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LGA pilot gets it

From the USAIRway's LGA base.

Fellow "LGAites",

Please take the time to read the attached file, which is the SEC filing by US Airways describing the Executive Long-term Incentive bonus plan. Here is where I become amazed.....
Our "humble" executive team has been awarded a new incentive plan (they just completed a plan year as well...I wait to see how our executives made out under the last "incentive plan". ) Read this document CAREFULLY, and try to keep your blood from boiling.

In a nutshell, I find the "targets" and the corresponding bonus "awards" very interesting. For example, these individuals are eligible for cash bonuses of up to 200% of their base salaries, based on a number of performance results (baggage complaints vs. our "peer" airlines...which oddly enough comprises the smallest portion of the award!, on time results, etc.) and financial results (you might think stock price would be a factor?) Clever that the BASE measure for the stock price just happens to be near a 52 week low, and will then compare to where it is three years from now... why not 1 year from now?

So here is where the heartburn settles in.... IF we finish #1 among our peer group (consisting of 12 airlines) then the exec.s "win" a bonus of up to 200% of their salary. If we finish exactly IN THE MIDDLE of the group (that would be an "average" performance for most of us!) then the Senior VP collects an extra 70%, the Exec. VP pockets an extra 100%, the Pres grabs an extra 115% whilst our "esteemed" CEO walks with a cool 125% above and beyond his normal salary. AND THIS IS THEIR TARGET... to finish DEAD MIDDLE of the pack! If we finish in the BOTTOM 1/3 of the pack, these folks STILL receive an EXTRA 30% (SVP), 43% (EVP), 49% (Pres) and 54% (CEO)! I believe in the past Mr. Parker referred to these and other bonuses as "at risk income."

So maybe our next contract should follow the same intelligent thinking; If a flight departs OR arrives "on time," ("average" or targeted times by the company) then all crewmembers should receive bonuses of: 70% for all F/A's beside the "A"; 100% for the "A" F/A; 115% for the F/O; and 125% for the CAP. If we depart or arrive ahead of schedule, the bonuses go up. If we fall to a point of departing or arriving no later than 2 of our 3 "competitors" (or 8 of 12) than we should still collect an extra 30%, 43%, 49% and 54% ABOVE our base salaries.

We could carry that forward to our checkrides, computer based training, attendance, and check-in times as well.

I find it ludicrous that our management (and their "buddy" board members comprising the compensation committee) should reward themselves for BELOW AVERAGE performance, while they not only EXPECT, but DEMAND above average performance from the employees, EVEN AFTER CUTTING THEIR SALARIES AND BENEFITS!!!!

And you want to talk about our CEO's performance over this last year? I would HOPE that our shareholders get a bit upset by the performance of the stock (from a recent high of $65 per share, to a 52 week high of $43 per share, to the current $9.25 per share). Let's wait to see if Mr. Parker et al. collect some "at risk" income, despite this horrendous showing.

I believe it is time for a very big change in our thinking, our negotiations, our representation, our compensation, the level of appreciation for the fantastic job we are all doing day in and out, and especially the public perception of the professionalism of this industry.

I am sick of cutting corners...if the price of a ticket needs to go up, then it needs to go up. No more "min fuel" legs, MEL laden aircraft, "commuter mentality" agents, catering "shortages", or any of the other crap that seems to be becoming the norm in this industry in general (and THIS airline in particular!)

We need to start taking the time and pride in providing a quality SERVICE product, and we need a union that will negotiate a contract to allow us to accomplish this, and which will "go to bat" for us when we are threatened or "disciplined" for doing exactly that for our customers.

Let's get on with fixing this airline, restoring our pride and professionalism, and collecting a fair and motivating compensation so we can stop worrying about our financial commitments, and devote our "work time" to those who will pay us for the best service in the industry. We can't change our management's desire to "cheapen" the airline experience, but we CAN make our customers realize why they should pay a premium for our services.

Whoever wins the election, it is time to rebuild our employees esteem, our customers image of this airline, and our own self respect. It is going to take a change in tactic, no matter who wins.


