More progress on the recent ratified CBA @ L3 Harris MAS up in Canada

And yet another splendid example of your particular brand of ignorance - Again, the IAM & the IAMPF are not the same, they are separate entities. Membership in one is not required for participation in the other.

Wow are you obtuse. The IAMPF “reserves the right” I contacted an IAMPF rep to verify. It was about a 5 minute call. ☎️

I’m done. ✅ Get in the argumentative last word that you need.

Good luck with your negotiations when they happen. 👋
Wow are you obtuse. The IAMPF “reserves the right” I contacted an IAMPF rep to verify. It was about a 5 minute call. ☎️

Wow! Imagine that - I called the IAMPF too! You must've gotten the 3-day-old trainee rep, because the individual I discussed this matter with re-emphasized pretty much what I already knew. The IAM and the IAMPF are separate entities.

He pointed out that while the IAM is responsible for organizing members, negotiating contracts, administering contracts, and handling grievances and member defense when required - The IAMPF only handles the fund - Administering duties, investments, distributions.

Further, he pointed out that bound by fiduciary responsibilities under ERISA, in the unfortunate event of an IAM decertification, so long as the new union continued to meet the rules and requirements of the fund (membership not being one) , and the employers agreed upon contributions continued per schedule, that bound by fiduciary responsibility, the now former-IAM members could not be involuntarily removed from the plan, simply out of spite.

Ironically enough he added ... only the truly obtuse would think otherwise 🤣🤣🤣

I’m done. ✅ Get in the argumentative last word that you need.

I actually wasn't going to respond, but hey since you went and offered ...

Oh and as for you being done? Here's 100 forum bucks 💲💲💲 saying you'll respond - you live here, you're kind of a troll, and you can't help yourself.

Good luck with your negotiations when they happen. 👋

Why thank you - I'm sure that when UAL finally gets back to us it'll be a real hoot.
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Now that is too funny. I did the same back when IAM & teamsters was claiming they would lose their pensions if they voted out the unions and went with AMFA. I called and confirmed about the ERISA regs and was told the exact same as you were. This was also the same time frame mechanics were told they will get to vote on an issue @ AA and I called the NMB and confirmed that they will NOT be supervising nor starting a vote at AA. No one would believe me UNTIL after it all went thru without membership say so or even input, and then the leaders admitted, when it was too late, that there will be no vote on the issue at hand. And it just so happens to have included the main idiot you are referring to now on this issue, as he was a huge spreader of the news that they will get a vote and he's not even a mechanic, so he obviously was and still is on a mission. These guys will do anything to screw over the members to get their way.