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Is what he did in court not perjury or lying under oath? I guess it does not matter in BK court.
I wouldn't expect a CFO to know who got what percentage raises anymore than I'd expect a mechanic or ramper to know what rate of return the pension models were assuming in 2000 versus 2001.
Former ModerAAtor said:
I wouldn't expect a CFO to know who got what percentage raises anymore than I'd expect a mechanic or ramper to know what rate of return the pension models were assuming in 2000 versus 2001.
..... Do you expect a CFO to tell the truth, The whole truth, and nothing but the truth ????? No wonder this airline crawled back into bankrupcy.. PATHETIC :down:
A CFO should know every aspect of where the money goes and who got what raises and when.

He built the business model on US' costs and why the company needed the 1113e motion, so he should have known ALL the employees wages and who and when got raises.
planeirish said:
Is what he did in court not perjury or lying under oath? I guess it does not matter in BK court.

Knowingly Lying under oath is purjury

Lying under oath when you are ignorant of the full facts..yet elect to respond to the question..well that's just an ignorant response. I guess this is very much in keeping of all the others things he's bungled along the way.

Not to worry..the employee's are here to under-write any degree of stupidity our so-called talent pool in CCY can muster. 🙄
700UW said:
Now the Monopoly Man was sitting two seats to my left in court on the Tuesday when the unions crossed examined Mr Davis.

He did not know the percentage of the raises that non-contract employees got, he did not know if F/A trainers got the same raise as the FA, plus the 2% to 8% range of raises given to management and clerical.

And Mr Davis did state a WHOLE cleaning crew called in sick in ORD, and upon cross Mrs Levine asked him "if he knew how many people that was", Mr Davis stated "No" Mrs Levine then asked "Isn't it a fact the crew was only two people", Mr Davis then replied "Yes".

This is the same Mr Davis who helped form the business plan in the last bankruptcy, you know the plan that FAILED, and the company admitted it failed in numerous pages of the bankruptcy filings.

Funny how you omit that part. Oh wait you helped form that plan if I remember correctly, guess you don't want to make yourself look bad either.

I was in the court room.
I was in the courtroom as well, so we will call it even.

The fact that Dave did not know each indivudual employees paycut is inconsequential.

The crew was actually three people from what understand however one was out for a none sick realted reason (I sure you can telll me), and the other two called in sick.

The business planned failed I do not think anyone is in deniying that, however have things not changed since then in the airline industry? DL, ATA are going to be bankrupt soon, I-Air will most likley not make it past December - the industry has changed. We have to adapt to our new enviorment, things change in business all the time and the ones that adapt are the ones that end up being sucessful, we have a choice.

We are better with Dave then without him.
700UW said:
A CFO should know every aspect of where the money goes and who got what raises and when.

He built the business model on US' costs and why the company needed the 1113e motion, so he should have known ALL the employees wages and who and when got raises.
You expect him to know all 28,000 employees salary or even just every MSP employee??
The cleaning crew consists of a total of 5 utility in ORD on third shift only. That particular night only two were scheduled to work, they both called in sick.

And who was talking about paycuts? I was talking about raises.

And I know you were in the court room.

Yes lets adapt to change by ridding US Airways of failed management, Lakefield sat in the court room like a bump on a log, we all know Glass is running the show, they all need to go, especially the Executive VP of Operations.

Is Bruce worth $425,000 in salary and 471, 000 shares of stock?

Is Glass and Lanier worth $280,000 a year plus a $1.8 in bonus?
real world said:
I was in the courtroom as well, so we will call it even.

The fact that Dave did not know each indivudual employees paycut is inconsequential.

The crew was actually three people from what understand however one was out for a none sick realted reason (I sure you can telll me), and the other two called in sick.

The business planned failed I do not think anyone is in deniying that, however have things not changed since then? DL, ATA are going to be bankrupt soon, I-Air will most lilley not make it past December - the industry has changed. We adapt to our new enviorment, things cahnge in business and all the time and the ones that adapt are the sucessful ones, we have a choice.

We would have better with Dave then without him.

Hi Real World,

I'm sure your proud about helping DL's situation along too :down:

Don't you have some cream cheese to spread on stale bagels for tomorrow? 😛
In regard to today’s CFO announcement, I believe it is never good news when good people leave a distressed company, however, in regard to finances, Bruce Lakefield is a plus in this area and he has the respect of the ATSB and the creditor's and he provides stability.

Headhunters always go after executives from distressed company's. Separately, when you cut a manager's pay and they have lateral mobility they are going to go to a better opportunity.

Airline seniority union positions do not have the same company transfer options.

Both George Philip and Ron Stanley have extensive finance experience/knowledge and will be an asset US Airways. It's not all bad when you get two quality people in exchange for one quality person.


real world said:
You expect him to know all 28,000 employees salary or even just every MSP employee??

I expect a CFO when under oath, and questioned on a witness stand to know what every group wages are, specifically because..


This SAME CFO could NOT REMEMBER if Siegel left with $4.5 million and Cohen with $2.5 million...."can not recall the exact figures", he said.

This SAME CFO had Cohen on the property 3 more months at $150,000 per month to 'help Davis Along'. So Davis actually had 2 months at the job. It was not his genius that negotiated with GE or ATSB.

Dave Davis had NO PROBLEMO citing what Agents at South West make to the exact penny.

Since you were in court, and I am sure you were sitting directly in front of me, if I heard it; YOU heard it.
700UW said:
A CFO should know every aspect of where the money goes and who got what raises and when.

He built the business model on US' costs and why the company needed the 1113e motion, so he should have known ALL the employees wages and who and when got raises.

You have got to be kidding, right?

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