for the common man.
Only in the movies and fairly tails. Meanwhile in the real world, people you identify with weaponize events such as this to push a statist big government agenda.

Pro tip: That’s not good for the common man.

You PAL, Wouldn't know the REAL WORLD, even if it hit you right between your ' * ' Eyes !!
Ah yes, the "narrative." Okay, I'll bite.

The narrative I believe in is the one of Common Good, and how it's fundamental to what it truly means to be an American. This is the same "narrative" that made me proud to support you going back to school on the government dime even though you think I'm a doofus.

There's nothing hyperbolic about wanting to look out for one another.
Who the hell was talking about social programs?

I called you on your BS and you had no answer so you went off on some BS tangent.

Here let me help you get back on track.

The larger question is why we as a nation are okay with paying people so little that they face losing their housing after only 1-2 months.

For many people, no matter the income, they spend it as fast as they make it.

He is right Kev. You know it's true.

You know damn well he was talking about people who blow every dime they make but you came back with this BS answer.

Yeah, on silly things like rent, food, and utilities. Sometimes, they even throw caution to the wind and get things like new shoes for their kids. Wild.

Then delldue tried to pull you back into reality after your trip down hyperbole boulevard.
During the first give back event at UAir, it wasn't uncommon to hear people concerned about losing their houses/cars,etc. I was shocked to hear guys I worked with complaining about debt collectors calling and so on. Everybody lives differently. It only got worse during successive givebacks/BK's. You wouldn't believe the amount of people I knew who took the suicide route, I'll never forget that.....I was a steward during all of that.
I know doctors and lawyers in the same financial boat. I also know people on the $10-15 an hour group who are fine.

The people who lose their housing after 2-3 months would most likely be in the same boat with a higher wage. Everybody wants all the high tech stuff first.

Human nature

Then after I call you on your BS.............
About the response I would expect from a doofus.

delldude, Kev3188 rather ignore reality to push a narrative.

Like a doofus.

That is why I HATE having conversations with leftist. Dealing with their hyperbole and idiocy is an exercise in frustration.

You come back with this nonsense that had NOTHING to do with what we were talking about.
Ah yes, the "narrative." Okay, I'll bite.

The narrative I believe in is the one of Common Good, and how it's fundamental to what it truly means to be an American. This is the same "narrative" that made me proud to support you going back to school on the government dime even though you think I'm a doofus.

There's nothing hyperbolic about wanting to look out for one another.

So let's review. You took an obvious statement and gave some foolish answer in an attempt to push a narrative. Then, when you were called out you criticized the person who called you out and attempted to change the narrative yet again.

People are not as stupid as you look (from your posts).
There is nothing more American than looking out for one another. It’s the most patriotic thing we can do.

It’s also the most human. Someday you’ll get it. Or not.

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