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Management Scares Passengers Away ?


Folks, its not a bluff anymore...

I'm hoping most people realize this. Sure, you can play hardball with management, but you're risking the jobs of 35,000 instead of another few thousand. It's a tough call, but at this point I honestly feel the threats are real. Management is no longer in control, which, despite Wolf's failings, was the one thing he said US needed to avoid at all cost. This is one of the primary reasons why...
On 12/17/2002 11:37:34 PM Dea Certe wrote:

CluebyFour (and other US1's, US2's, US3's and US4's)

In your opinion, what has caused most of you to book away from US Airways? Was it the Bronner Chapter 7 statement in the press? Was it the cutting back of your FF program? Was it losing flights to the cities you most frequented?

I'm really interested in knowing. Thanks for taking the time to let me know what you think.



In chronological order

1. The "lack of loyalty" statement by Baldanza.
2. The $100 stand-by fee and everything surrounding it.
3. The reduced schedule that makes one day trips impossible.
4. Elimination of certain city pairs.
5. Inability to return from the Carribean in one day.
6. Failure to rationalize fare structure.
7. Multiple public threats of liquidation.

I have six tickets for the next month on V to Y fares. Expecting to only be able to use the one tomorrow night.

Dea, you didn't ask why we have stayed with US as long as we have. Here's that list.

1. The great employees and service.

Good luck.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/18/2002 12:18:35 AM eolesen wrote:
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/17/2002 8:55:54 PM Biffeman wrote: [BR][BR]In 18 years no judge has ever thrown out a section 1113 or 1114 letter, AMR tried last year in regards to TWA, the court said no.[BR]----------------[BR][/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR]AA never asked for an arbrogation of contracts that I know of, but TWA was prepared to do so if neccesary to close the deal. The unions agreed to it before it even had a chance to be ruled on.[BR][BR]As with any law, someone almost always gets to be first. The question now is will it be UA or US who gets to test the waters first?[BR][BR][BR]Bronner doesn't have to provide the next tranche of DIP financing, just like DL backed out on providing additional DIP to Pan Am in 1991. Once that financing is no longer in place, US starts to run out of cash quickly. If cash drops below what the judge feels is required to protect the creditors, he'll move to liquidate of his own accord.[BR][BR]Folks, its not a bluff anymore...
[P][/P]Were you in the court room? [FONT size=3][FONT color=#000000][SPAN lang=EN style="mso-ansi-language: EN"]Sharon L. Levine, Esq. Of [/SPAN][SPAN lang=EN style="mso-ansi-language: EN; mso-font-kerning: 1.0pt"]Lowenstein Sandler PC[/SPAN][SPAN lang=EN style="mso-ansi-language: EN"] [?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com😱ffice😱ffice" /][o😛][/o😛][/SPAN][/FONT][/FONT] was the lawyer representing TWA employees, AMR filed a motion in court and a hearing as held to throw out TWA's employees section 1113 and 1114 letters so AA could seek deeper cuts of the TWA employees, the judge ruled no. If you dont believe me contact Mrs Levine, her firm in in NJ.
posted by USFlyer:

Honestly, what makes me less inclined to fly US the most is the management-labor negotiations taking place in public. Things that have been posted on both the CWA and IAM web sites (and AFA and ALPA web sites in the past) is completely inappropriate to be posted on a public web site. Let the negotiators represent your best interests and communicate with you in a secure forum. No party should post things publicly, let the media pick up the story and then spin it to sound even worse than it already does.[/quote]


As a fellow US1, agree 100%. Do you all realize that the latest threat of a shut down comes in the form of a gramatically incorrect posting from a union website? This isn't management or RSA or anyone else telling the flying public that they are going to shut the airline down. This is inappropriate union information hypothisiszing on management's intent and then calling it fact.

And for those of you who missed Mr. Bronner's interview the other night on PBS, he seems very focused on having US Airways a viable entity as he sees the five/six/seven year upside potential for the airline as far greater than anything that could be reaped through liquidation.

I do, however, think the next few weeks will be very telling. I think we will see a lot of very unhappy employees and a lot of disgruntled passengers before this is over.

Good luck to us all.
In chronological order

1. The "lack of loyalty" statement by Baldanza.
2. The $100 stand-by fee and everything surrounding it.
3. The reduced schedule that makes one day trips impossible.
4. Elimination of certain city pairs.
5. Inability to return from the Carribean in one day.
6. Failure to rationalize fare structure.
7. Multiple public threats of liquidation.

1.5 Use it or lose it.
8 The difficulty of reaching the west.
9 "Partnering" with UA.

The public posturing about chapter 7 is getting very scary -- no matter what my head thinks my heart is sickened at the thought.

1. The great employees and service.

I couldn't have said it better!
Cluebyfour, USFlyer and AtlanticBeach,

Thanks for your replies. I appreciate your taking the time to respond.


