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Loser Tilton

I'm sure it will really bother him when he walks away from UAL with a very fat bonus, severance, and pension.
Winglet said:
I'm sure it will really bother him when he walks away from UAL with a very fat bonus, severance, and pension.
NO doubt...but it's nice to know those in the business community (who are likely to go to Forbes site) see him in poor regard.
Tilton is making the hard choices. That is why people don't like him. If you look at some of the other CEO's that he is rated with he has some pretty strong company.

Also, the people voting are people off the street. Not the business leaders. For all we know AMFA might have a person whose job it is just to vote against Tilton.

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Millions of votes have been cast since the debut of our monthly CEO Approval Tracker, which covers 65 executives from 13 sectors. It is not a scientific poll and reflects only the opinions of those users who choose to participate. While multiple voting is not encouraged, technically adept users may be able to do so.
Tilton is making the hard choices. That is why people don't like him. If you look at some of the other CEO's that he is rated with he has some pretty strong company.

Hard Choices?!! His only "hard" choices have been to screw the employees which he seems to do regularly and without much difficultly. Why in the world would you defend that? More Kool Aid, Herk?

I have several friends at UAL who aren't really as impressed with Mr. T as you are.

In any case, best of luck

They aren't impressed because they can only remember the "good old days" and can't get in touch with today's reality. When you can't compete on a similiar cost basis you will cease to be a viable company. Tilton is getting us where we can compete and people are mad because he took their pay. Had he not made these choices, we would have been gone by now and taken a 100% paycut.
So, what's your bottom line, herk?

When do the pay and work rules get so bad that you decide it just isn't worth subsidizing cheap fares with your labor any more?

$2,000 pay for 150 flight hrs/month?

Are you willing to accept whatever they are willing to give -- but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE just let you fly a cool plane 'cuz it beats a miserable office job?

No wonder y'all are in such deep doo-doo.
I look more to the future and the possibilities United holds. When United comes out of BK they will be a very competitive force. Salaries will rise again one day. Besides, I make enough money and I have a decent 401K. I have a limit which I won't go below, and if that ever comes around I will leave. I won't destroy the company and ruin other peoples lives with my selfish attitude.
Salaries will rise again one day. Besides, I make enough money and I have a decent 401K. I have a limit which I won't go below, and if that ever comes around I will leave.

Oh, so it IS "all about the money", you're just a cheaper screw. 🙄
I'm not for "burning the place down" but be clear, salaries will NOT go back up. they aren't done going down. As long as people like you "aren't doing it for the money", there won't be any money to do it for.
Having a difficult time believing that you fly for UAL. The pilots of UAL past made huge sacrifices thus making the UAL pilots industry leaders and set the bar high for others to follow. OK, post 911. We've all made sacrifices to assist the ailing industry but at some point wages and bennies drop to a level where even the LCCs are beginning to chuckle. Believe me, you are there now!!! Any lower and I think you'll be finding Cessna flight instructors who will be saying "no thanks".

Tilton and crew love your type. They can say over and over that labor is the problem and know that you'll nod your head in agreement and sign on the dotted line to cut your pay even further. Meanwhile, they give themselves huge bonuses and stock options sucking everything out of your company while you drink the kool aid.

Herk, seriously, wake up and smell the coffee. You should, at the very least, realize that the very significant sacrifices UAL labor has given already puts you at the bottom. Tilton asking for more cuts from your labor groups should be insulting.

good luck

Some people do that job because they love it. Others for the money. Herk obviously has a bottom line. One thing for sure is that not everyone who does this for a living will be able to go out and replace their income right away with a job that pays even half of what most of them make. And you can bet if they do find a job paying as much, it won't be in the aviation field.
Will all the Bozos that are here in aviation just because they love it and are willing to do it at any price please go out buy themselves a Cessna or join a flying club and leave the airlines to those of us who are trying to make a living. Gimme a break Borescope!!!
(thread drift here folks -- the topic is how big a loser Tilton is)

How can a BOD (or BK judge) justify the continued payments of $millions to a grossly underperforming company executive??

I would safely wager that there are several current inside UA employees (or even busdrvr) who could run circles aroundTilton for half the pay.

How come the term "LCC-pay rates" only applies to the rank-file labor and not the execs?

Fire. Tilton. Now.

How come the term "LCC-pay rates" only applies to the rank-file labor and not the execs?

As I explained in response to a similar question in another thread:

A compensation package was promised to Tilton; if they change it against his will, he'll simply saw "Screw y'all" and leave. You have the same choice. Except they know most employees won't go anywhere. Tilton on the other hand can go play golf at his multi-million dollar retirement home and probably have a much easier and less stressful life than he is having now.

Simply put, LCC rates only apply to rank-and-file labor because enough rank-and-file labor put up with it and keeps working under the new terms and conditions. Once enough rank-and-file labor vote with their feet and leave, maybe things will change. But apparently, as you see here from people like herk, there is a long way for things still to fall.

Plus many are "stuck" here due to the seniority system. So wages can be depressed even further since being tied to a non-transferable seniority system makes it even harder to leave, and consequently people will put up with even worse conditions than they would under a non-seniority system.
So let Tilton leave!! How on earth can you defend his pathetic record?

You missed my point -- there are several inside UA candidates who truly could lead the company. For a lot less.

Tilton is a faceless bureaucrat. I suppose you thought Leo Mullin was valuable to DL too???

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