Shaddup and start singe-engine taxiing! We're trying to save jobs here..............

View attachment 7385
You asked, I showed, and US's POR failed in 2002, and went back into Chapter 11 and if it wasnt for the merger US would have gone bye bye.

If you cant realize what is going on then I cant show you.

North American

And others soon to follow.
That document makes me nauseated....we work for a $50 bonus that gets yanked back if we aren't number one, but the execs get hundreds of thousands for finishing at the bottom? If I got rewarded even a thousand for being an idiot at the gates I don't think I'd take the money, I'd rather be nice and courteous person to our customers
Well maybe his soon to be ex-wife will be getting half, if the rumors out of PHX are true :up:
Well maybe his soon to be ex-wife will be getting half, if the rumors out of PHX are true :up:
I heard that too. Nothing like a self-destructive CEO.

Well, at least the west brought something to the merger....... <_<
Maybe you just don't get it.
Profit sharing was put in place by the East contracts from previous BK's. East being the case only. The east allowed the west to reap the benefit of the companies past prosperity. It is the present management team that is opening the envelope and trying to spread the wealth.

I probably wouldn't have a problem with giving encentives to management as long as they were held responsible to their actions. That being the case, DP and SK should have been gone a long long time ago. Bottome line is that profit sharing should go to the front line employee's who are the ones that bring the customer back each and every time.

Just my opinion...
I must be reading your post wrong, because I can't believe that you are insinuating that only front line employees keep the customers coming back! I know you work hard, but I think you should stop and think about all the hard work that the behind the scenes employees do to keep the customers coming back. AND THEY DESERVE PROFIT SHARING JUST AS MUCH AS THE FRONT LINE DOES. I do agree with everyone and every post on here that DP and Crew shouldn't get any sort of bonus until big improvements are made, and they certainly don't deseve a bonus just for showing up everyday.
The idea that the only thing wrong with this industry is the managment and if only the unionized workers were allowed to reach their full potentialy then all would be fine is of course laughable.
The only constant in this industry is the hard corp complaining unionized workers. The manamgemt comes and goes but the results are always the same
From the USAIRway's LGA base.

Fellow "LGAites",

Please take the time to read the attached file, which is the SEC filing by US Airways describing the Executive Long-term Incentive bonus plan. Here is where I become amazed.....
Our "humble" executive team has been awarded a new incentive plan (they just completed a plan year as well...I wait to see how our executives made out under the last "incentive plan". ) Read this document CAREFULLY, and try to keep your blood from boiling.

In a nutshell, I find the "targets" and the corresponding bonus "awards" very interesting. For example, these individuals are eligible for cash bonuses of up to 200% of their base salaries, based on a number of performance results (baggage complaints vs. our "peer" airlines...which oddly enough comprises the smallest portion of the award!, on time results, etc.) and financial results (you might think stock price would be a factor?) Clever that the BASE measure for the stock price just happens to be near a 52 week low, and will then compare to where it is three years from now... why not 1 year from now?

So here is where the heartburn settles in.... IF we finish #1 among our peer group (consisting of 12 airlines) then the exec.s "win" a bonus of up to 200% of their salary. If we finish exactly IN THE MIDDLE of the group (that would be an "average" performance for most of us!) then the Senior VP collects an extra 70%, the Exec. VP pockets an extra 100%, the Pres grabs an extra 115% whilst our "esteemed" CEO walks with a cool 125% above and beyond his normal salary. AND THIS IS THEIR TARGET... to finish DEAD MIDDLE of the pack! If we finish in the BOTTOM 1/3 of the pack, these folks STILL receive an EXTRA 30% (SVP), 43% (EVP), 49% (Pres) and 54% (CEO)! I believe in the past Mr. Parker referred to these and other bonuses as "at risk income."

