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Mechanics Say "no More!

kcabpilot said:
That remains to be seen. I'm not saying that it can't or won't happen and, like you, I've gone into this prepared for it but I think we have called their bluff finally and although they would have us believe that we can be 'slaughtered' in an instant I have to step back and remember that in my 16 years here I have NEVER witnessed United management succeed at ANYTHING.

I may be wrong but when the judge tossed the pilot's agreement a few weeks ago I sensed that management lost confidence (even if only for a moment) and suddenly they were not so anxious to take their dog and pony show into the courtroom. They had it all ready with the 45 expert witnesses and the, now familiar, 'Perfect Storm' PowerPoint presentation and all. I know they wanted to do it but they backed down. The judge may not be on our side but I have a feeling that Glenn and company are walking on thin ice with him. We'll see.

Anyway, in the coming weeks we'll be labeled as greedy, stupid, suicidal and a host of other uncomplimentary terms and we may end up on the street but you gotta admit that the imagined look on Tilton's face today must have been, well....




Well I think years down the road people will look back at what hapened in this industry and compare it to the hysteria that occured when Orsen Wells aired his "War of the Worlds" radio program.

People reacted illogically and did not closely examine the facts.

Our union leaders fanned the flames of hysteria instead of restoring order and logic.

The fact is that up until this point all the concessions were consentual. In other words the Union leaders pretty much agreed with the airlines in saying that airline workers were overpaid, that our contracts were "onerous" ,the word used in the BK code as condition for abrogation.

The courts and the companies can truthfully claim that they didnt force anything upon us, we willingly gave it up because we knew we were not worth it. They will claim that our submission without a fight indicates that we did not feel we were worth what we were getting, and its a valid arguement. Think about it. If you felt that you were entitled to something would you simply let someone take it away, without a fight? Well thats what we have done so far.

The mechanics were the first to reject concessions prior to BK, basically saying that they did not feel that the airlines were getting a bad deal from mechanics, over at USAIR, then again over at UAL. Its only fitting that in BK that mechanics would once again draw the line and say NO. Mechanics are one of the few classifications of workers in this industry that can take those same skills outside the industry and make the same, if not more money. Basically we never recieved a premium pay rate for working in this industry like some other workers did, and should.

Pilots have the most to lose, especially 777 Captains. If they lose their job they will most likely never make that kind of money operating a machine ever again.

Lets compare the two.

A 777 Captain at top pay makes what, $200K?

If he loses his job and manages to get a job flying for someone else what will he start at $40K? So his income will go down by around 80%. If he cant find a job it will be decreased by over 90%, assuming that he gets $400/week in unemployment.

Lets take a top paid mechanic at UAL in a high cost area who earns $60k. If he loses his job he can jump into another industry and get at least $50k right away. So he would only lose a little over 10% (less than he would lose by voting Yes for the company's offer)and be working his way back, verses giving the company another round of cuts that will only be met by another demand for concessions down the road. Or he could go and work for one of those third party providers, who despite what you might think are not getting flooded with applications from former airline mechanics and start at around $45 k in an area of the country were living expenses are less than half of what they are in New York or California-in effect actually getting a raise! Or if worst comes to worst they can sit back and collect unemployment for the same $400 a week that the pilot would get which would mean that the mechanic income, under the worst case scenario is cut by around 35%.

So let some Pilots come here in order to try and scare you into more pointless concessions, they have more to lose than you do. If the worst thing happens to you and UAL shuts their doors you may have to work a little harder but you can probably lead a more enjoyable life where you can attend social events and sleep at night. If you have to start over at least you can look forward to things getting better. If you give in all you can look forward to is things getting worse.
"The mechanics were the first to reject concessions prior to BK, basically saying that they did not feel that the airlines were getting a bad deal from mechanics, over at USAIR, then again over at UAL."

