Luv Official Airline

Ya know, reading these posts...this one really p'o's me. I cannot believe that SW will sponser all of PHL's major sports teams when that is suppose to be THE HUB for USAirways. It really makes us look STUPID!. Stupid is as Stupid does. As a lowely employee in the workforce even I could have figured this one out. What the HELL is Mangement doing??????? :down:
Remember that movie years ago....I think it was Network News. They opened up the windows and yelled out at the city (I think NYC) and said....I AM MAD AS HELL AND I AM NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE......Dave DO YOUR JOB OR GET OUT. :angry:
If you ever had to deal with marketing you know they are puppies. Want to make decisions on everything, with no clue how the airline runs.

Unfortunately no one in that department recognizes their limitations.
It is called Public Relations. Marketing should be working their butts off these days to ensure that we have Pax who want to fly on our carrier. In this day,,,, with all of the changes in the would think .....with all of the competition that a well organized, insightful , imaginative, creative Marketing Department would be one of the Key elements towards securing our Future. Not just concessions from us lowley workforce. DuH!!!!!!! How mch stupeder can we get!
gee, i didnt think usair even knew what a marketing department is let alone having one that does great duties such as what SWA does!
I wonder why Southwest advertises...they are at the top of the heap and they are consistantly profitable? Oh, that's why! :eek: At my little company, I spend 20% of my gross on advertising. That is what the _Fortune 500_ companies spend as a percent of gross. If you don't advetise, you die. The decision makers in your demographic target group, must know you exist to choose you. Referrals are great, but they will not work alone. It appears UAIR"marketing" thinks that referrals alone will work. ;)
Well we do advertise to our flying public in our little Attache magazine on board our airplanes. It is in the seat pocket in front of all the pax's who have already bought a seat on one of our airplanes. What a JOKE! :lol:

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