Looking for a paper back book


Apr 10, 2007
I have been told it is a very nice, heart warming romance novel about airline employees. Whay is it so damb hard to find a copy? If anyone has one or info on where to obatain one please let me know. A good book, in these tough airline workers times, would be nice!!! I was written by an American Airlines pilot...... Mr. David Belcher? I think??
I have been told it is a very nice, heart warming romance novel about airline employees. Whay is it so damb hard to find a copy? If anyone has one or info on where to obatain one please let me know. A good book, in these tough airline workers times, would be nice!!! I was written by an American Airlines pilot...... Mr. David Belcher? I think??

I too have been looking for this story. The information I have collected so far about it is listed below. Good luck on your search. From what i understand its rarer than an industry leading pay raise for the TWU membership.

Paper Airplanes: a novel based on a true story
Author: David Belcher, Emily Kieson
ISBN-13: 9780615213736
ISBN-10: 0615213731
Publication Date: 6/15/2008
Pages: 342
Publisher: Red Box Press-Austin TX
My guess is that David Belcher and Emily Kieson probably have a garage full of copies of the book. Pretty common of authors of hard-to-find books published just over two years ago. Email one of them and they'll probably send you a copy.

I just sent a message asking if this book is available. I'll let you know of the reply.

Sounds like a good read.
I'm told off the record by someone in the media that Amazon supposedly pulled it after review by their legal team. They apparently didn't want to be party to a libel and slander suit. Or maybe the co-author figured out she'd been duped. Either way, it doesn't seem to be commercially available. Try a used book service.
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Internet research points to a true story?? Wish I could talk to captain Belcher myself.
Found this on Corrvette Forums....
Link is

American Airline pilot sleeps with CEO's wife...

I found this from another forum I visit.
Pics of her at the bottom.

This is truely unbelievable!

It's a big topic over on the AA pilots message board. The book is called "Paper Airplanes" The airline name used in the book was changed to Augusta Airlines but not to hard to figure out what the real AAirline is.

The pilot who wrote the book really did give flight instruction to Gerard Arpey (Current CEO of AA) and his wife for over 10 years. Their names are changed in the book though.

Many AA pilots think this guy is a hero, others feel that the current contract negotiations are now totally screwed (pun intended) because this guy basicaly had an affair with the CEO's wife and then outs the whole thing via a book.

I can see the headlines now:

AA pilot screws CEO's wife. CEO screws 10,000 pilots.


Paper Airplanes
Red Box Press ™ announces the publication of a new book by American Airlines pilot David Belcher with author Emily Kieson.
Based on a true story from his past, Paper Airplanes follows David, a commercial airlines pilot, as he forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel, the wife of his long-time friend and CEO. Over the course of ten years and hundreds of hours of flying lessons, Rachel and David form an unbreakable bond of friendship and passion. Shrouded behind high society and corporate boardrooms, they must decide between familiar security and the temptation of true love.

David Belcher has worked as a commercial pilot for twenty years and is currently working as a pilot for American Airlines. He lives in North Texas with his son.

Emily Kieson lives in Austin, Texas. Paper Airplanes is her first adult novel

:blink: :blink: :eek: :eek:
Wow. One whole review in the entire internet, probably planted..

The book was pulled off Amazon's virtual shelves.

The co-author apparently still writes children's books, and according to a friend of mine in the media, has refused to answer questions about this particular piece of work.

Draw your own conclusions.
She aspires to be a billionaire. From her website:

She's currently working on a middle grade fantasy series planned for launch later this year.

Lotsa writers would like to be the next JK Rowling. Association with Belcher probably doesn't help her achieve that goal.
I am helping a disabled friend simplify her stuff so she can get around her small apartment better. A copy of Paper Airplanes is one of the items she's parting with. I know the author and had an extra copy that I never got around to giving away (I bought several in support) which I sold on Ebay a year or so back when clearing my own clutter for almost $100. The person who just missed out on high bid asked for help finding a copy and I managed to locate one with another friend who would part with it for the same price. I'm open to offers on this copy before listing it on Ebay. Given what the other books brought without any putting the word out, I'm looking for offers in the same price range since my friend could really use the money to help with her medical expenses and I think if I do put the word out it may bring even more. Buyer to cover any Paypal fees/shipping costs.

As far as content, I have a personal copy which I'm not parting with. I love the co-author's writing--her passion is children's lit and I figure that if she ever is the next J.K. Rowling a copy of this anomaly will be worth something to collectors and in the meantime, it's a book a friend wrote. So anyway, I've actually read mine and I can confirm that it is written tastefully, well structured and flows well with some lovely imagery regarding the flight sequences. As far as appropriateness of the story being public--I'll leave that y'all as you probably actually know the folks actually involved.

And as far as paying that for a book? I paid $52 for a noticeably used and significantly less rare standard size Battlestar Galactica paperback on Ebay 10 years ago. If you want it and can afford it...

I believe I've enabled it to allow email contact--if it doesn't work use my user name at yahoo.com

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