Chip comments: AOG, I'll be o.k. My house is paid for, we have no debt, my wife has a MBA/is working on her Ph.D. and a headhunter for an alternative position has contacted me. I am retired from the Air Force and our portfolio has been largely defensive.
The challenge for us is that we would have to work more and alter our lifestyle due to a change of quality of life to maintain economics. In addition, I love flying and the industry, which if we liquidate over the inability to get all stakeholder restructuring agreements, this would be a major personal change/loss.
Thanks for asking.
The challenge for us is that we would have to work more and alter our lifestyle due to a change of quality of life to maintain economics. In addition, I love flying and the industry, which if we liquidate over the inability to get all stakeholder restructuring agreements, this would be a major personal change/loss.
Thanks for asking.