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Mr. Slater and JetBlue part company

Good, now I have a more favorable opinion of JetBlue as they have demonstrated they care about safety and will discipline their employees when necessary. This is particularly re-assuring since JetBlue is now partnering with AA, and has effectively replaced many of their BOS routes I regularly fly. I'm sure Laura Glading and APFA isn't too pleased with this one, as she mentioned in her Fox News interview she would file a grievance to protect this worker.


I'm sure Laura Glading and APFA isn't too pleased with this one, as she mentioned in her Fox News interview she would file a grievance to protect this worker.

Her statement may or may not mean anything. Under Federal law the union is required to make a good faith effort to represent the employee and save their job or get it back for them. Failure to do so could expose the union to a DFR (Duty of Fair Representation) suit by the employee.
Her statement may or may not mean anything. Under Federal law the union is required to make a good faith effort to represent the employee and save their job or get it back for them. Failure to do so could expose the union to a DFR (Duty of Fair Representation) suit by the employee.

Jet Blue Flight Attendants are not represented by APFA. I'm not sure why the President of APFA would want her name associated with this knucklhead, he's a disgrace to to the Flight Attendant profession.
Jet Blue Flight Attendants are not represented by APFA. I'm not sure why the President of APFA would want her name associated with this knucklhead, he's a disgrace to to the Flight Attendant profession.

I could not agree more!!!
Good, now I have a more favorable opinion of JetBlue as they have demonstrated they care about safety and will discipline their employees when necessary. This is particularly re-assuring since JetBlue is now partnering with AA, and has effectively replaced many of their BOS routes I regularly fly. I'm sure Laura Glading and APFA isn't too pleased with this one, as she mentioned in her Fox News interview she would file a grievance to protect this worker.


How interesting to see what kind of employee Laura Gladding and APFA protect. She and the rest of APFA did nothing to protect the highly professional, highly trained (especially in the area of safety),TWA people. Oh buy the way we don't pop slides. I have 38 years and have never poped a slide. I don't even know anyone who has ever poped a slide. It was grounds for termination at TWA. So was drinking on the job and removing company property from the aircraft, along with profanity on the job, much less on the PA. I do believe American Has different standards for their employees as well. Sincerely a former TWA Flight Attendant
How interesting to see what kind of employee Laura Gladding and APFA protect. She and the rest of APFA did nothing to protect the highly professional, highly trained (especially in the area of safety),TWA people. Oh buy the way we don't pop slides. I have 38 years and have never poped a slide. I don't even know anyone who has ever poped a slide. It was grounds for termination at TWA. So was drinking on the job and removing company property from the aircraft, along with profanity on the job, much less on the PA. I do believe American Has different standards for their employees as well. Sincerely a former TWA Flight Attendant
AGREE. You raise MANY valuable points and I highly doubt A-N-Y airline would even consider hiring Slater under any circumstance. With Background checks more commonplace and more thorough than ever, NO Airline would be willing to even glance at His application. Furthermore, I wouldn't be surprised "IF" the FAA didn't have him 'Blackballed' for A-N-Y airline position that required Security clearance. Slater may Not be a Bad person, He just did a very stupid thing on a Very Big Stage.......although it still makes Me laugh that 'SOMEONE' Did it!
Slater pleads guilty to felony and misdemeanor; must attend counseling and treatment. If he completes treatment, felony will be dismissed and he will do one year probation on misdemeanor. If he screws up, one to three years in prison:

Of course he is not a BAD person but the Airlines put us into very difficult positions. No Monday morning quartebacking. Do you guys like PBS
Steve Slater's mother, Diane, passed away yesterday in Thousand Oaks, CA after losing her battle with cancer. No matter what you think of his actions, please give him your condolances.
Of course he is not a BAD person but the Airlines put us into very difficult positions. No Monday morning quartebacking. Do you guys like PBS

.........his ACTIONS while employeed were BAD. Very Difficult positions? YOU applied for the job and were trained to do it. It's challenging maybe at times, exhausting at times, not very difficult though.