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McCain/Palin line of attack

Aug 25, 2006
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Looking back at history, I wonder if McCain will try to take a page book out of Truman's election of '48.

After the war had been duely won, the Republican's in '46 took control of Congress, stuck their finger in the politcal wind and determined that '48 would be a good year to stop a string of presidential losses. They went so far as to buget a grand welcoming party to inaugurate the new president, the Republican Gov. of New York, Thomas Dewy.

Truman looked at his disprited party who had splintered with white conservative's chosing SC Sen Strom Thurman to run on the state's right's party and the Ultra Liberal wing going with Henry Wallace. The entire media and the Republican party gave Truman up for dead. (the secret service put their best men on Dewey'
s detail in order to curry favor with the new president and Time magazine wrote an article of what the Dewey Administration would do come January '49.)

Truman was able to rip into the do-nothing congress and remind the voter's that it was the Democrate's that pulled them out of the depression and won WWII and to everyone's surprise and to our Country's betterment, Truman won

So, now you have one of most unpopular president's and the opposition's candidate should be easily polling in the mid to high 50% mark. HOWEVER, the media elite and screwed up cacus system nominated a 1st term senator who many American's have questions about. The polling shows a tie in most polls with the highest being 49-43% in Obama's favor. He couldn't close the deal with Hillary and had to rely on Super Delegate's to get his nomination.

Bush obviously lied to the country and American's realized this in 2006 and elected a Democratic majority TO DO SOMETHING. Instead, congress has rubber stamped Bush's war, so that they would not be deemed unAmerican or want to offend anyone.

Listening to convention last night, I found myself, (a good democrat) nodding with approval at Guilani's statement that voting "present" 132 time's not leadership, nor does it do anything to stop the war, help with the oil increase's nor end the abuse's of a predient gone mad.

McCain wrangled the nomination from a large field of neo-conservative's, both social and fiscal. Palin made a reference to the do nothing congress last night and frankly, I was laughing out loud she made many good points.
Read a story on Yahoo news, that the English/Irish Bookmakers have lowered significantly the Odds that Palin will never see 11/4, because she will DROP OUT of the race, due to "troopergate" in Alaska.
Boy, wouldn't THAT be something if she gets INDICTED a fews weeks before the Election !

Personally, I hope they Indict her 1 day before the Election.

All in All, that would be the ULTIMATE BUSH(indirect), crowning achievment !

Ps,...Good source/Anchorage Daily News


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