Line Maintenance Layoff Numbers


Dec 24, 2007
Well the line mtx numbers got leaked out, per local 561 here are the numbers for AMTs, DFW 138
MIA 101
ORD 70
JFK 33
LAX 37
LGA 14
SFO 30
Total 376
Well the line mtx numbers got leaked out, per local 561 here are the numbers for AMTs, DFW 138
MIA 101
ORD 70
JFK 33
LAX 37
LGA 14
SFO 30
Total 376
Any way to get a seniority spread?
First it was 567 that put out the term sheet now it's 561? Someone needs to make up their minds. Where on the company term sheet does it say anything about the line stations? It only refers to O/H. Sounds like someone made this up to make O/H feel better. Do we really think that we're gonna get to bump? I don't think we are. System protection gone means to me that there will be no bumping. It would cost AA to much to allow all the bump and roll plus the all the time to train/retrain guys that have never worked the line. No other airline did it but maybe UA. Who knows for sure but if this goes through you almost be assured we don't get to bump. Well mabe back to OSM at Tulsa. Not to sound like an a-hole but look at the reality of it. All of us better have a resume together and start applying for other jobs. Be proactive rather than reactive.
First it was 567 that put out the term sheet now it's 561? Someone needs to make up their minds. Where on the company term sheet does it say anything about the line stations? It only refers to O/H. Sounds like someone made this up to make O/H feel better. Do we really think that we're gonna get to bump? I don't think we are. System protection gone means to me that there will be no bumping. It would cost AA to much to allow all the bump and roll plus the all the time to train/retrain guys that have never worked the line. No other airline did it but maybe UA. Who knows for sure but if this goes through you almost be assured we don't get to bump. Well mabe back to OSM at Tulsa. Not to sound like an a-hole but look at the reality of it. All of us better have a resume together and start applying for other jobs. Be proactive rather than reactive.
not too sure about the other line stations but ORD is losing 70 heads right away because one B check (24) is going to AAR in INDY and the rest coming from productivity gains in term sheet. MD told us last night. If we don't lose the B ck the number goes down to 46. These numbers are before the Tulsa rif.

System protection meant the company was obligated in paying the 12.5K for moving expenses. It has nothing to do with bumping. That's article 15. The MD told us the company plans to use a virtual bump system.....everything will be done on Jetnet.

BTW, these rif's will likely be PERMANENT changes. So, if you intend on bumping the system that's probably going to be the station for a LONG time. Good luck commuting back and forth, or trying to sell your home. Or, paying for two residences....even if it's a crash pad. Quality of life....not anymore!!! And, that goes for OH and Line guys.
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First it was 567 that put out the term sheet now it's 561? Someone needs to make up their minds. Where on the company term sheet does it say anything about the line stations? It only refers to O/H. Sounds like someone made this up to make O/H feel better. Do we really think that we're gonna get to bump? I don't think we are. System protection gone means to me that there will be no bumping. It would cost AA to much to allow all the bump and roll plus the all the time to train/retrain guys that have never worked the line. No other airline did it but maybe UA. Who knows for sure but if this goes through you almost be assured we don't get to bump. Well mabe back to OSM at Tulsa. Not to sound like an a-hole but look at the reality of it. All of us better have a resume together and start applying for other jobs. Be proactive rather than reactive.
Go to the local 561 website, top left corner, click on it...........................
not too sure about the other line stations but ORD is losing 70 heads right away because one B check (24) is going to AAR in INDY and the rest coming from productivity gains in term sheet. MD told us last night. If we don't lose the B ck the number goes down to 46. These numbers are before the Tulsa rif.

System protection meant the company was obligated in paying the 12.5K for moving expenses. It has nothing to do with bumping. That's article 15. The MD told us the company plans to use a virtual bump system.....everything will be done on Jetnet.

BTW, these rif's will likely be PERMANENT changes. So, if you intend on bumping the system that's probably going to be the station for a LONG time. Good luck commuting back and forth, or trying to sell your home. Or, paying for two residences....even if it's a crash pad. Quality of life....not anymore!!! And, that goes for OH and Line guys.
Why do think that they want to change article15? Has to do with more than that. I'm sure they will be permanent besides I've been there done that with the whole commuting thing in 03. Did it before can do it again if needed. DFW lost the 737 to SFO, something to think about. But they didn't lose anyone.(yet) Well if this is true we'll find out soon enough. Also if they do bump and roll thing it's only 10% of a station and that list shrinks after that that station reaches that amount. If they follow the way it's supposed to be done. Once thats done then what? No more room for anyone, then what the street?
If you read the term sheet it is dated February of 2011. LAST YEAR. I inquired about it before spreading it around the Internet and the response I received from two local presidents was that it was not brought up by the company in any form of negotiations or BK proposals. Those numbers do not currently exist in any proposal or counter proposal. The term sheet is not a valid document. Stop spreading rumors that will create panic among ourselves. Stick to the information that we do have.
Looking at this "Term sheet' you see
1 eliminate avionics crew chiefs
2 Delete Baker letter for UB
3 Eliminate avionics AMT positions

