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Meet the religious right’s 20 biggest sex hypocrites


Corn Field
Nov 11, 2003
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The Republican Party wasn’t always synonymous with far-right Christian fundamentalism. The late five-term Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater, who was considered the epitome of an arch-conservative when he ran for president against Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964, had no use for the Religious Right. Goldwater famously said that “the Religious Right scares the hell out of me,” and he said of the Rev. Jerry Falwell, “All good Christians should kick him in the ass.”
It isn’t that Goldwater abandoned right-wing ideas and became passionately liberal/progressive; rather, the Republican Party moved way to the right of him on social issues. From the early 1980s on, the GOP has pushed an agenda of militant social conservatism—and the more the GOP became the party of far-right Christian fundamentalism, the more Republican politicians and the evangelists who supported them became involved in major sex scandals.
Of course, the Democratic Party has had plenty of sex scandals as well. But most of the Democrats who have become involved in major sex scandals (Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Anthony Weiner, Gary Hart, among others) had not marketed themselves as extreme moralists. Post-1970s Republicans, all too often, have been self-righteous, preachy, overbearing, holier-than-thou witch hunters—and in many cases, the ones who screamed the loudest about how godly they were turned out to be the exact opposite. Below are 20 of the top socially conservative hypocrites of the Religious Right:
I guess I can find this information right next to the one page paperback "Times when I was truthful by Hillary Clinton"
Click the link it lists and describes who.
FWIW, I'd never heard of half the names on that list.

Frankly, I don't get all giddy and titillated over someone having an affair. That's their cross to bear.
This isnt a thread about HRC and the election.
eolesen said:
FWIW, I'd never heard of half the names on that list.

Frankly, I don't get all giddy and titillated over someone having an affair. That's their cross to bear.

If you have not heard of half the names then you are not paying attention. My guess is only a few were unfamiliar to you.

Most people do not care about the sexual exploits or preferences of others..... that is until those people start to try and influence the rights of others and try to dictate what others may or may not do in the privacy of their own life. Does any of this sound familiar to you? You keep making this same failed argument and people keep trying to explain this to you.

Lets take Larry Craig for example. Mr Craig spoke out against gay rights and voted against equality for gays at every opportunity yet he is gay. Mr Gingrich was a huge proponent of family values. Apparently his family values involved cheating on 3 wives. Can you point out the part of the bible that advocates or condones such behavior? As you know I am not a follower of religion so I was thinking you could help a guy out and point me in the right direction. Then there are the most recent (of many) State reps Courser and Gamrat. Both are married with children and they were having an affair while serving in their state legislature. They both spoke out against marriage equality on the basis of the sanctity of marriage being between 1 man, his wife and a mistress and 1 woman, her husband and her boyfriend. OK, so they really said 1 man and 1 woman but they were thinking about the other.

So one more time. When people speak out against gays or about family values and then get their hand stuck in the cookie jar for not practicing what they preach..... it tends to be news worthy.

I can understand why you don't get all giddy about stuff like this. It happens so often that you would end up being delirious for the better part of every year. So if feigning ignorance about the issue works for you, I guess just keep on keeping on.
SparrowHawk said:
Anything to deflect from the abject failure of Barack Obama and Mrs Clinton.

Which deflects from the previous administration and that deflects from the one before that which in turn deflects from the one before that .... etc. What's your point?
it's all he's got to post these days, Its just a matter of time before Ol Hill is done and Bernie never had a chance
That is all well and good but it does not negate the fact that the religious right has a huge credibility issue when it comes to the morality they preach versus the morality they practice.
cltrat said:
it's all he's got to post these days, Its just a matter of time before Ol Hill is done and Bernie never had a chance
OK  'Rat,...........since your into naming NAMES (see above)...please tell us   WHO would beat either  Hillary or Bernie !
Can I try to guess ?
OK, lets see.
Is it SANTORUM ?  /   Rick (Glasses) PERRY  / Mike (no abortion for any 11 year old RAPE victims) HUCKLEBERRY ?  /  George PATAKI  ?  / Cris (TON 'O Fun ) Christie  /  CARLY ? /  Oh I KNOW, Jim GILMORE ?  /  CRUZ, PAUL or Uncle BEN CARSON ? ,
W H O........citrat ?  ............................. W     H     O   ??????????
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
OK  'Rat,...........since your into naming NAMES (see above)...please tell us   WHO would beat either  Hillary or Bernie !
It appears Biden may be out-polling both "I did not have textual relations with that server" and Bernie. And Joe hasn't even announced a run.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Is it SANTORUM ?  /   Rick (Glasses) PERRY  / Mike (no abortion for any 11 year old RAPE victims) HUCKLEBERRY ?  /  George PATAKI  ?  / Cris (TON 'O Fun ) Christie  /  CARLY ? /  Oh I KNOW, Jim GILMORE ?  /  CRUZ, PAUL or Uncle BEN CARSON ? ,
W H O........citrat ?  ............................. W     H     O   ??????????
Interesting that you left out Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Marco Rubio off your list, Bears.

Once the side-show of the primaries is over, any one of them could conceivably beat Hillary.
eolesen said:
It appears Biden may be out-polling both "I did not have textual relations with that server" and Bernie. And Joe hasn't even announced a run.

Interesting that you left out Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Marco Rubio off your list, Bears.

Once the side-show of the primaries is over, any one of them could conceivably beat Hillary.
Not if T Rump runs as an independent. He'd pull "the base" from them. 