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Chip comments: AOG, I'll be o.k. My house is paid for, we have no debt, my wife has a MBA/is working on her Ph.D. and a headhunter for an alternative position has contacted me. I am retired from the Air Force and our portfolio has been largely defensive.

The challenge for us is that we would have to work more and alter our lifestyle due to a change of quality of life to maintain economics. In addition, I love flying and the industry, which if we liquidate over the inability to get all stakeholder restructuring agreements, this would be a major personal change/loss.

Thanks for asking.

Chip, I'm equally thrilled that you and the Mrs. are prepared for a possible eventuality. This not being the case for thousands of others , is indeed a horrible thing, should worse slip into a worst scenario. I find it amazing of sorts , that a person of your position and notoriety only dabbled in that narrow aspect of my response. The issues with "Unionized Employee's" is all part of the problem , that has us on this collision course. The Laboring end has little left to give ..and still maintain any degree of what you refered to as "Quality of Life Issue"...Sure we are prepared to tighten the belt..We all should be. However , by saying yes to lining the pockets of the IAM further ($1.25M)..and saying it's OK to reward poor leadership with $6M in un-earned bonuses for poor performance. This becomes more than belt tightening for survival. This is like using "Jethro Bodine's" rope belt...and placing it around labors collective necks...and saying we like the idea. USAirways survival is dependent on smart spending...and sound thinking. $7.25M being spent on known bad ideas...is not a start in the right direction. Hopefully you and others (Including a judge) will see that as so. .........Regards, AOG!!

The longer I listen to your posts the sicker I seem to feel. I am sure every one of the employees at U has a since of passion about their company. That is what happens when you are in an industry that is so senority/longevity minded. I feel you all have the righ to be angry, but you need to stop pointing fingers. With regard to the judge statement, no one person knows what the judge might feel. Isnt it true that twice since 9/11 united has been hit with two large settlements in FAVOR of the unions because of past in equities? Though you think you are all chummy with siegle, your guess is as good as everyone elses when it comes to second guessing.

I personally think it SUCKS that the courts are involved to bail out past management mistakes. 1 billion in concessions + 1 Billion in loans is 2 Billion dollars to play with, of which only half of that should be legally allowed! The part that was the blood sweat and tear of every U employee!
Aog & Gogo:

I believe there are three points some people seem to not recognize or understand:

1. This is not a traditional negotiation and the cost cuts must come. It's not what we believe is "fair", it's what is required to reach contractual agreements with TPG, CSFB, & BOA to obtain DIP financing. It's what is contractually required to obtain the TPG emergence financing. It's what is legislatively required to obtain the special loan guarantee. This is not a traditional RLA negotiation where the company has options. Either the company gets the cost savings voluntarily or through the courts, or the company fails, period.

2. If the IAM-M is dissatisfied with its leadership whose fault is that? It's your union and was elected by the membership.

3. In today's economic environment with thousands of people laid off and significant cost pressures in all industries, I believe the majority of US Airways employees would have to settle for positions with pay and benefits much worse than a voluntary concession.

This whole thing is a bad situation and I do not like it any more than anybody else, but I believe it's better to reach a voluntary accord and live to fight another day, then to have the airline die and 36,000 jobs be lost plus MAA (new three letter identifier) not get off of the ground.

Chip, Something YOU fail to understand. I for one , Voted "Yes" for the IAM concessions. I understand all too well , what's at stake here. I also completely understand the folks that voted "NO"...I respect thier right to an opinion..and the fact that they are willing to risk things for it. The only heartburn I have with any of it is ..They are risking your and my futures too. My last few pasts have been directed purely at you...for the way you have come off to people.(IAM Members and CWA) Your Superior attitude...and constant beat of the drum of negativity is really starting to wear thin with people. I realize now why some within your own peer group are critical of you at times. Remember that I have defended most of your past opinion laced rants before you pop off at me again too!! If you will reflect back?...I tried to get fellow IAM'ers to see things in an un-related to union dis-satisfied fashion. OK , It failed..So now we have a new pile to drive. I'm asking that you just back off on trying to make people with differing opinions from you , look like Godless un-worthy traitors. You do not speak for USAirways...and certainly not for it's 36,000 people , that just happen to have as much interest in this boone-doggle as you do. So before you reply from the looking down your nose position. Think about not so much..what you are saying..but more about how you say it. I have opinions and views about our illustrious pilot group ..and a few others too. Where we differ is my not being eager or interested in widening the cultural or financial divide. Believe it or not?...Your approach has exactly that effect at times. Need further clarification?...reflect back on the sh*t hammering you took for the CWA bashing you wrote in the Charlotte Observer. That made you about as popular , as a turd in the pickle barrel. Hows that Captain?...or what else do you fail to grasp now?? [:devil:] [:blackeye:] This diatribe is pitting one group against the other , yet again!! This is something that does not need to take place off property. The company as done that job well enough as is. Understand this...it's not cricket there ..and it's not widely appreciated here. [🙁] Stick to relaying facts..but try it without a personal slant or blast at any of the other work groups....I for one will appreciate the heck out of it........AOG-N-IT (Sorry for the rant Dennis Miller)[😉]
It should be noted that the economy in general is in a downturn.

Some indutries are in recession.

The airline industry is in a depression.

The intent of my intense posting is that this has become emotional and I believe some of us do not understand a point Cav and I discussed in another thread. I believe it's not the company or Siegel that's the hammer, it's the ATSB, TPG, CSFB, BOA, and the courts. That's the problem with this whole mess in that Siegel must reach and prove the target numbers to get access to fresh capital. Without the capital, the enterprise fails.

I am no better or worse than you and my intent is not to sound superior. I probably make more mistakes than most and that's O.K. Why? Because if I am wrong it's not due to intent, it's due to a better way, which is great because we all are better off with a better idea. It's sort of two minds create three minds...

If my posts appear to be as you said "looking down your nose" I apologize. It's not my intent, but I understand perception is reality.

The cuts are far-reaching, very painful and incomprehensible. For me, I cannot understand a $75,000 per year cut or a $450,000 total loss of pay. It seems somewhat absurd for the AFA, TWU, non-contract, CWA, IAM, or ALPA, but it's economic reality if we want the company to survive.

Let's hope something gets done with both the CWA & IAM-M that all the parties can agree upon before September 10.

Thanks for your comments.

Thanks Chip...for those that can read and comprehend..I think you have made my point very nicely...thanks for sharing your perception of what's reality too. Like I said...I grasp what is at stake...and I grasp with 100% certainty the chain of events that need to take place ..for us to have any chance of emerging from this mess. It's not wasted .. I did provide you yet another chance to re-educate the less informed masses. TTFN>>>>>>>>AOG-N-IT
There's no doubt about it - you are dedicated to US Airways. However, if you take that same dedication and apply it towards your fellow co-workers much better things will come of it. People have to make their own choices/votes in life; it's personal. I am a firm believer in respect. Respect is something I see lacking greatly among many employees, and that's truly sad. Showing respect takes strength. Not showing respect shows weakness. You can drive the point home over-and-over again until nobody no longer seems to even hear or read what one says. Now, more than ever, employees need to respect each other. That's one thing management nor customers can take away from you. This is something everyone has 100% control of; how they treat each other. And, if you don't respect someone's decision bite your tongue. It's time for tact and diplomacy. I've said my peace.