And they promptly lost much more in wages and D&R, and all their stock That was REAL smart huh.... 🙄

"Pilots have the most to lose, especially 777 Captains. If they lose their job they will most likely never make that kind of money operating a machine ever again.
Lets compare the two.
A 777 Captain at top pay makes what, $200K?
If he loses his job and manages to get a job flying for someone else what will he start at $40K? So his income will go down by around 80%. If he cant find a job it will be decreased by over 90%, assuming that he gets $400/week in unemployment."

Actually, there IS a market for current qualified widebody Capt's. And it ain't at $40K. How many "777 Capt's" does UAL have? And how many are close to retirement anyway? I'll give you a badly needed clue, not many, and most of them. What about the rest of the pilots? Again, the guys with the four stripes have other options. there are flying gigs out there that actually pay more. will every guy get one? No. some guys don't want one. But lets consider the demographics. most of the F/O's make in the neighborhood of 70-80K. about 99% have bachelor degrees or higher. about half have military backgrounds, some have mil retirement checks coming in every month, others have the reserves to go make money at. Ironically, some have even gone back on active duty, making nearly double what a F/O makes. Others have taken diff routes. They have an education and connections to fall back on.
Unemployment? I may be wrong, but in most places you don't get Unemployment for quiting or being fired for cause. Good luck with collecting that $1600 a month when UAL fights it tooth and nail (in IOW, you ain't gettin it...). Do you get Cobra when you quit or get fired for cause? I don't know, you may want to check it out though. That may be a factor for some of the guys you feel you need to slaughter in your own suicide pact.
the point? If you think you have someone out there who will take the hit for you, you need to put down the crack pipe. You probably have just as much to lose (or more) than anybody else, and you are setting yourself up to do just that. No job, No unemployment, No healthcare, and a great big "I GOT FIRED" on the line on your next job application that asks "previous employment?"

The really comical aspect is these yahoo's from the other airlines beating the drum. Bob could have quit when his union didn't hold the line. He didn't. He was willing to work at those wages. He was willing to watch others get furloughed. Funny, he has no problem watching other's lose jobs for him this time either. He wants YOU to fight the fight he didn't have the b@lls to fight himself.
Since Bob was on here expensing "free legal advise", I though I'd post the truth WRT unemployment insurance. If you read between the lines, you walk, you ain't getting it (but the pilots and F/A's will if they were "laid off" due to your job action...).

Unemployment insurance
That depends on the labor law in your state. Usually, you are eligible for unemployment insurance payments if it wasn't your fault that you lost your job. For example, it isn't your "fault" if you lost your job in a layoff. It might not be considered your fault even if you decide to quit your job - if you had a good reason for quitting. But if you quit without a good reason or were fired for "misconduct," you won't receive unemployment insurance benefits.
What is a "good reason" for quitting?
Good reasons for quitting include being the victim of illegal workplace harassment (like sexual harassment) or having a family emergency that leaves you with no choice but to quit. It will be helpful if someone (like a co-worker or family member) can testify about your good reason for quitting. If you have further questions about unemployment insurance, consult with a labor lawyer.

I also found out youcan still get Cobra for up to 18 months after getting fired or quitting, but you pay the FULL premium, PLUS a 2% fee. WOW, UAL will actually make money off the deal.... And the bonus is, if UAL ceased operations, COBRA ends.
Ya know what....EAT SH*T BUSDRVR.....not everything in this whole world is about money you grubby nickle sucking b*tch....
You think ANYBODY likes this crap??? You think the "bravado" is something we all just sat around waiting on??? Maybe if ALPA wasn't the "p***y's" they are, or the greedy whores they have been we wouldn't all be here?? Don't fault us for having the backbone you guys don't!!!
Easy Trigger....

