I just had a very interesting conversation with one of our long time agents in LGW. I asked them if they were going to transfer over to LHR or stay at LGW. They answered with a wait and see answer because of all of the talk going around amongst all airport people in LGW right now. The rumor is, and my source is our agents in LGW, that all of our operations will be moved over to LHR within the next two years. But we only have one slot I said. And this is the interesting part. Apparently we have an additional three slots for a total of four. So they are hearing in LGW anyway. The three additional slots just haven't been made public yet....until now, if true. AA, CO and NW all have announced they are moving. In fact, NW is going down to only one daily 757 to LGW starting next year. If so many posters on this board insist on a big announcement 12/14, maybe this is it. I hardly think it will be a merger announcement if any announcement at all. Most people in the know about M&A activity are few in number, sign confidentiality agreements and keep their big yaps shut....for legal reasons.