Why dont you ask them?
The issue was marking the Snowbound as a mark against their attendance, the same as a sick call or reporting late. Maintenance has already been changed to either CSO or PV, no mark against attendance. I have no doubts in my mind that had the company stuck to their guns nobody would ever call in snowbound again, not saying that they would show up, but they would not call in snowbound. I suspect that the next major storm Mr's Najerian and Torno shouldnt be suprised if that happens under their domain. Maybe they want the sick calls as an excuse to put workers on Doctors notes to give them 90 days should the labor movement ever get its act together and call for an industrywide sick out.
This isnt the only abuse that Mr Najerian and Torno are guilty of, they flagrantly disregard the contract and rely on the biased rules of the RLA to get away with it. For instance, as mentioned above, they are putting everyone on Doctors notes, after one occurance I'm told,-a clear violation of the agreement, and simply saying "grieve it" knowing that the process takes a year or more to get settled, even when they win the grievance, the company can still do it again. Then you wonder why we say what we say here. This is one of the reasons why we must do away with the RLA, under the NLRA if they flagrantly disregard the contract we can shut the place down, legally. The RLA basically ties labors hands, the companies can violate the agreement at will without being punished by the government but if the unions violate the agreement the government comes down heavy on the union. At one time companys were limited to violations in the "Minor Dispute" category, they could do anything they wanted as long as they didnt touch the wages, however now all they have to do is go BK and they can do that as well, once again, with the courts telling the unions they cant act in their members best interests.The APA Reno dispute is a perfect example. The company clearly violated the contract, then went running to the courts and instead of admonishing the company the courts effectively held the union down while the company had their way with them then fined the union for resisting being held down.