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Mechanics and Related (ONLY)-- What do you want IN or OUT of the Proposed Contract?

How about getting rid of all the nickel and dime items in the contract.For example,why is a mechanic in GSE paid license premium,why is a mechanic in the sheet metal shop paid for his "P" license,vise versa for the component shops.Why is a mechanic in the trim shop paid for either license.Why does a lead who only leads and directs on my days off get lead premium 5 days a week.Anybody care to add some more examples?Maybe if the morons that are supposed to be representing us gave back the nickels and dimes we would have more bucks in our pockets.
On 9/3/2002 9:19:46 PM AOG-N-IT wrote:
(4) Allow flexible work schedules..abolish the 8 hour day in favor or 10 or 12 hour days. This will make the benefit of working for an airline more appealing again.

There is a reason why police, nurses, firemen and other critical 24x7 operations use compressed workweeks Its a shame that our management and union leadership can't put down the crackpipe for a minute and give up on the 8 hour shift.

There are many advantages for a compressed work week from a business standpoint. First, it is more manpower efficient. You need less people to cover more time. Second, you have less hands in the pot. This is especially relevant to maintenance, meaning that you have more continuity throughout more of the day. Third, with each shift turnover, you lose an hour of production, as one shift shuts down, closes up their paperwork, turns it in and washes up. The next shift has their crew meeting, picks up their paperwork, moves out to their work area, figures out what is going on and then gets started.

Working 12 hour shifts, rotating three and four days off, is the best way to go. Every employee, regardless of seniority has a weekend day off; plus, with the long weekends, people don't need to abuse sick time to get time off for important things outside of work. When you must work 24x7, the compressed work week is the most humane way of doing it.

I've emailed just about every VP and Dave himself about the compressed work week. Honestly, for us not to consider this, just shows the thickheadedness of our management team and union leadership - who oppose anything new, even when IT WORKS, SAVES the COMPANY MONEY and MAKES EMPLOYEES HAPPY. Sometimes I think that doing anything that might make employees happy, violates the entire ethos of our management, though. I encourage people to raise hell about this, though. Maybe someone will see the light.
I'll go for 10hr. work days with 3 days off.
But not a 12hr day.
Guys, if you want to get away from 8 hour days, be sure to nail the language down tight. One of the first LOI's in fleet's contract says the 10 hour day would be jointly studied, and implemented if possible.

About 80% of the guys in my station wanted this. The manager was non commital, so I developed one. Same staffing, same coverage per flight, saved them some money. The manager finally committed - NO! This went all the way to human resources, and the upshot was nobody is doing it, and we're not going to start now. So it died on the vine.

As far as I know, no station is doing 10 hour days, but it sure is stupid not to, where feasible.

Good luck.

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