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More Filth & Lack Of Upkeep

Sounds to me like some folks at US need to quit the service business and go into a line of work that doesn't involve other people: forest ranger; letter carrier; lighthouse attendant, night watchman, for example.
That will happen soon enough, when they have no customers left.....just to clarify, you are considering McDonalds to be an option also, right?? Androm......can you say s-u-p-e-r-s-i-z-e it??
f you are not a US Airways hater, than why did you originally post this "Insult to Maintenance Intelligence"?
DC, my hope and prayer is that I am able to communicate..."it's not you and your team members I'm frustrated with."

It's the direction of the company with regards to the "customer experience" and the customers.

The good man that did the work on this airplane actually PM'd me...I thanked him for what he did...I did get to PHL that night, which was first and foremost...

At the end of the day, I believe the work you and the great team that make up the US people do the best you can with the tools you have...it's not your fault your management sets the bar at a rather...unacceptable level, at least from a customer perspective.

Very Best Regards,

P.S. - To this day, I have maintained the PVD team is the very best in aviation...and that's no disrespect to the other amazing and great professionals around the system...but Team PVD has made sure the wife and I have gotten where we need to go....nearly every time we need to, be it non-rev or revenue. My hat's off to you, Team PVD!
I don't think van aimed his post at mechanics, but at the structure in place. Passengers know you can only do with what tools you have. Ultimately, the decision to run for six weeks with duct tape is not one an individual mechanic can make.

Well said....thanks
I have reserved judgment on this topic, but I must say that I feel that this entire incident in indicative of what happens when Godless people are allowed to be in control of an airline.


These are all the values that make up the management team. You put Satan behind the wheel of an airline and I'd imagine something like Van experienced might happen, except it probably would have been on takeoff had the Lord not intervened. I pray for the safety of all who fly US Airways. This is proof-positive that the power of prayer is real and it does work.

I will be praying for US Airways that they may exorcise themselves of these demons currently occupying the ranks of the management. Only then will hope be alive.