You'd have to take it down to a third grade level for this nitwit to understand..........Let me break it down again one more time in little understandable pieces
You'd have to take it down to a third grade level for this nitwit to understand..........Let me break it down again one more time in little understandable pieces
That will happen soon enough, when they have no customers left.....just to clarify, you are considering McDonalds to be an option also, right?? Androm......can you say s-u-p-e-r-s-i-z-e it??Sounds to me like some folks at US need to quit the service business and go into a line of work that doesn't involve other people: forest ranger; letter carrier; lighthouse attendant, night watchman, for example.
I seriously doubt that.
If you were there, who were the people that were involved in the making of the video?
DC, my hope and prayer is that I am able to communicate..."it's not you and your team members I'm frustrated with."f you are not a US Airways hater, than why did you originally post this "Insult to Maintenance Intelligence"?
I don't think van aimed his post at mechanics, but at the structure in place. Passengers know you can only do with what tools you have. Ultimately, the decision to run for six weeks with duct tape is not one an individual mechanic can make.
The poor employees can only polish this turd of an airline but so many times.
Speak for your self.Well, with all the drunk-posting...
Punk drostings will never cure US of demons in upper management.