If your life and job are going so well, why do you worry about the people at Mesa?? I still say you have a personal vendetta because you were wronged by someone at Mesa.hey to the mesa ramp worker... if your job is so WONDERFULL , why is it none of you stick around for more than 2 years at MOST ? yeah it's so great... nothing like getting worked to death... i love when it gets bussy and you guys have to run around like chickens with your heads cut off... that's proably about the time you look over at our gates and see that some teams are working.... and others are going to break... that's called a GOOD job.... not a lousy one like you have .Mesa sure does good hiring , your better than an illegal immigant because not only do you NOT complain but you complain against people pointing out the flaws in your company haha geez if i ever start a bussines i hope i can find an army of you.