LongRanger Needs a New Name

Hey Flinger...shouldn''t you be looking for a job instead of flappin yur gums??!!

Where are ya dese days anyway by''?? If you''re gonna stop by CTD''s again soon let me know. I''ll try to show up at the same time so we can terrorize da big brute. Show him how to really smoke salmon so SheDT will finally find eternal happiness!! By the way, you sleep with the cat, I get to sleep with the spare bed!!
OK, so I can''t spell her name, SheDT, my mistake, I guess it''s just that everytime I type your name the DT''s pop up, sorry for the confusion.
Mr. Rideout,

I'm not sure when I'm gonna be back in the Capital. I am going to be in Montreal for Easter and am sure there will be plenty of debauchary. Enough for the three of us no doubt. DT's fer days ol man.

Heli Vodka,

What was the name of that French Scotch? I want something to go with my new haircut.
Jealous? (Of the scotch... of course

I''ve been checking out the aircraft destined for you guys. Not sure which one should have your future name emblazened on the door. Do you have a preference for where we put your new moniker? Above or below the doorhandle? Down the tailboom? Along the length of the blades...? Or a particular style? Regular font? Stylish? Big easy to read lettering for those slower Bell Boys? I believe we could get stick on decals that can be re-used multiple times just in case you switch aircraft frequently.
As for a name, I think "STAR-STRUCK" would be a good one.
Hey Magseal, are you going to take Longranger out on the town when he shows up for his check ride. I here there is a new ballet opening there soon.
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Mag - His machine will be the one with the lap belt extenders, ballast in the tail cone and oversized milkshake holders.

Punk - that French scotch was called "Vieux Sam". Easy on the hair jokes there Fluffy, I''ll put that picture I''ll create I have of you in Vortex.
Hey Helicopper, got yur ears on, have any contacts in Montreal City Urban, sounds like Flinger may need a get out of jail free card.

MagSeal...me thinks we''re Serial # 3683, can''t be positive about that though. Let me know what type of window is in the floor if you get a chance. Ottawa promised us a larger window, I''m gonna need all the help I can get!! As for me moniker, stick and peel please so I can slap it on me truck at the end of a flight!!

CTD...you''re some saucy!! Milkshake holders!! Hey Magseal, supersize that B3 will ya.
Eurocopper... considering my adventures with the two boys from muc homicide that toured me around the last time i enjoyed their hospitality dans la belle province, mr flinger'd be safer in the bucket!!!
"what type of window is in the floor?"........hee hee hee

Ya''d better hope a great big one.......

can anyone say glass bottom boat........

ohh...I gonna pay for that one
Longranger (AKA : ElongatedWarden)

You''re getting the bigger version of the window from Eurocopter. But not the huge gigantic enormous Dart mod all pilots dream of. I''d also be afraid that you''d fall out if the latter was installed. The Dart window is soooo big, even 407 Driver could squeeze some parts of himself thru it....(I haven''t heard from him much lately, maybe this will bring him out of the woodwork)
Imagine that, a sparkly new helicopter...that you have to actually cut a hole in the floor to do VR, Ingenious, what will the French think of next ?? Deep frying potato strips????
Tanks Mag, not sure that's the news I was hoping for but dat ain't your fault. Never did trust anyone in Ottawa!!

As for you RDM, who helped you write that post? Must have been DQ cause it seemed just a tab bit witty for your level!! Hey DQ, you're a Saint me darlin'!!
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407 - It was zee Belgians what discovered zee French Fry. I believe the French were busy inventing the waterproof helicopter at the time. Some nifty kitchen gadgets came out of that research as well.

GirthStar - you can trust me and I''m in Ottawa!!! Don''t worry about the longline window, I''ve contacted EC and am having a closed circuit TV system installed with 8 cameras pointing to the ground. With the volume of those multiple chins, I know you''d never be able to bend your chubby little neck to look down any window, no matter HOW big it was
I''m sorry, was somebody talking to me, there''s a lot of static. I sense an urge to post more pics of the 2001 TRIC, in self defence of course!!