So maybe our next contract should follow the same intelligent thinking; If a flight departs OR arrives "on time," ("average" or targeted times by the company) then all crewmembers should receive bonuses of: 70% for all F/A's beside the "A"; 100% for the "A" F/A; 115% for the F/O; and 125% for the CAP. If we depart or arrive ahead of schedule, the bonuses go up. If we fall to a point of departing or arriving no later than 2 of our 3 "competitors" (or 8 of 12) than we should still collect an extra 30%, 43%, 49% and 54% ABOVE our base salaries.

We could carry that forward to our checkrides, computer based training, attendance, and check-in times as well.

I find it ludicrous that our management (and their "buddy" board members comprising the compensation committee) should reward themselves for BELOW AVERAGE performance, while they not only EXPECT, but DEMAND above average performance from the employees, EVEN AFTER CUTTING THEIR SALARIES AND BENEFITS!!!!

And you want to talk about our CEO's performance over this last year? I would HOPE that our shareholders get a bit upset by the performance of the stock (from a recent high of $65 per share, to a 52 week high of $43 per share, to the current $9.25 per share). Let's wait to see if Mr. Parker et al. collect some "at risk" income, despite this horrendous showing.

I believe it is time for a very big change in our thinking, our negotiations, our representation, our compensation, the level of appreciation for the fantastic job we are all doing day in and out, and especially the public perception of the professionalism of this industry.

I am sick of cutting corners...if the price of a ticket needs to go up, then it needs to go up. No more "min fuel" legs, MEL laden aircraft, "commuter mentality" agents, catering "shortages", or any of the other crap that seems to be becoming the norm in this industry in general (and THIS airline in particular!)

We need to start taking the time and pride in providing a quality SERVICE product, and we need a union that will negotiate a contract to allow us to accomplish this, and which will "go to bat" for us when we are threatened or "disciplined" for doing exactly that for our customers.

Let's get on with fixing this airline, restoring our pride and professionalism, and collecting a fair and motivating compensation so we can stop worrying about our financial commitments, and devote our "work time" to those who will pay us for the best service in the industry. We can't change our management's desire to "cheapen" the airline experience, but we CAN make our customers realize why they should pay a premium for our services.

Whoever wins the election, it is time to rebuild our employees esteem, our customers image of this airline, and our own self respect. It is going to take a change in tactic, no matter who wins.


View attachment 7385

Thanks for the info LGA. Maybe we should print this POS up & start putting it around the aiport along with the rag(so I hear. Not out until tomorrow) of a new t/a that these pricks are trying to give fleet.

It's time for us to start getting what we deserve for the work we do. Funny how even non-union airlines get paid more than us...not to mention the other carriers too.

Thanks again LGA what a crock of...
The idea that the only thing wrong with this industry is the managment and if only the unionized workers were allowed to reach their full potentialy then all would be fine is of course laughable.
The only constant in this industry is the hard corp complaining unionized workers. The manamgemt comes and goes but the results are always the same
your grammar is as impeccable as your sense of reality...

if you can handle multi-syllable words, i suggest you take piney's advice and read "from worst to first"--it's an incredible read! and, more importantly, proof of its virtue is evident in the worldclass carrier continental is today! now that is *actually* breathtaking!
There has been no profit sharing money put aside this year, the 1st quarter results have not been released and in case you havent heard the news, US is not expected to make a profit this year.

No profit=no profit sharing money.
Correct and management was never taking money from the pull that was for the contract employees only. Managements plan came out of the general fund.
Correct and management was never taking money from the pull that was for the contract employees only. Managements plan came out of the general fund.
The naivete here is simply stunning.

MOC, who do you think establishes the "pull", the tooth fairy?

I can see it now, Parker: Too bad the budget (pull) we established for "contract employees" is a little short, but, oh, lookey here, it seems we have plenty of money in the general fund "we" established that we can distribute monies to non-contract employees, like ourselves.
I must be reading your post wrong, because I can't believe that you are insinuating that only front line employees keep the customers coming back! I know you work hard, but I think you should stop and think about all the hard work that the behind the scenes employees do to keep the customers coming back.
It is the "behind the scenes employee" that allows unreasonable expectations on the part of passengers to develop using advertising and scheduling, among other aspects.

