More Lies from TWU



CAL execs will lie to you for free - you needn't pay TWU dues for the experience.

There's not much representation out there that's worth a damn, but you certainly don't want these guys.
gee bob,
while the TWU is not my 1st choice, no one else has put forth any effort to organize us! at this point, i would take anyone over noone. management at continental preyed on nonunion workers and hit them the hardest. i had 18% stolen from me with no say or input!!!!! 9.8% paycut and reduced vacation, sick time etc...... to top all this off, Continental is giving snapbacks to the other workgroups but, only a 4% snapback to the sr. people whom were hit the hardest! the mechanics pay was cut 4% across the board but management saw fit to screw the sr. agents on the ramp, and cut the pay of those who are topped out by a higher percentage!(you sound like a member of Cal management to me)

Here is the real scoop on the TWU. We on the ramp took at 30% paycut....(30%- PAY CUT) ...This included vacations, paid lunches, penalty hours, all overnight cleaning (RON's), 5-Sick days @year, down from 10, 10-Holidays (double-time 1/2), down to 5@ 1 1/2 time, and the list goes on.... We gave up just about everything except our pension. Well let me correct that. The pension still exsists, BUT....through layoffs, downgrade to Part time from Full time, the accural rate was cut in HALF !! Everybody made out like bandits, excpet the workers. The TWU made out, they got 30%-100% raises, while we were taking out 30% cuts. AA management, made out by keeping there stock options (forcing up the stock price) though the rank and file, sacrifices. The Win Together Pull Together, tenat from our AA-CEO, was a great sham to reward themselves, at the rank-and-files expense. This is the truth.....DO NOT GO WITH THE TWU, THEY AREN'T WORTH A DAMN. The entire spoke system, and AA-locals are falling apart, and the TWU-ATD (Air Transport Division) gave away the farm, to enrich themselves.

Plain and simple...., Go with another union, of form a Independent Union. Get an attorney to help you...
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Here is the real scoop on the TWU. We on the ramp took at 30% paycut....(30%- PAY CUT) ...This included vacations, paid lunches, penalty hours, all overnight cleaning (RON's), 5-Sick days @year, down from 10, 10-Holidays (double-time 1/2), down to 5@ 1 1/2 time, and the list goes on.... We gave up just about everything except our pension. Well let me correct that. The pension still exsists, BUT....through layoffs, downgrade to Part time from Full time, the accural rate was cut in HALF !! Everybody made out like bandits, excpet the workers. The TWU made out, they got 30%-100% raises, while we were taking out 30% cuts. AA management, made out by keeping there stock options (forcing up the stock price) though the rank and file, sacrifices. The Win Together Pull Together, tenat from our AA-CEO, was a great sham to reward themselves, at the rank-and-files expense. This is the truth.....DO NOT GO WITH THE TWU, THEY AREN'T WORTH A DAMN. The entire spoke system, and AA-locals are falling apart, and the TWU-ATD (Air Transport Division) gave away the farm, to enrich themselves.

Plain and simple...., Go with another union, of form a Independent Union. Get an attorney to help you...

Its really the TWU "AA"td