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more IAM fleet service committeemen recommending a ''no'' vote

On 1/10/2003 6:26:39 PM airlineorphan wrote:

i believe that all current employess...active or furlough with the exception of alpa..gets to vote..
that was the response i got from aaa when called to get voting info.


AFA members who are on furlough are considered inactive members, and therefore ineligible to vote. I know, I'm one of the 1300 or so involuntary f/a furloughees.


Just a clarification, I believe that AFA members who are on VOLUNTARY furlough are eligible to vote for a certain period of time (don't have my constitution and bylaws in front of me), and that INVOLUNTARY FURLOUGHEES are eligible for the period that they are receiving Furlough Pay. Otherwise we are considered "Inactive Members" under either category.

i believe that all current employess...active or furlough with the exception of alpa..gets to vote..
that was the response i got from aaa when called to get voting info.


AFA members who are on furlough are considered inactive members, and therefore ineligible to vote. I know, I'm one of the 1300 or so involuntary f/a furloughees.

Tim, what's the update?

As of the last I heard (around 8:00pm) the Yes vote is 38 votes more then the No votes.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/10/2003 11:01:13 AM USAOCC wrote:
[P]The judge for United Airlines IAM just threw out the 1113 letter and imposed wage cuts and opened the contract. If you are stupid enough to think this airline has time to negotiate with the IAM any more you are fooling yourself and everyone else. A no vote will result in one of two things, either chapter 7 and you have nothing including no health care as of the day they shut the door, (no Cobra look at National Airlines) or the airline will have the judge remove the 1113 letter as United did and impose what they want, and I guarentee you it will be worse than this. Wake up before it is too late![/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]The IAM had no section 1113 letter with UA.

Hope777 you are right about those numbers and I have been told there are 5 stations who haven't reported by 9pm CST.

I have a set of numbers from official counts that make up a great deal of the workforce which indicate a good NO vote than what is being represented though

With the numbers I have, I can tell that a challenge is very possible if the IAM did in fact say it was a YES vote. I don't have all the numbers but I have enough to find it odd that the vote is so close.

I don't know officially but I believe the mechanics voted overwhelmingly for the contract.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman 1487
I can tell you that the west coast is a yes vote by 100 votes or so. Looks like a 125-140 Yes vote by the IAM's numbers.

I have been advised that the 450 guys/gals who couldn't vote will be challenging the IAM's refusal to let them vote even though they were members in good standing and full paying dues.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman 1487
On 1/10/2003 11:11:47 PM Tim Nelson wrote:

I can tell you that the west coast is a yes vote by 100 votes or so. Looks like a 125-140 Yes vote by the IAM's numbers.

I have been advised that the 450 guys/gals who couldn't vote will be challenging the IAM's refusal to let them vote even though they were members in good standing and full paying dues.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman 1487


It is over accept the results and let's move on and begin to rebuild this franchise in hopes that we can one day bring back all of our fellow workers.

If you spent as much time being positive as you are negative ORD would be one of the best US Airways cities in the system. However I think you are out for your own political gains. Support the company that gives you a job, becuase without it you would not have a soapbox to stand on!!!!
Real world,

I received reports that said there were irregularities in PHL, LAS, ORF and have yet to return calls from messages of other stations.

Most irregularities are proven false so maybe there isn't any substance to it. He said/she saids would be a waste of our time.

I think they are worth pursuing with phone calls and the such over the next 24 hours to see if they make any sense. This is a reasonable course.

At any rate, I see things aren't working out for the employees who are part of that pension plan that will be addressed this week.


Tim Nelson
IAM Local chairman 1487
Wait and see. The Company now seems prepared to seek to terminate IAM and AFA pensions, if necessary, as well as seek deeper cuts through the S.1113 process. Why do you think Bill Freiberger reportedly warned LAX mechanics of this risk yersterday, according to Tug_Slug?
(Quote from Chip)

