I have questions about the source and validity of the data that was input to come up with those percentages. Those numbers came out at the time that we had unprecedented amounts of flight attendants on overage leaves and furlough. I would bet that those FAs on leaves were factored in at 0 flying hours and I also wouldn't put it past the company to factor in our furloughed flight attendants as well. I would bet my next pay check that those numbers are false.
The numbers may be inaccurate, but they don't include the furloughed (mathematically impossible) and I doubt they include all of those on overage leaves.
The document says "Includes all regular flight attendants on active status at least one month in the year." So I doubt that counts the furloughed. Perhaps it does capture those on leaves.
The .pdf I linked from aanegotiations.com reflects the FA hours worked and paid from 6/09 thru 5/10. Early June, 2009, AA had 1,258 FAs on furlough. At the end of 2009, AA had 1,410 FAs on furlough. At the end of May, 2010, AA had 1,363 FAs on furlough.
If the AA summary of hours worked and paid included those on furlough, why does it show only 577 FAs who worked no hours during that period? Wouldn't the number be at least the number on furlough plus the 200 that jimntx says the union admits haven't worked a flight in over 10 years?
If 200 haven't worked a trip in over 10 years, it's very likely and reasonable to believe AA when it says that 577 active FAs did not work a trip during the 12 months shown in the .pdf from AA.
Of the 577 who flew no hours at all in the 12 months, only 241 received no pay for those 12 months. Looks like 336 of them managed to drop their trips in such a way as to capture some pay anyway.
If the numbers included the furloughed, there would be at least 1,400 who would have flown no hours at all (since they were furloughed) and would have shown at least 1,200 who received no pay at all (since they were furloughed) instead of just the 241 who received no pay for the 12 months.
Bottom line: The numbers may not be accurate, but probably not for the reasons you mentioned. Unless you think that AA would include only some of the furloughed, and that doesn't make any sense.