N248AY - status?


Aug 20, 2002
Was N248AY the one involved in the GIG incident that required a return to the airport after an apparent engine fire?

It appears it operated on 2/12 as US9465, but ACARS and libhomeradar don't show the origin/destination. Flightaware shows that flight as originating/returning to Mobile. So, did it get ferried back to the US sometime prior to that?

My basic question is - what's going on with 248, and what was the problem in GIG that required a 2nd aircraft to be dispatched to bring the passengers home?
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What was the tail # of the incident 767-200 that is returning tonight? It would appear that on 2/12 248 was in Mobile, AL.....
The aircraft stuck in GIG was 248 and for anyone interested is showing an OFF time of 2354. 252 was out of BFM on the 12th and 245 has been there since the 7th.
sure is a shame that any of those birds need to go to Alabama at an outsourced facilicy to get fixed.

Advanced warning to the MOD - not turning this into a labor thread...

HOWEVER, question (and I'm hoping we can keep it civil and not closed) -

Can someone (maybe 700) give a breakdown of A/C type and where their heavy checks are done at?

I think that the narrowbody heavys are done in house but the widebodies are now outsourced... is that accurrate?


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