I just think it would be a benefit to know the score. you got mo's from other airlines who didn't have B@LLS themselves high fiving you for your suicide mission on their behalf. You guys get a lot of BS disinformation. Let's clear it up. Unemployment insurance. YOU DON'T GET IT. Cobra? YOU ONLY GET IT IF THE STRIKE IS BROKEN AND UAL SURVIVES (that's kind of a perverse incentive now isn't it?). There is no money. If you think the comnpany can raise money for BK exit without the cuts, then put your money where your mouth is. "I already did esop, not interested", well what do you think wall street thinks. They put money in when the KNOW FOR SURE they'll get it back. In the words of the big bald guy, you guys have "got to get real". I wonder if old Bob will send you some money for "defending" his payscale.... Nah, i doubt it. What do you want to bet.

Do I think you guys are the best in the business? YES. Do I want every jet in the U.S. maintained by Union workers making livable wages (and then some) HE11 YES. Do I think you'll get you head handed to you and see a net NEGATIVE effect effect on the rest of the industry when ALL your jobs are gone to the lowest vendor/ bidder? Unfortunately, you bet.
It is down right sickening to see you gutless flyboys come on here and berate the MECHANICS for doing what you spineless jellyfish would'nt, and thats to say enough! It only goes to show you guys have been WAY OVERPAID FOR YEARS, because you are so eager to continue to give just to keep that cushy job. GET OVER IT COWARDS, THE CARDS HAVE BEEN DEALT AND ARE ABOUT TO BE PLAYED!
local 12 proud said:
It is down right sickening to see you gutless flyboys come on here and berate the MECHANICS for doing what you spineless jellyfish would'nt, and thats to say enough! It only goes to show you guys have been WAY OVERPAID FOR YEARS, because you are so eager to continue to give just to keep that cushy job. GET OVER IT COWARDS, THE CARDS HAVE BEEN DEALT AND ARE ABOUT TO BE PLAYED!

So what is it exactly that they are doing? This is about as bright as being a suicide bomber. there are only Three possible outcomes.
1. a new T.A. that essentially has the same savings, but with some "face savings"
2. The contract is thrown out, mechs walk. Company breaks the strike. AMFA credibility permenently damaged. "Strike" is no longer a valid threat. The guys who walk are out trying to find jobs having been fired from the last job they had with no unemployment insurance, but with Cobra, which they have to pay for themselves despite no job and no unemployment insurance.
3. The strike sticks. UAL liquidates. Bob Owens thinks you're cool and tips you extra good for your caddy work for him on the links. you get no unemployment, no Cobra. No other work group is affected nearly as much as your own.

What other scenario do you foresee? If there are "better jobs", then why haven't you already left?
busdriver you are a coward who fears he may lose his cushy six digit paycheck, you are not fooling anybody with this crap about losing unemployment, paying for cobra, etc... most and I mean MOST mechanics skills are very transferrable to a new industry and MOST will never have to collect a dime of unemployment insurance because they can pick up where they left off.....only cowards quit, only cowards get on their knees, the mechanics are saying to this corporate cluster f@%k you have taken enough and you can now manage to turn a profit or sink but you will not continue to do it on the backs of labor. busdriver real men have dignity, pride, and fortitude why dont you go gaze into the mirror and see if you can find some?
busdrive sounds like usa320pilot on the U thread. It worked there. The pilots gave up some countryclub and Vegas money, but the IAM got stampeded off the cliff.

Same thing will happen at UAL. You watch.
Busdrvr said:
So what is it exactly that they are doing?  This is about as bright as being a suicide bomber.  there are only Three possible outcomes.
1. a new T.A. that essentially has the same savings, but with some "face savings"
2. The contract is thrown out, mechs walk.  Company breaks the strike.  AMFA credibility permenently damaged.  "Strike" is no longer a valid threat.  The guys who walk are out trying to find jobs having been fired from the last job they had with no unemployment insurance, but with Cobra, which they have to pay for themselves despite no job and no unemployment insurance.
3. The strike sticks.  UAL liquidates.  Bob Owens thinks you're cool and tips you extra good for your caddy work for him on the links.  you get no unemployment, no Cobra.  No other work group is affected nearly as much as your own.

