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Miami and NY all 777 to EZE this winter

FA Mikey

Aug 19, 2002
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American Airlines will fly all Boeing 777 aircraft to Buenos Aires from both Miami and New York starting this fall, adding more passenger and cargo capacity to one of South America's most dynamic cities.

The all-Boeing 777 schedule from Miami to Buenos Aires will begin in early September, while 777 service from New York's Kennedy International Airport to Buenos Aires will begin in late October. The JFK service will operate through early April 2007.

American currently operates two daily nonstop flights between Miami and Buenos Aires -- one flown with a Boeing 777 and the second with a Boeing 767. Effective Sept. 6, the second flight will also be flown with Boeing 777 aircraft.

Service to Buenos Aires from New York is currently operated once daily with a Boeing 767. Effective Oct. 29, 2006 through April 2, 2007, a Boeing 777 will fly the route, and then revert again to a 767-300.

story here
While Delta throws 764s and 763s at all kinds of non-restricted international destinations from JFK (to which any airline could fly if it wanted), AA judiciously targets its surplus airplanes (no doubt left over from the SJC-NRT cancellation) at known profitable routes; EZE is effectively capped at 56 weekly flights by US airlines. Too bad DL doesn't have a 777 with real First Class to capture what AA is capturing. 😀
...makes sense that it's PAP...short distance. Wonder what stage-length adjusted "best" route is...basically, who has the highest margin?

I think PAP might be one of Miami's best yielding routes but not #1. I think EZE does better yield-wise. POS, PLS are also up there towards the top. I could be wrong though, I sometimes confuse yield with profits.
I think PAP might be one of Miami's best yielding routes but not #1. I think EZE does better yield-wise. POS, PLS are also up there towards the top. I could be wrong though, I sometimes confuse yield with profits.

POS,PAP,POP,SDQ,etc..should all be highly profitable from excess baggage charges alone.
MIA-EZE is, on a per flight basis, AA's single most profitable flight.

Notice, however, that JFK-EZE is only a 772 through the start of April 2007, and then goes back to a 763. As of now, the 772 on JFK-EZE is only for this winter. AA hopes to have a nice new long-haul route to send that 777 on by next spring.

MIA-EZE is 2x daily 777 indefinitley.
JFK warrants 777 all the time. Buenos Aires is one of two(GRU is the other) biggest destinaions in Latin America for AA. AA should order more 777's. AA is defintely at the envelope of what the 777 fleet can sustain in service with LHR, NRT, GRU and EZE not to forget PVG and Delhi.
JFK warrants 777 all the time. Buenos Aires is one of two(GRU is the other) biggest destinaions in Latin America for AA. AA should order more 777's. AA is defintely at the envelope of what the 777 fleet can sustain in service with LHR, NRT, GRU and EZE not to forget PVG and Delhi.
With oil headed toward $80 a barrel, I doubt we will see any new a/c orders unless its the 787.
With oil headed toward $80 a barrel, I doubt we will see any new a/c orders unless its the 787.

Unfortunately, it isn't that simple.

Boeing and Airbus are breaking order book records lately. Northwest has 787s coming. US Airways has ordered the A350. Continental has dozens of new aircraft coming in, including new 738s and 787s.

AMR Corporation's conservative financial viewpoint has done great things for them. It has allowed them to avoid bankruptcy and make them one of the country's most stable major airlines. However, it is going to come back to haunt them. They are going to need new planes by 2010-11. Sitting on their asses and doing nothing isn't a good idea. It has come to the point where they are thinking way too conservatively. You can't be that way.
At the same time, though, here are some possible scenarios for having $5.5 billion in cash on hand...

1. $5.5 billion can buy a LOT of jet fuel regardless of the price over the next months.
2. If NWA or DL should not make it out of BK, there are some very desirable routes/aircraft/etc to be had, and it would be very much to our advantage if AMR could go to the auction with pockets full of cash.
3. If Congress does not get off its collective butt and pass the pension reform bill, we have the money to play catchup with the pension underfunding.
4. If pension reform passes AND DL and NW make it, then $5.5 billion might go a way in buying new a/c.

However, as you say, if they just continue to sit on the cash "in case of a rainy day" that would be dumb.