KCFlyer said:
I wonder what 2016 will hold. After all...the 2016 elections will be based on how the 2014 republicans have done. So....how have they done? Shut down government? Check. Benghazi hearings? Check. Anything productive.....crickets.
delldude said:
I like your focus.
No chance it will be an Obama referendum......?
Afterall, look how our global stature and economy has performed.
KCFlyer said:
So what has the 2014 GOP congress done to address our global stature? Inviting Bibi to bash Obama? Write a letter to Iran telling then that when a republican is elected - the deal is toast? What has the 2014 GOP congress done for our economy? Shut down the govenrment? Anything else? Nope....their biggest "accomplishment" is investigating Benghazi with a dogged determination. I think they suffer losses in Congress in 2016
KCFlyer said:
So what has the 2014 GOP congress done to address our global stature? Inviting Bibi to bash Obama? Write a letter to Iran telling then that when a republican is elected - the deal is toast? What has the 2014 GOP congress done for our economy? Shut down the govenrment? Anything else? Nope....their biggest "accomplishment" is investigating Benghazi with a dogged determination. I think they suffer losses in Congress in 2016
could you enlighten us on what the Dems managed from 08 to 10 when they controlled everything.KCFlyer said:
So what has the 2014 GOP congress done to address our global stature? Inviting Bibi to bash Obama? Write a letter to Iran telling then that when a republican is elected - the deal is toast? What has the 2014 GOP congress done for our economy? Shut down the govenrment? Anything else? Nope....their biggest "accomplishment" is investigating Benghazi with a dogged determination. I think they suffer losses in Congress in 2016
cltrat said:could you enlighten us on what the Dems managed from 08 to 10 when they controlled everything.
no points for obamacare hell they had to bribe people to get that abortion passed
KCFlyer said:
They got it passed. Which is more than the republicans did. How many times did the republicans say "no"? What did they offer in return? An "all or nothing" repeal of Obamacare in return for passing anything proposed by this administration.
delldude said:
How convienent you overlook some 23 bills for GOP HC sent to Harry and Nancy which never saw the light of day.
KCFlyer said:
How many of those bills contained provisions to overturn all or part of Obamacare?
delldude said:
My God, man......these were while Dems ramrodded Obamascare through both houses.
KCFlyer said:
Did any of those bills have a suggestion for a "better" health care plan? Educate me Dell....can you link me to the bills that never made the light of day? A bill has to be introduced before it can be passed along....any list of bill numbers so I can look them up to see how much they were going to help America?
KCFlyer said:
Did any of those bills have a suggestion for a "better" health care plan? Educate me Dell....can you link me to the bills that never made the light of day? A bill has to be introduced before it can be passed along....any list of bill numbers so I can look them up to see how much they were going to help America?
delldude said:
Dems didn't want to be bothered. GOP sent some 23 bills.
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