These are items from the "ask" that we were given on 2-1-12. That document is readily available everywhere. As much as I wish it were not so, it certainly looks like it is happening. Given these items were on documents previously release it stands to reason the "2-1-2011" is merely a typo. To my knowledge NONE of these 3 items listed were even talked about among our ranks last year. It`s a typo. This whole thing is surreal and I wish it was not so but it is. Good luck.
System protection gone means to me that there will be no bumping.

Incorrect. With System Protection gone, it eliminates the protected employee from being bumped or laid off. System Protected meant that you could not be bumped by another employee. Station Protection meant that you could not get laid off from your station.

So with the possible elimination of System Protection, it dose not prevent bumping, it only increases the amount of bodies subject to bumping.

Now with the possible elimination of the special 12.5K moving allowances and 12.5K for those protected people choosing to sever their ties with AA. It means a boatload of savings for the company.
Also if they do bump and roll thing it's only 10% of a station and that list shrinks after that that station reaches that amount. If they follow the way it's supposed to be done. Once thats done then what? No more room for anyone, then what the street?

"I don't understand what you mean by 10% of a station and that list shrinks after that station reaches that amount"? Are you saying that only 10% of a station can be bumped and then that station is no longer subject to bumping? If that is what you meant, there is no cap on bumping that I am aware of. The max a station could get bumped was determined by the lowest System Protected person at that station. Once he or she was the lowest on the station, then bumping into that station was no longer possible because there were no unprotected people left to bump.
If you read the term sheet it is dated February of 2011. LAST YEAR. I inquired about it before spreading it around the Internet and the response I received from two local presidents was that it was not brought up by the company in any form of negotiations or BK proposals. Those numbers do not currently exist in any proposal or counter proposal. The term sheet is not a valid document. Stop spreading rumors that will create panic among ourselves. Stick to the information that we do have.
I agree. It's a fake. So someone took some info from the other term sheet doesn't mean anything. No official "markings" on it. No one has yet said where it came from other than 561's website. Even that's just a like to this site. If someone from the negotiating "team" came and said it or the company put it on their site than I would probably believe it. But they haven't done it. All the bump and roll is still subject no matter what anyone says. If goes before the company could say that we can't afford bump and roll and theyll get it. What's cheaper, let the bump happen, get guys gen fam qualified, back ground checks and getting up to speed or just let them hit the street? Even if they don't have to pay you for the bump they would still spend money on all that. Operational needs would come first. It's to AA's advantage either way I guess.
I agree. It's a fake. So someone took some info from the other term sheet doesn't mean anything. No official "markings" on it. No one has yet said where it came from other than 561's website. Even that's just a like to this site. If someone from the negotiating "team" came and said it or the company put it on their site than I would probably believe it. But they haven't done it. All the bump and roll is still subject no matter what anyone says. If goes before the company could say that we can't afford bump and roll and theyll get it. What's cheaper, let the bump happen, get guys gen fam qualified, back ground checks and getting up to speed or just let them hit the street? Even if they don't have to pay you for the bump they would still spend money on all that. Operational needs would come first. It's to AA's advantage either way I guess.
It's not fake and it's not fact either. It's a number created to show the reduced allocation of hours as a result of changes to the work load. Its an attempt to apply factory theory towards an operation that exists based primarily on the unpredictable. Just because it says a station would go down 30 heads that does not mean 30 people are cut from payroll, notice that the list does not include what the current allocation and current actual staffing is, the station may have been understaffed and making up for it with OT. Want to make sure they can't cut heads? Get everyone to refuse to OT .

Remember people the company is going to do whatever they can to cause panic and fighting between us. They want to keep it at a level just below the point of where it affects the operation. They want to push through a #### sandwich then when they are making record profits say " you guys voted for this" .

One thing you all need to remember, this is not something that happened to AA it was a deliberate calculated act with the goal of getting what they could not get us to give them even after exhausting the section 6 process for a record 4 years ( 6 years for some). As always in this industry be prepared for the worst but don't let it consume you.

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