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"It was at this time that ALPA threatened us with the greivance against USAirways. Using that tone we backed away from negotiations. Our job is to look out for the best interests of our pilot group (CHQ) and this is what we did.

Now saying all of this I do feel for the MAA plight. At no time during the negotiations with AAA ALPA was a MAA representative (pilot) present. The IBT was not sinister toward MAA and OFFERED 100% of the jobs to the current MAA pilots. I have said this on another thread. Someone reputted those facts but never backed them up with the evidence he said he would provide and the thread died. I have no reason to hide or lie and I post my name behind what I say."

When I responded to your original post I disputed your timeline on the meetings. You said the thread died yet you never responded to my questions. You stated that the meeting occured in May at which time you said ALPA presented the base bidding proposal. Do you have a date for that meeting? The bidding proposal was not presented until late June so the meeting you refer to could not have occurred in May. As I said in the last thread ALPA requested a meeting as far back as mid April and got no response. I was with the MEC chairman on May 11th and that day was the first time he had heard from Capt Moore at which time he was told that the IBT was too busy with the Shuttle intregration to talk about the MDA issues.

ALPA didn't threaten with a grievance since everyone knew that a grievance would be forthcoming considering the terms of the transaction. The reason for trying to meet with the IBT early on was to avoid the grievance and settle things so there could be a smooth transition. That didn't happen and now we are where we are.

You again mention the 100% job offer and as I said in the earlier post it is an empty offer since it is predicated on USAirways committing to putting 25 more 170s with REP which they did not do. So until that happens your offer for 100% of the jobs doesn't mean anything. You said I refutted your facts and never provided evidence to back them up. I know that there was never an 'UNCONDITIONAL' job offer of 100% of the jobs going to the MDA pilots. If there was I'm sure the company would have introduced it as evidence during the arbitration. I was there for 4 days and never heard or saw anything to support that claim. Do you have any evidence to support your claim of the 100% job offer?

ALPA again attempted to meet with the IBT within the last few weeks. When the IBT rep asked if the 190 would be discussed at the meeting and he was told 'No', he declined the offer to meet since he said there was nothing to talk about. Isn't there more to this than trying to get 190s for you guys? Don't you think it would have been productive to have a meeting to talk about some of the issues being discussed right here and in the crewrooms.

If the grievance is awarded in ALPAs favor there will be a myriad of issues to be discussed and settled upon. I agree there is a conflict between LOA 91 and the CHQ contract but until such time as the representational and contract issues are worked out it would seem as if the best way to accomplish this would be to operate MDA as a separate entity so that the schedule can be flown without interruption. The flying should come back to the MDA pilots, furloughed pilots called back to fly and those few MDA pilots who went to REP would come back and hold what they can under their US seniority - not the Capt positions they think they deserve.

"Our Committee responded by a counter-proposal which included our former AND pay longevity. ALPA responded by asking for straight MAA DOH. "

Can you explain what this statement means? What is the former and what longevity for pay would a MDA pilot receive?

Common Dan, a little conversation on this subject could really help shed some light on the situation. It might also save both groups a great deal of trouble and frustration in the process.


IBT would be a welcome change, ALPA has no supporters among the MDA pilots. The merger would be in large part be exactly the same, but on a much smaller scale as HP/AAA transaction.



PS. ALL OR NONE is not a slogan against a group, it is a slogan FOR a group.

It will be nice to get all the junior AAA pilots on board with the junior AWA pilots. Maybe some meaningful and long overdue CBA representation changes can finally occur.
It will be nice to get all the junior AAA pilots on board with the junior AWA pilots. Maybe some meaningful and long overdue CBA representation changes can finally occur.
Just waiting for the phone to ring...looking forward to it. :up:
More MDA/Embraer pilots received furlough notices today. To date, this is the second group to receive notice of furlough, and the first group were furloughed 10/15. These pilots are "ACTIVE AAA ALPA PILOTS", and at no time in any form has the AAA Chapter of ALPO recognized these furloughs or taken any steps to protect the crew members being furloughed. To further compound the insult, AAA has halted contract negotiations with the company until the results of the arbitration are known. Though the MDA crews have been operating for more than two years with NO contract in hand, the MEC has seen fit to in complicity with the company, further delay negotiations....