What other scenario do you foresee?  If there are "better jobs", then why haven't you already left?

Just because your limited intellect can only only see three outcomes that does not mean that there are only three possible outcomes.

The fact is a No vote is the only vote that provides for many more possiblities while a Yes vote severely limits them.

I would hate to think of having you in the cockpit in a crisis situation. Nobody would have made it out of Sioux City with you behind the controls.

Obviously not all pilots are created equal.
Bob Owens said:
Just because your limited intellect can only only see three outcomes that does not mean that there are only three possible outcomes.

I would hate to think of having you in the cockpit in a crisis situation. Nobody would have made it out of Sioux City with you behind the controls.

Obviously not all pilots are created equal.

Well Bob, tell us then, what is VISION of another outcome? Put up or shut up. I'd hate to have been at the controls of the Sioux City accident also. I'm willing to bet the guy who was isn't of the opinion that he should have given up and run it into the ground because things weren't going his way.

"busdriver you are a coward who fears he may lose his cushy six digit paycheck, you are not fooling anybody with this crap about losing unemployment, paying for cobra, etc..."
Hey Local in case you haven't been listening, I no longer work for UAL and haven't in 2 years. I lose nothing if UAL goes under. Heck, I haven't even used the "generous" travel benefits in about a year (it's just about as cheap to just buy a ticket and not be standby)
Busdrvr,Jan 30 2005, 11:37 PM]
Well Bob, tell us then, what is VISION of another outcome?  Put up or shut up.
1) The Judge may tell both parties to go back to negotiating

2) The Judge could agree that AMFAs arguements and proposals make sense and the mechanics may not have to give further concessions.

3) Over the next few months fuel drops in price.

4) USAIR folds.

5) Union agrees to a year to year contract where workers can renegotiate wages as soon as the airlines finances improve.

6) Mechanics go on strike, scores of communities complain about the fact that the strike has left them isolated, President declares a transportation emergeny citing that UAL provides an "essential service" like he did in 2002, the status quo is maintained.

7) Workers go on strike, rebellion spreads through the industry through chaos and wildcat strikes. Huge disruptions to commerce result, govt investigates airline finances including leases and the control that outside institutions have over the airlines. It gets revealed that these companies were making huge profits off the airlines and they were the main drain of the industries finances.

You want more?

By the way the Country Club is not really my scene.
Busdrvr said:
Well Bob, tell us then, what is VISION of another outcome? Put up or shut up. I'd hate to have been at the controls of the Sioux City accident also. I'm willing to bet the guy who was isn't of the opinion that he should have given up and run it into the ground because things weren't going his way.

"busdriver you are a coward who fears he may lose his cushy six digit paycheck, you are not fooling anybody with this crap about losing unemployment, paying for cobra, etc..."
Hey Local in case you haven't been listening, I no longer work for UAL and haven't in 2 years. I lose nothing if UAL goes under. Heck, I haven't even used the "generous" travel benefits in about a year (it's just about as cheap to just buy a ticket and not be standby)
well then busdriver exactly what is your fight in this battle if you stand to lose nothing? its obviously not the "generous" flight bennies, are you hoping to be recalled at a later date and can't stand the idea that real men are confronting those idiots and saying enough already when your group caved like a bunch of whipped playground babies? why dont you stay on the sidelines and let REAL union men show you how its done! :up:
local 12 proud said:
well then busdriver exactly what is your fight in this battle if you stand to lose nothing? its obviously not the "generous" flight bennies, are you hoping to be recalled at a later date and can't stand the idea that real men are confronting those idiots and saying enough already when your group caved like a bunch of whipped playground babies? why dont you stay on the sidelines and let REAL union men show you how its done! :up:

No, the compassionate side of me would just hate to see all youguys lose your job...

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