Thanks your kind words. What's kept me here all these years, through good times and bad, has been being able to work with such fine employees and how much I enjoyed my passengers. You guys have made me laugh, taught me a lot about human nature ( mostly how good most people are at heart) and the pleasure of being told "Good Job".

I've so enjoyed you guys. I've worried about some of FF's when I haven't seen them for a while, I've cried with folks who were going back for funerals, celebrated with honey mooners, sympathized with you when the weather or a mechanical delayed or cancelled a flight. I appreciated your kindness on days when things weren't going right and there was nothing I could for you. I have a whole box full of little items folks have given me over the years: company pins (I have quite a fine collection of about every major company in the United States!) key chains, promotional items. Even a gold raisin on a chain from a farmer in Fresno!

I'm sorry it appears this is going to end. It's been a great job and I will treasure the memories you've made for me. I know I'll get another job, but I'm sure I'll never find one that will bring me as much joy as this one.

Thank you all for sticking with us to the bitter end. I hope you'll remember us fondly.

[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/18/2002 7:02:04 AM geo1004 wrote:
[P][BR][BR]As a fellow US1, agree 100%. Do you all realize that the latest threat of a shut down comes in the form of a gramatically incorrect posting from a union website? This isn't management or RSA or anyone else telling the flying public that they are going to shut the airline down. This is inappropriate union information hypothisiszing on management's intent and then calling it fact. [BR][BR]And for those of you who missed Mr. Bronner's interview the other night on PBS, he seems very focused on having US Airways a viable entity as he sees the five/six/seven year upside potential for the airline as far greater than anything that could be reaped through liquidation.[BR][BR]I do, however, think the next few weeks will be very telling. I think we will see a lot of very unhappy employees and a lot of disgruntled passengers before this is over.[BR][BR]Good luck to us all.[BR][/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Geo, as much as I want to agree with you, I simply cannot.[BR][BR]The turn of events of the past two weeks are very telling.[BR][BR]US management got rolled for 7 out of the 13 board seats. [BR][BR]Bronner has threatened liquidation at least twice.[BR][BR]US abruptly shut TPA and MCO with little or no notice.[BR][BR]CWA and IAM are both reporting Chap. 7 liquidation "take it or leave it" threats.[BR][BR]Frankly, Bronner has NOTHING to lose. He's got control of the board so he can do whatever he damned well pleases. If he wants to gut the carrier, take the profitable stations and slots, he can. If he wants to pull the plug, as DIP holder he gets his money back. [BR][BR]In other words, the unions have a 2 of Clubs and Bronner has a Royal Flush and is calling the shots.[/P]
On 12/17/2002 7:58:51 PM cat 111 wrote:

Would you fly on an airline that threaten to close the doors before Christmas?(IAM and CWA website) Instead of trying to get more people to fly they are scareing them away.

"Ultimatum from management: “Accept our demands by Friday, or we will close US Airways before Christmas.â€￾

...... looks like the end of the ever flowing Golden Parachutes from the airline we'll soon learn to hate!
On 12/17/2002 11:37:34 PM Dea Certe wrote:

CluebyFour (and other US1's, US2's, US3's and US4's)

In your opinion, what has caused most of you to book away from US Airways? Was it the Bronner Chapter 7 statement in the press? Was it the cutting back of your FF program? Was it losing flights to the cities you most frequented?

I'm really interested in knowing. Thanks for taking the time to let me know what you think.



A combination of Bronner's statement, the "non-public" threats or posturing, and the "shut it down" mentality that I've observed from various US employees of late.

I'm already booked for the holidays (to Europe, no less) on US. I think that might be a very expensive mistake on my part.

Don't take me wrong--I still love the frontline employees on US. You guys are the best. However, I've got to get my sorry carcass from point A to point B, and I'm wondering if I'm going to be able to do that after this week on US.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/18/2002 9:12:55 AM geo1004 wrote:
[P]ITRADE< I don't think Bronner has quite the level of control that you say he does. Yet. I think we will see the pensions tossed or frozen and then US will submit a re-org plan by the end of the month. It will be painful and it may occur with some WICKED restructuring!!![BR][BR]My fingers are crossed.[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]Well, I will note that PBGC has announced that it will be taking over the pensions for Bethlehem Steel. Its widely expected that BS will go Chap 7 in the next couple weeks.
ITRADE< I don't think Bronner has quite the level of control that you say he does. Yet. I think we will see the pensions tossed or frozen and then US will submit a re-org plan by the end of the month. It will be painful and it may occur with some WICKED restructuring!!!

My fingers are crossed.
Don't you mean to say:

Info leaked to public by the union: "Ultimatum from management: “Accept our demands by Friday, or we will close US Airways before Christmas.â€￾

On 12/18/2002 10:25:11 AM taylor01 wrote:

Has Usairways made a public statement to say the IAM/CWA are wrong?

They denied it when one of the reporters contacted them.

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