This has to be seen for what it is and stopped immediately! I can't stand the thought of having to spend eternity in Hell with the AAA MEC..... Fire and Brim Stone are one thing, misery and suffering another, but proximity with those who fail so miserably in any attempt at honor to our profession is beyond anything a damned soul should be subjected to. 😛h34r:



PS. The bottom 1179 (any that return from furlough) will I am certain, gladly assist in any effort to remove ALPO and their residue from the new combined airline.
This has to be seen for what it is and stopped immediately! I can't stand the thought of having to spend eternity in Hell with the AAA MEC..... Fire and Brim Stone are one thing, misery and suffering another, but proximity with those who fail so miserably in any attempt at honor to our profession is beyond anything a damned soul should be subjected to. 😛h34r:



PS. The bottom 1179 (any that return from furlough) will I am certain, gladly assist in any effort to remove ALPO and their residue from the new combined airline.

Amen brother, amen!
This is just rumor..so I really am not sure..but heard that the Republic flights will also be moving over from the F concourse to the C too! Has anyone heard this too? This has all got to stop. They are EXPRESS. I can not figure this out!! Hopefully this is not true..because if it is..whoah...it is gonna get crazy Nov. 9th over on the C concourse!!
Just found out from a ramp (mainline) in PHL that on NOV 7th..MAA ramp will officially become mainline ramp AND the Republic EMB-170's WILL be over on C concourse now and the mainline ramp guys will be working those a/c...... :unsure:
Just found out from a ramp (mainline) in PHL that on NOV 7th..MAA ramp will officially become mainline ramp AND the Republic EMB-170's WILL be over on C concourse now and the mainline ramp guys will be working those a/c...... :unsure:

I am not sure why the Republic flights are not staying over at the F terminal. They are Express..so they should just stay where they are at..I am sure the guys and gals that are ramp in PHL mainline are not gonna be too happy working those express flights. Republic only has a few of the EMB-170..so the rest of them are MAA/mainline. I guess we will see what happens on Monday...
If you check in the system the Republic flights are moving over to C. While pricing a buddy pass from PHL-IAH I saw that Republic has about 3 or 4 of the flights in late November and all leave from C-con. This is the last week for us over in F-con. We bid over at mainline on Monday. We still kept our seniority which a month ago was still in question. A lot of us are still staying over in F-con as a bunch of us bid Express ABR. Still sad to see it go though.
But why is Republic moving over there? They are Usairways Express. They are not mainline.
This is just a guess, but I would believe that it's the increased volume of Air Whisky flights out of F. F is probably running out of space
This is just a guess, but I would believe that it's the increased volume of Air Whisky flights out of F. F is probably running out of space

You would be right. Air Whiskey does need the gates for the increased volume of flights. Also if Republic 170's were over in F-con they would need mainline pushbacks, towbars, etc. I think they would rather consolidate them and have them all in one place.
Shifting the topic slightly, a question for the MDA pilots.....

Tonight's code-a-phone had this:

A late agenda item was accepted for consideration. The MEC unanimously passed a resolution authorizing the MEC Chairman to execute a Memorandum of Understanding, under certain conditions, concerning the Company's commitments proposed in the Republic employment fact sheet. This resolution is also posted on the pilots only home page under "What's New."

The ALPA site gives this:

11/02/05 Special MEC Meeting Late Agenda Item


Motion: I move that at such time as the Association is satisfied that the company has lived up to the commitments proposed in the Republic employment fact sheet, and we are satisfied that applicable contracts are upheld, the MEC authorizes the MEC Chairman to execute the MOU.

Moved Svendsen/Simmons

Motion passes unanimously

My question is "What are these 'commitments proposed in the Republic employment fact sheet'."


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