It is the front-line employee that has to "readjust" those expectations, continually, in addition to performing their "policy handbook" chores, agents re-scheduling passengers because Tempe decided to save a few bucks in maintenance, etc.

It is the front-line employee that has to readjust their own lives now, stepping over drunks and accosted by peddlers in Munich after a hotel change, just so the Tempe girlfriend can "please" her boyfriend. The hotel change in BCN, where the "new" hotel is well known as cheap and noisy.(I wonder how much Tempe programmed to save after a few cancelled flights for tired crew-members - shall we explore that part of their budgeting?)

Better idea. Shutter Tempe.
It is the "behind the scenes employee" that allows unreasonable expectations on the part of passengers to develop using advertising and scheduling, among other aspects.

It is the front-line employee that has to "readjust" those expectations, continually, in addition to performing their "policy handbook" chores, agents re-scheduling passengers because Tempe decided to save a few bucks in maintenance, etc.

It is the front-line employee that has to readjust their own lives now, stepping over drunks and accosted by peddlers in Munich after a hotel change, just so the Tempe girlfriend can "please" her boyfriend. The hotel change in BCN, where the "new" hotel is well known as cheap and noisy.(I wonder how much Tempe programmed to save after a few cancelled flights for tired crew-members - shall we explore that part of their budgeting?)

Better idea. Shutter Tempe.
I have nothing to do with advertising and scheduling or the other aspects you have mentioned. But I do spend my day apologizing to passengers. I'm sorry the agents in Manila sent you to the wrong Greenville, I'm sorry the agent in CSD cancelled your return when they were making your reaccommodations, I'm sorry the agent at the airport told you I would refund the ticket you bought on Jet Blue when your originally scheduled US flight cancelled. I'm sorry the agent at the club accidentally charged you $5,000 for one drink. I'm sorry the agent stole the pet fee you paid in cash, but we have no record of your payment. I'm sorry the baggage handler stole personal items out of your suitcase. Do you get the point that every department that has customer contact(front line or not) does alot to keep the customers coming back. I don't pretend to know how to do your job, so please don't pretend to know how to do mine. Should I post everytime a passenger buys a club membership, upgrades their status, or continues to fly US Airways because of the outstanding job I did to help them resolve anyone of these issues? Would that make you feel better, to know that we are all working to keep the customers coming back? I don't even work in Customer Relations or the front line, but this is what I do everyday. It is my goal to do my job everyday with pride. Pride in myself, pride in the job I did, and pride in my fellow co-workers. We are a team, and as a team it is us against Upper Management. I never point fingers and say the agents at the airport don't know what they're doing, or they don't deserve more money. Or what was the CSD agent thinking when they did this. No we are all a team. You are my fellow co-worker and I will treat you with respect even if I never meet you. I will never discuss our family dirt with a customer, they don't need to know about the dirty laundry going on behind the scenes. We need to stand together and fight our battles together, not point fingers and think that we are better than others. I will always think you deserve more money than you are currently making, and I think you deserve 10x the amount you received from profit sharing.
I have to enforce policy everyday, and yes it is a sucky part of the job. But you know what every job has a sucky part.

No, I don't have to step over drunks and avoid the peddlers in Munich but I do have to deal with looking at Kerr's smarmy face on a regular basis. Have you ever had to sit through the Carreon and Kerr hour? It's not entertaining. Have you ever had to experience the Halloween tradition, and pretend to care so that you're not labeled a trouble maker? And I have to sit through the PRO Tempe meetings, and the go team go and look what Dougie and crew did for us now. I have to see the battles between the directors ffrom the East and the Directors from the West battle it out and about how it was done in the old days. I say get over it the old days are gone, we need to work together and make management quit embarassing US. Just because we work in Tempe doesn't mean we are pro Tempe, we need a job to pay the bills just like everybody else. And just like everybody else we are seriously underpaid.
AND I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE STUPID BUDGET EITHER! Bottom line I think everyone but management deserves Profit Sharing. I don't think it should matter if its and old EAST or WEST thing. Just be nice and play well with others, it just might make your day more enjoyable and go by faster.

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