Chip, please educate me. Are you saying the company is willing to terminate the IAM and AFA pensions, in order to preserve the pilot's pensions? If so, does this bother you at all, maybe seem a little "unfair" to take from one work group to give to another? Just curious.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/11/2003 7:12:16 AM Tim Nelson wrote:
[P]Real world,[BR][BR]I received reports that said there were irregularities in PHL, LAS, ORF and have yet to return calls from messages of other stations.[BR][BR]Most irregularities are proven false so maybe there isn't any substance to it. He said/she saids would be a waste of our time.[BR][BR]I think they are worth pursuing with phone calls and the such over the next 24 hours to see if they make any sense. This is a reasonable course.[BR][BR]At any rate, I see things aren't working out for the employees who are part of that pension plan that will be addressed this week.[BR][BR]Regards,[BR][BR]Tim Nelson[BR]IAM Local chairman 1487[BR]215-440-6392[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]al gores on the phone....
Hi Welsh:

Welsh asked: Chip, please educate me. Are you saying the company is willing to terminate the IAM and AFA pensions, in order to preserve the pilot's pensions? If so, does this bother you at all, maybe seem a little "unfair" to take from one work group to give to another? Just curious.

Chip answers: Welsh, that is not what I said or implied. My comment was if the IAM or AFA failed to ratify their TA, which is now a moot point, the Company could seek to terminate the mechanic and F/A pensions before Thursday's Omnibus Hearing. Why? This could have provided required savings to qualify for the loan guarantee, but the good news this may not happen. In addition, some of these monies could be applied to cover management and pilot pensions, if necessary. If you remember, in Dave Siegel's December 24 letter to all employees he said, "The only thing that puts the IAM and AFA pensions at risk is a 'no vote' on ratification."

However, yesterday's ratification would contractually preserve the IAM and AFA pension between the unions and the company; however, we still do not know if the plans will be terminated by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

We should know more on this issue by Thursday, January 16. Hopefully, this issue can be resolved through legislative channnels to prevent all current defined benefit plans to continue.

[P class=MsoHeader][SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]Eligibility of Retired, Exempt, or Laid-Off Members to Participate in Contract Ratification Votes[/SPAN][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"][BR][BR]IAM Official Circular 815 governs the contract ratification voting rights of retired, exempt or laid-off members.[/SPAN]
[P][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]Retired or exempt members are ineligible to participate in contract ratification voting.[/SPAN]
[P][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]Members on indefinite layoff who are not notified on the day they are laid off when to return to work may not participate in contract or strike votes or in any other matters having a direct impact on a collective bargaining agreement.[/SPAN]
[P][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]Members who have been on indefinite layoff, but who have received a recall notice to return to work on a specific day, are eligible to participate in votes affecting contract demands and other business concerning the collective bargaining agreement.[/SPAN]
[P][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]Members on temporary layoff who are notified on the day of their layoff the date of their return to work are eligible to participate in votes affecting contract demands and other business concerning the collective bargaining agreement.[BR][/SPAN][/P]
On 1/11/2003 4:29:22 PM Biffeman wrote:

[P class=MsoHeader][SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]Eligibility of Retired, Exempt, or Laid-Off Members to Participate in Contract Ratification Votes[/SPAN][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]

IAM Official Circular 815 governs the contract ratification voting rights of retired, exempt or laid-off members.[/SPAN]

[SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]Retired or exempt members are ineligible to participate in contract ratification voting.[/SPAN]

[SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]Members on indefinite layoff who are not notified on the day they are laid off when to return to work may not participate in contract or strike votes or in any other matters having a direct impact on a collective bargaining agreement.[/SPAN]

[SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]Members who have been on indefinite layoff, but who have received a recall notice to return to work on a specific day, are eligible to participate in votes affecting contract demands and other business concerning the collective bargaining agreement.[/SPAN]

[SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]Members on temporary layoff who are notified on the day of their layoff the date of their return to work are eligible to participate in votes affecting contract demands and other business concerning the collective bargaining agreement.

biffman, the union is free to determine who votes on contracts. In fact the union serves as a trustee and if it wanted, it could force nobody to vote if its bylaws and circulars allowed it. ALPA did something like that.
I don't think any of the laid off people stand a chance of a favorable appeal as it relates to the L. G. Act.

Biffman, what is the latest on the pension happenings? And what is Chip stirring this time about the company going after AFA and IAM pensions and leaving the pilots alone? I hope Chip realizes that if the company did that then this company will definately be liquidated IMO.

To Chip: Were you in ORD the other day?
Chip needs to realize that the pension problem is ALPA's the IAM mechanic and related pension problem is only 10% of the pensions shortfall. I believe you will see the pilot's pensions terminated unless legislation is succesful. I don't think Mr Munn is a pension expert.

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